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Lindsay Thomas Aug 2015
You make me ******* sick.
Every inch of my body
Itches to purge itself of you.
You're ****, you're ****,
You're worthless.
You're a player,
You're a Faker,
And I ******* hate you.
**** a ****.
The end.
NitaAnn Jan 2015
I have been playing the game of life
Been dealt a rough hand
Have learned to smile
Fake my way through situations
Learned to pretend I knew
Putting forth just enough
Some would say
You have made it far
Keep going
You can do it

However the end is near
I cannot keep up
The game has overcome me
Pretending won't work
I need real skills
Afraid it is too late

Game Over
Twinkle Jul 2014
"I am not a gifted faker like you"
I remember those words each time I see you

You said it so casually and forgot.
But never did it ever leave my heart!

To you it seemed like I could be 2 different persons
Inwardly I know how much courage it took me so.

Can I wear my heart on the sleeve for the world to see?
Is this what you want me to be, bare all for you?

Life is not been the same, since those days, I swear
I will not return to those memories of hurt again.

I fake it because, I need to make it through another day
You are here today, and somewhere else you'll be tomorrow

But I need to go on living and cannot stop for you.
You cannot take that away from me, my desire!

My dreams, my hopes, my ambitious are all I have
Paper boats and pipe dreams you may call it
But it is still my very own, my identity and a part of me

You on the other hand, outsider, stood by and smiled on
Never took the courage to dig deeper.
Shallow it may be for you
Afraid the road was steeper
A mess you never wanted to deal with
A part you never wanted to play.

Hence, I moved on, put a bright face and cheered on
Stronger you made me by your test
Till I could stand apart
from my feelings and look at it like the rest
I am fool to take you so seriously
You were having fun at my expense
Hence now, I can fake it and make believe
I can see it affects you now,
Why is it not the old me?

— The End —