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Mio Seanachaidh Feb 2017
Once I was innocent

A dreamer, I loved you
I stepped so blindly in karmic labyrinth created
I followed your breadcrumbs
Life was perfect and the world reborn
The Empire you've built was seemingly perfect by design is flawed and cracked - how could I be blind?
All this time I've played like a puppet
This empire is no more a pile of cards - card and fragile

It must fall!

Now I wake up to the fire, tripping through ashes and decay
What do you see when you look at me wither away?
Do have feelings for me anymore?
Love me (yet)?
Our love story was blossoming
If only it were true ...
You gave me an adventure I lost my voice (and freedom)

Our love was just an illusion
All this time we were *******

We were hollow shells without souls
Machines without programming
We were nothing
I am a ghost whenever I am with you

Now that you are gone, I am reborn
I disintegrate into nothing but ashes, may the wind carry me away

At least, I am finally free........

Amore รจ cieco
A cautionary tale of lust vs. love

Amore e cieco - Italian for love is blind
Anastasia Webb Sep 2014
I'll be eaten alive one day:
one day, i see it in my mind
so close to closure along an empty street
late at night
(owls just retired and birds
not yet up),
orbs of light tethered to tall electric poles
cast dappled circles on cracked pavement;
illumination and safety
(for that two metre radius).

Stepping between them
like a girl child on stones
across a garden,
I anticipate each missed step
as sinking into sand or frightful waves.

Singing drunk back-alley lullabies
i'll soothe the skelebabies in their sleep,
their poor crusted noses snuffled against
a cold shift of air
(their private torment plastered over billboards
with corporate logos and dim colours,
suggesting the city's lights have gone out and
the local government is in frantics.
That is, after all, what you'd focus on)

Girl child games were so tipsy and magic
(and so close to real coldness);
between two orbs of light i'll slip
through the cracks
in the pavement.


(eat me alive,
eat me alive,
eaten alive by the
wolf at the door)
Austin Heath Jun 2014
A friend of mine was attacked by
her homicidal cat.
cats are quite toxic.
They are also really evil,
in a naturally stupid way.
Maybe it's about time we
seriously considered them
Practically venomous.
This I guess is half poem,
and half cautionary tale.
Your furry friend is an *******.

— The End —