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  Jan 2015 stargirl
Ember Evanescent
Don’t text me when you’re drunk
Don’t even say my name when you’re high
Don’t think about me when you’re with her
Don’t reduce my worth to that

I haven't heard from you in a while
I haven't pulled out your picture and looked at it in ages
I haven't written poetry about you in a long time
I haven't been missing you

You used to be more interested in books than Ecstasy
You used to swear for no reason less
You used to be kinder
You used to be what you aren't anymore

I secretly hope you've looked at my picture once or twice
I secretly hope you'll text me again one day
I secretly hope you miss me just a little bit
I secretly hope that if you ever decide to "miss me" again I have the strength and courage to say "That's nice."

not "I miss you too"
I need a distraction, but I need that distraction to be something new, and something alive, and preferably something with a cellphone and no girlfriend.
I feel like that's the only way to forget him.
stargirl Jan 2015
Everyone is so sick and tired
of being sick and tired.

I'm sick of writing poems
for the same person,
and I long for the day,
where I completely stop feeling
the constant necessity
to reach out to them.

I'm tired of not being able
to say the word "love"
and I wish every night,
that I will eventually have the courage
to scream it from the summit
of every building
in the whole world.

Oh, we complain,
and we ache,
but in the end,
nothing's changing,
and we're the same
useless beings
we were before.

You're sick tired
of being sick and tired,
but when will you actually
do something about it?
wrote this months ago but whatever I guess
stargirl Jan 2015
your love for me
has been diminishing.

and lately, your thoughts
seem to go unwritten.

you were once
the ponds in the Yosemite Park,
the kind so clear,
you could see straight through,
but now you're more like
the Atlantic Ocean,
deep, and dark,
with unimaginable creatures

I'd never liked comparing you
to the negatives,
but that's all you seem to
agree with.
this is sloppy & poorly written but !!
  Dec 2014 stargirl
heather leather
if you saw him on the street
you wouldn't glance twice
because he does not look extraordinary
and he does not make your heart
skip a beat

when you listen to the wonderful, tinkling sound
of his laughter
and his inexcusable, almost inappropriately funny remarks
and when you happen to be lucky enough
to catch him smiling when no one is watching; he makes
your head spin

he is not the most beautiful to the rest of the world
and his eyes do not compare to the brightest of stars, his
hair is not an ocean-type mess and his freckles are not like grains of sand

instead his eyes are like like warm hot chocolate when
you are barely awake and are trying to get through the day, his hair is the
disaster that you can't help but be captivated by and his freckles are like carefully placed light orange dots that seem to connect in a way

I do not see him on the street anymore--
and that is the reason that I no longer
drink hot chocolate and why I hate the color orange
because god, he was not the most beautiful boy in the world
and he wouldn't make a stranger's heart beat twice
but he made mine
and in the end,
that was all that really mattered
"i'll be your augustus if you'll be my hazel grace"

thinking out loud by ed sheeran

this poem is bad. very bad. i apologize if you have now been traumatized by my terrible writing.
stargirl Dec 2014
We all dare to burn brighter
than the sun,
when the sick reality is,
we're dimmer than
the flickering street lights
you had your first kiss under.
This is so bad I forgot how to write so i havent for a while :/
stargirl Nov 2014
the feelings i have for you
are never ending.

i attempt time
after time
to put a definite stop to them,
but time after time,
they find a way out,
and my body is electrified,
yet again.

i could compare it
to being struck with
a million bolts
of lightning,
or being pricked
by a thousand
rose thorns,
but truthfully,
nothing compares
to you.

nothing compares
to the way you make me feel,
and nothing compares
to the sadness i feel
on the lonely nights
when im thinking of you,
and it's not requited.
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