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They're suppose to be your superhero,
Your best friend whom you can speak with at any hour,
Your biggest advocate,
The woman who does all your laundry
Now, you may have made me smell like Gain and Lavender dryer sheets
but you made me feel like my own worst enemy
especially when you slipped out words of rotten dimension
glaring at me through the eyes of disappointment and shame

regardless of this monstrosity that you call a "parenting skill"

I have been forced to listen to you ***** and moan about how the only reason you haven't ******* killed yourself yet it because you are a
you say there is a light at the end of the tunnel

I say you are full of ****

when you preach about how your childhood was drab and terrible because your mother called you fat and a zero so I guess there really isn't a reason for me to be mad at all for you doing the same ******* thing to me as she did to you.

She ripped you of everything fair in the godforsaken  world so I'm guessing it's only fair to return the favor to your FAT 16 years old daughter who has grown into a perennial of self loathing and late night smoke breaks

you took family road trips and created day time guilt trips and late night auto collisions.

You remember don't you?
When you thought I'd keep my ******* mouth shut when you set off on a rant about my father, the man you loved for 22 years and through tears and clenched teeth we ate heavily illuminated sheet metal and with every heaving breath I took all I could swallow was your *******.

All I ever wanted was for you to be happy,
I tried so hard to put everyone first and to be a good ******* person

As a daughter, who has rarely felt anything less than your cold shoulder has wanted nothing more than your love and affection, all I had asked for was your nurturing attention and all I got was an angry mother yelling at me asking why I even came home last night through a door that you told me to close.

Swollen eyes told me that your words burn hotter than my Pall Malls as they both sit in the pit of my chest

My hunger pangs remind me that my mother doesn't think I'm beautiful in my size 13 jeans but would look much, much better in a size 8

I have always been so afraid to make you sad but now I realize that you won't ever be happy

you will never be content with me nor yourself

nothing I do will ever be good enough for your high set standards and all I was doing was looking into an empty pit of false hope that one day you'd be a good mother

and I sit, and I think about all the **** you put me through

and with each drag of my cigarette I grow to not give a **** what you think, but one day i hope you can find peace with at least yourself
because when you need someone to sympathize over your petty life


You call it selfish,

I call it returning the ******* favor.
Are we really thinking of bombs again?
Can it ever be justified to take a life?
The cycle of blame seems so never-ending
Who will state ‘Enough of this violence!’

How can we let our children grow up thinking
That killing is a defensible act?
Do we really believe we are curing the malady?
Are we really thinking of bombs again?
Written 1st December 2015
Leopard ladies will soon often prance upon men whose hearts are held together by single straws, by which a fragile connection has been made. Their skintight vestments hug them more tightly than any lover would ever dare attempt. Such intimate efforts are not beyond them but have been made afraid of by wicked arm’s length faces, dotted by the scorn of wild races soon to be held in trance-ridden spaces.
 Dec 2015 stéphane noir
Life's missing
End briefing
Mission abort

It hurt
Hot dam
Like the stove has been left on
eternally in this land

Strife winning
Bended humans
Mocking emotion

As I sip on my potion
tryna rub the bottle to see a genie
grant me my wishes

But this red vision
In my mind
It aches it ache
How it ache my spine

The wishes granted
I am plastered
Higher then a master
Broke and filled with lethal cancer

I can live
I can live

I still have one wish

But why oh why do I feel like the Devils *****

On some whimsical addition
to an inevitable encryption
seen by the demons and the Holy messengers,
if I dare unfold the scroll
unchained the Demon who murders brothers just like Cain
... Cain.. Cane the cane
was up her nose when she lost all her values.
A deranged wish but I hope
it takes part to let the apocalypse start as our souls depart.

The eldest of us all
He would pick me up after work
And sing to me I was his baby sister

You are my sunshine my only sunshine

I loved him so big and solid so good
I used to hug his neck as he lifted me
Like a feather in his arms
I love you Joe
I love you Sweetie

You make me happy when skies are grey

There was a war in far off  land
I do not understand wars
I just wanted my Joe

You never know dear how much I love you

He went away in a soldiers uniform
I waited at the gate for him every day
Come back Joe I miss you

Please don’t take my sunshine away

Two soldiers came today and talked to mom
She wept and held her head in her hands
At night in my sleep I see you Joe
You lift me up in your strong arms
So safe so loving so sweet
In the distance from a long way away
I hear your voice again Joe

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
when skies are grey

I feel safe again Joe
I know your alright.
Anti War through eyes of a little girl.
 Dec 2015 stéphane noir
12:16 PM.
 Dec 2015 stéphane noir
At the end of the day, you're the only one sleeping.

My eyes watery, your eyes closed;

My brain racing and yours doesn't know.
A fraction of forever.
Hello, my darkness,
I found you at last.
I stifled the blinding lights,
And delight in your soft kiss,
Your velvet cloak pooling in the corners,
And the soft silk touch of the moon
Glowing silver behind your eyelids,
And your fathomless depths
Bleed like ink, and I breathe you In like smoke,
out like water from the abyss.
You surround me with your touch,
you fill me, even as we cut delicate missteps
In the sweet, swaying, firey silence
For I am as mystified with your cool secrets,
As you lay entranced with my light.
Lost in the 60s tonight.


Jude Kyrie

*The remnants of the smoke rings
from a thousand cigarettes.
Fill my mind with memories
that my heart just cant forget.

I know that life’s a journey.
Its the only one we get.
But when I dance among
old memories
its always you Annette.

I fell in love the instant
of the first time that we met.
We were both married to another
but it was always you Annette.

We could have spent a life together
but that's a chance we did not get.
I had a life of stolen moments
with you my sweet Annette.

I look up from the table
once more our eyes have met
as sweet as forever
it's you there sweet Annette.

My heart is full of shadows
and I am aching with regret.
You say Harry are you crying?
your eyes are red and wet.

I smile and whisper softly.
I’m alright my sweet Annette.
It's just the smoke that's rising
from my forgotten cigarette.
regrets love life
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