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Jaide Lynne Dec 2014
I hate to break it to you but heroes like Superman, and Batman, and Spiderman don’t actually exist.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t heroes in this world, they just aren’t in capes and spandex. They can’t fly or shoot lasers from their eyes. They can’t lift a car with one finger and they aren’t affected by kyptonite. These heroes are people you pass every day, you may speak to them, and you may not. But they are there.

The 18 year old kid who takes care of his brother when his parents leave and decide not to come back he is a hero.

The 9 year old boy who saved his friend by pulling him out of an icy lake, is a hero

The mother that decides to leave her husband and take her kid with her when he starts hitting them, she is a hero.

Those who stand up for what they believe in, are heroes

The little girl who used the Heimlich maneuver (which she saw on a disney channel show by the way, see disney can teach us useful skills) to save the life of her 1st grade classmate who was choking on an apple, is a hero

Every friend that will drive to your house at 3 am because  you are home alone and you are scared of what you might do if you are alone much longer. Every friend that tells you that everything will be alright, and that you may be ******* up, but that doesn’t mean that you will always be that way, friends that remind you things can and will get better. Are all heroes.

The woman who caught a baby that fell out a window is a hero.

The firefighter who risked everything to save a little girl or little boy is a hero.

The men and women in blue are heroes... Or they are when they aren’t shooting innocent people...

Or the man who broke his neck and had to give up the career he had done his whole life, but then turned what could have been a devastating change into an opportunity to follow his dream and is now happier than ever because he realizes that life is too short and can end too quickly to be unhappy, and now he is one of the strongest, funniest, most joyful person I’ve ever met. He is a hero.

Or the woman who went back to school after her divorce and now is happy and able to not only support her self but also her family.

These people are real life true heroes, not some made up ******* with super powers. Because you don’t need to be able to fly or see through walls to be a hero.
Yasmine Oct 2014
A villain
In all of us
An evil
In the best of us
A greed
That lurks within
A demon
That commits the sin
An anger
Thrown and hurled
A hatred
Against the world
A monster
Unleashed to fight
A darkness
That drowns out the light
But something, a flicker, a flame
Something, a spark, a name
A light
That outshines the dark
A warrior
Valiant in heart
A love
That we give away
A joy
When we save the day
An angel
Makes the better choice
A saviour  
When we use our voice
A winner
Is the best of us
A hero
In all of us
There's a hero in all of us. Sure we all make mistakes and wrong choices, but there's good in everyone, even if you don't see it in yourself. :)
Steve Raishbrook Aug 2014
100 Years to the day
We remember the hero’s
Who left behind a nation of widows
Their sacrifice such a price to pay

We sit behind our computers and judge
While the hero's dragged dead bodies through the sludge
The hero's faced the horror of the trenches
The hero's ghosts now reside on manorial benches

From the sky's on London to the battle of the Somme
The brave young hero's fought so very strong
We must not glorify war
But instead question what did the hero's die for?

War is still in the news
With so many more young lives still to loose
To this day war remains a constant threat
100 years on lest we forget

— The End —