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 Jan 2015 euphoria
Johnnie Rae
 Jan 2015 euphoria
Johnnie Rae
My head spins at the thought of your embrace.
like a flame to the drapes I erupted,
and burnt down the house that held me up.

I need you.

I need all of you in the most terrifying ways,
you're like a drug I've never experienced,
daunting, and wicked.

I crave you.

Like the plains crave the wind,
or a painter craves pastels,
you're like a potion.

You keep the bad away.

You keep me at the highest peak of insane,
lost in the greatest way,
like dancing with the absence of rain.
I’m so tired of the *******. Of the “I’ll miss you’s” and the “I’ll never forget about you’s” because the truth is you won’t miss me and you’ll forget about me without even trying. You’ll say what I want to hear, you’ll get what you want, and you’ll leave. You’ll let me attach myself to you and then you’ll push me away. You’ll wonder why I’m being so crazy, why I care so much, when the truth is you knew exactly what you were doing. And you’ll **** her without thinking of me while I hold his hand and think of you. You’ll hear my name and smirk while I hear yours and am forced to catch my heart before it hits the floor. But no, no, don't worry about me! Go on and tell some other girl that she’s the most beautiful thing you’ve had the privilege to touch. Maybe, just maybe, one day you'll actually mean it.
 Dec 2014 euphoria
 Dec 2014 euphoria
Every girl loves you
They are hotter than me smarter funner
Every popular girl likes you
Girls with blond golden hair that sparkles in the sunlight
They always wear the latest fashion of clothing
They have the voice of an angel sweet like honey
The money that every boy would want
Instead you chose  me over all of them but why
Im too skinny and not popular
I do not have long blond golden hair that sparkles in the sunlight
I dont wear the latest fashion of clothing
I dont have the voice of an angel that is sweet like honey
I dont have much money just enough to buy a piece of gum
But still you turn  them down and came to me
Are you playing a joke on me or do you  really love me
Who would turn down the greatest opportunity in the world to own millions
Why did you choose me why
It wasn't until I caught myself writing poetry about you that I realized it.
You are intoxicating.
You make every hair on the back of my neck stand up.
The thought of you alone gives me goose bumps.

I want to feel you on my lips.
On my neck.
On my thighs.
Every bone in my body aches for your touch.

Maybe it's a warning.
The alarm sounding.
No longer out of order from the last storm.
Trying to tell me that if I let you into every part of me,
Nothing will be left of me when you leave.

Everyone leaves.
They imprint their perfect fingers on every inch of me.
They trace my body with their touch,
And they let their scent give me a high.
Then they walk out that door and never come back.

I don't ever want you to leave.
I need you to hold me together when all I want to do is fall apart.
Keep me afloat when all I want to do is drown.
Kiss me when all I want is to feel alive.
Keep my hands tight around the promises you make when I think there's nothing left to hold on to.
I wrote this that first week. The week I wasn't aloud to see you and the week you never left my head.
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