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F/Planet Krypton    “To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.” Emily Dickinson
My nickname is D.E.T. I enjoy writing. :) You are born to be you not to be someone else. You were born to love not …
Cinnamon Honey-Glacé
26/Trans/B'ham    workshopping a new project....
19/F/CA    Travel lightly, tread lightly, love lightly.
Keith Edward Baucum
Hello fellow poets and artist My name is Keith Edward Baucum. I look forward to reading your poems and art. Literary art is an art …
UnReality    Much Love and Beauty to anyone who looks
F    I love almost everything. While sorrow is inevitable, happiness is good :) Here to let out my emotions, that's all :)
Just Me R
Scotland    Just a few thoughts x
shaffu shafiq
india(Kashmir)    Simple living & high thinking.
Rochelle Thomas
21/F/Cape Town    No Pretence, just me.
Leigh Marie
Boston, MA    "We're almost there and nowhere near it. All that matters is we're going."
Camp Johnson Crossing NW    “Violins are for sissies” she said “I play violin” I answered “I like sissies” she replied
Fay Slimm
Cornwall U.K.    I have been in love with the mystery of words ever since I learned to read - keeping journals and writing stories and plays was …
California    feelings, just simply written down.
22/Gender Nonconforming/East Coast    east coast wannabe published poet
John Thomas Tharayil
Bangalore India    Poetry is my passion so I am here. My poems are available on Book Title "Poems I Love ❤ "
Sk Abdul Aziz
Life 2me is a strange journey;even before u begins and by d time u comprehend d purpose of your existenz,you're not always lucky 2 …
Lucrezia M N
37/F/Italy    I couldn't help but writing since the age of 14, still keeping on... for better or worse... ( Ps: I apologize my English is not …
Somewhere O'r the Rainbow    I write because I am compelled to. I read for the same reason; I am hungry and compelled to learn to quell that hunger. Writing …
its gonna make sense
26/Two-Spirit/Philippines    doesn't make any sense/ trying hard to be a poet/ in between- madness and sanity, reality and fantasy. /Twitter, IG & Wattpad : @IGMSOfficial/ Tiktok …
Michael Blonski
California    I'm a geologist living in California.
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