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 Mar 2015 Sakii
Sound Of Rain
Another year has passed by, and things are different,
but I've ended up at the same spot again.
Just like last year,
I'm wishing you on here.

Happy Birthday to you,
and I hope all of your wishes come true,
and that you stay happy forever.
P.S. I still miss you.
Happy Birthday. 18. Legal now. I hope you have fun. I miss you.
 Mar 2015 Sakii
Sound Of Rain
You try to be mysterious.
You keep secrets; afraid of what I'll say.
You think I'll care about unnecessary things,
but darling, it's been 3 years already.
When will you see that all I care about is you,
not your secrets?

 Mar 2015 Sakii
Sound Of Rain
 Mar 2015 Sakii
Sound Of Rain
First times had always been important to her.
The first time she learned how to ride a bike without the trainer wheels, the first time she got a great grade on her test.
Because these first times were special only when they happened for the first time.
Riding on the bicycle without the training wheels was no longer unusual, getting good grades wasn't new.
They just became regular habits. She never regretted having all of those first times; the only one she ever regretted was the first time you spoke to her; looking into her eyes.
Because now, even after all those years,
she still can't look away.

Jumbled thoughts
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