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We sat on shore rocks
Where massive waves break
I knew the chance I needed
to take
So I grabbed her hand,
and felt the warmth of my
throat rise
As she turned to me I looked deeply
into her eyes
and asked her to be with me
to watch waves until the
day we die
and with a tearful yes
I became the happiest
man  *alive
I'm so happy to become recently engaged :)
You can see the pain deep in her eyes
But she keeps on going
People are blinded by the fake smile she hides behind.

She helps others but doesn't help herself.
She hides behind a mask
Who could this woman be that fights her battles
But helps others

She's powerful.
But she's hurting deep inside
Maybe you should stop and look
See the pain that hides in her eyes
Look past her fake smile
She's hurting
And she has no one
What if life is just one perpetual heartbreak?
No, really
Half hearts fulfill no dreams
You came into my life,
Like a shooting star
Across the night sky
I never needed you,
but I wanted you
like a child wants a candy
like a man wants money
I wanted you for my selfish desires
The smile that lies is spread across my face
A big toothy grin from ear to ear
A childish laugh and snort
A light sparkling and dancing in my eyes.
but none of these are actually true.
The big smile wants frown all the time and pout
The childish laughs want to be sobs
The light in my eyes are just tears brim my eyes.
But I put on this face so no one can see the....
smile that lies
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