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 Mar 2015 euphoria
Shae Jean
I don't know you,
No, we've never met.
But I've seen the carnage,
In the beautiful heart you wrecked.

I do know this,
We all make promises we can't keep,
But why'd you have to break the ones,
That prevent him from trusting me.
 Mar 2015 euphoria
Shae Jean
Last night, when you turned to look out the window behind you,
And our foreheads touched,
And we stayed there,
I stopped breathing.
I willed my heart to stop beating,
I was scared that any sudden motion,
Might cause you to move away.
I forced my hands to stay by my side,
Though they wanted to touch your face.
For a second, silent emotions became louder than passing cars,
And then slowly, I pulled my head away,
I was afraid, that it wasn't meant to happen,
That maybe it was a coincidence,
That you couldn't feel the electricity coursing through the air.
Our foreheads touched a couple of times that night.
But it was a coincidence, it had to be.
Then you bent forward, with your head in your hands.
And I swore I heard you say, I'm going to break your heart,
But my mind was fuzzy, was it in my head?
I leaned down, and listened.
"I am a feign."
I do not think you are I feign, I said.
The you are a fool, you replied.
How badly I wanted wrap my arms around you,
And tell you that you could break my heart,
And it wouldn't hurt nearly as badly as giving up the chance to be loved,
That having my heart crushed by you would be an honor worth any consequence,
But I didn't.
I just said,
"I am no fool."
 Mar 2015 euphoria
Shae Jean
You run your fingers along the strings,
To produce a sound that's like magic to me.
Those are the moments I like you best.
I watch as you're swept away by your music,
I watch the melody flows from your very soul,
Your eyes focus in and out,
And I know you're in another world.
I'm captivated by every strum, every chord,
Falling in love with your pure passion.
 Mar 2015 euphoria
 Mar 2015 euphoria
since you've been gone
i've written a few poems 
& not a single one 
actually says what i want
because i want to say
i miss you
& i want to say
i need you
& i want to say
come back to me 
& you left the door wide open
i thought it was a sign 
i thought it was some poetic way
of saying you'd walk back in
but now i realize 
you just didn't care enough to shut it
& now i feel a draft
a small cold wind 
"get up & change some things
she left you for a reason"

& now i come to find 
that there were never enough ampersands
to keep you & i together

 Feb 2015 euphoria
Adam Kobosky
I hate that feeling.
           that feeling when you're sad,
But you have no idea why.
           You feel so **** void,
but nothing has happened.
           They ask you what is wrong,
but you can not explain.
           Or they did not ask anything,
I do not know what is worse.
           It just feels like I miss someone,
someone I never met.
           I need someone who does not need me.
Loneliness hovers over me,
           takes control of me.
I do not even care.
           I extricate itself from the goals.
Sadness for now is my best and only friend.
           I begin to hate myself and
I want everyone to leave me alone.
          At the same time,
I want someone to hug me and
          told me that everything will be okay.

**I just hate that feeling.
That feeling,
when you do not even know what the hell you feel.
It's a feeling that only the heart and soul can feel.
Not your brain, because your pain will tell you are
okay when really your heart is altered by the world.
Someone please hold me, I really need it.
 Feb 2015 euphoria
Adam Kobosky
Letting Go
What happen with us?
You told me we would be together,
but apparently we aren't.
Did I lie or was it something I said?
No, because you ignore me now!
That night me and you met,
was the greatest of my life yet.
But look at today,
you don't talk to me,
or even acknowledge me.
Its like you want to let go,
even though I don't.
I see your shadow everyday,
and as I see yours.
While all this happens,
I wonder if I could ever let go.

Giving In
(featuring Leslie Foster)**
You look at me like I ruined you,
like I ruined us.
I wish  I know how to tell you,
how to tell you how I care.
I can't bare looking at you,
because the pain shakes my very soul.
I love you.
But my love will never fulfill you,
I don't know how to stop feeling so empty.
I’m giving in to my demons,
and I'm dragging you down to hell with me.
I’m sorry,
You don’t deserve this.
I just need help.
Please tell me how to stop giving in.
We all let go, but sometimes it is difficult to give in.
Be careful and stay alive everyone.
Leslie's hellopoetry is HabitsofMyHeart !
Go follow her! <3
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