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 Mar 2017 Swasti Jain
I listen to that great darkness
watching for burning ships
their bows bearing women
and the black prows are coming
plowing the mist into water
as the wind lifts up the bowsprits
leaving a wake I want to be
left alone with night after night
like a sleeping knife that runs
deep through the belly
between the thighs of dreams.
 Mar 2017 Swasti Jain
My hands caress the back of her neck
-- her curves leave little to be desired.
There are six keys to her heart
and I know just how to turn each of them
the right way.
I stroke her gently,
causing her to cry out with pleasure.

Beauty incarnate,
she shines like a rising sun
-- the centerpiece of the party
-- always there for me,
with her flawless melody.
"Wink wink, nudge nudge -- Know what I mean? Say no more, say no more."
 Mar 2017 Swasti Jain
Joseph Mart
Walking down the street,
I stop and stare and weep,
There on the wall before me,
Was posed a curiosity,
An abyss with no end,
Or perhaps just an extension of nothingness,
All that was truly known is that it seemed bright as night,
As time slowly crept away I was noticed by a stranger,
He inquired why the snowman provoked me so,
All I could reply was "I simply do not know."
 Mar 2017 Swasti Jain
Curling up next to your shoulder
I feel safe, I feel secure

You ask me, if the moon is made of silver
 I say "sure"

You ask me, if I'll love you tomorrow
Sleepily I say "Yes!"

You ask me "If wherever I lead
Will you come, will you follow"
I say, " Yes, Yes, Yes!"

You ask me if, I'll love you the next day
and the next day

I say, "Yes, love" I say it  with a smile
And even the day after,
and so on, and so forth

You ask me, "Are those diamonds in the sky?"
I say, "Yes love" as I close my eyes

"Let's sleep now, let's have some rest"
Together we drift away into dreamland
With a sweet kiss, and my head on your chest
I hold you tight up against my body
I take you with me even to the party

I rub you back and forth
Up and down from south to north

I love the way you sing hard and soft
I just can't keep my hands off

I pull you close
From coast to coast

You are beautifully sound
I will never pass you around

Magnificently perfect
You have all of my respect

You are my best friend
Till the end
Written by: Denise Huddleston
 Feb 2017 Swasti Jain
Ben At93
I confess to everything,
To all the lies I've told,
Pain I've caused
And happiness I stole,

I confess to everything,
All the stolen nights,
Memories ruined,
And all the good byes,

I confess to all of it,
And wasted time,
I'll take all the blame,
If it'll once again make you mine,
H  ow is it possible to have so much hate
A  midst all of those that I’m ordered to love.
T  orn by the need to stay here and fight-
R  eeling from weakness I thought I’d outlived,
E  dging towards a fall I must stop, I’m
D  odging the arrows, to keep keeping on.

F  rightened that I’m not as young or as smart,
O  lder than I ought to be at my age, I’m
R  emembering when I wielded weapons of youth.

M  y  armies of wit were were invincible then,
Y  et now only shadows of warriors past.

E  nemies bumping the sore spots they caused me, with
N  ever a thought or respect for my toil, I
E  nvy their callous neglect of my pain and
M  emorize odes to the loathing I feel.
I   light bonfires of hatred and hope not to get burned
E  scaping through tunnels of madness and fear into
S  afer environs where I can breathe free.
I love acrostics and have written many of them.  This was written after a VERY bad day at work.  For James.
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