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PaperclipPoems Jun 2015
Hello best friend
How are you doing today
I would tell you how I'm doing
But I know you know already.
I wake up with you, I walk with you
But yet you hide in the shadows
You feel sympathetic for me
When others find me shallow
After remaining strong all day
I come home and collapse in your darkness
My only true place of freedom to express my sadness.
You sit and listen as I recant my dreadful day
and even though you can't respond
I can feel you listening.
I can feel you try to comfort me
As we just sit there in silence
Your presence is always relieving
PaperclipPoems Jun 2015
I am never alone
You see, I have a friend
Who wakes me up
And never leaves my bed
Who talks to me
And knows my soul
If you were to look you would see no one
But I am surely not alone.
My friend is the kind you wouldn't like around
She's bothersome and weary
She likes to invade in my private space
She wants to be my one and only
She knows no boundaries
She knows not of what is right
She only knows what is wrong
And reminds me in flashbacks of my life
You know her as pain
An emotion with no face
But I tell you now, she has one
And she wears no shame.
Her hands as they touch me
Are cold and empty
Her eyes as she sees me
Are dark and heavy
She sleeps with me
Even though I beg her to leave
I yell and scream at her
And she still holds onto me..
So tight she squeezes
She holds back tears as she asks me about love
As if I would know...
I tell her all I feel is numb..

— The End —