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TheRiverStyx Jul 2018
The oxygen has run out of the town.
All the dogs have left the pound.

And all I see is black.
The patients have been healed.
The dogs have been adopted.
And all I see is black.

I turned on the radio.
Black radiated from the speakers.

That's all I hear and see and I don't acknowledge it.

Say, why don't you hop on the expressway of the mind?
Just take the exit numbered infinity.

Your soul will be lifted again.
Nothing more is sacred at all.
There's nothing more do to than save face.
After acting for so long, you believe that something's real.

We know that morality is just a fantasy.
We know that displeasure and misery is still a sensation, so we pretend that morality exists.
We pretend, safe in the knowledge that we never wanted morality to be a fairytale.

Black won't recede,
It's ascended to a self-declared deity.
So we swim away from the evening tide.

Thank goodness that everything has a timer , so nothing is permanent.
This one's longer than prior stuff I have published, but I hope you have enjoyed.
While I sleep,
I pray that an Ascended Master comes to me.
Just to tell me that they're there,
I just need to open my eyes truly and I'll see.

While I sleep,
I pray that my friends and family alive or dead.
Are happy where they are,
While I am happy in bed.

Before I sleep,
I'll write a poem wishing a good tomorrow for the reader.
Tomorrow you'll no longer be in another's shadow.
Tomorrow, you'll be the leader!
Goodnight all. Have a good night and good day!!

— The End —