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electra Sep 2016
I once fell in love with a man that went to the moon,
he told me that he'd love me forever.
He took me to see the stars
And all the planets,
He promised me he'd give it all to me if I married him.
I married the man that went to the moon
And that took me to see the universe.
I gave him a child
Who we named Leo
And he too grew up and went to the moon like his father.
I grew old with the man that went to the moon
Where our hair looked like the stars
And our eyes beamed like the rings on saturn
But just like that,
The man that went to the moon died,
I was left alone,
With no one who to gaze at the stars with
Or travel to outer space with,
Or sing to the sky with.
My man that went to the moon was gone,
Now he's somewhere in outer space,
Shinning in the night sky.
  Sep 2016 electra
Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
electra Sep 2016
Yellow dandelions and pink bubble gum stuck to my hair
Oh, how life used to be so fair.
I went out to the front yard of my simple little home,
I ran free and in my little head and I went to places I roamed.
And the one place that never failed me,
Was my dad’s bright red truck that took me places to see
Parks, beaches, my favorite stores
I really couldn’t ask for more.
Not only did I find comfort in long car rides
But I found comfort in my bed where I slept peacefully and where I could hide
From the scariest monster to ever exist, the cucuy, who lurked in the shadows
Where you can feel his evil presence hiding in the low.
And just maybe he figured out how to control my life
Who seemed to split my family up like a sharp knife
With my lonely mother, who’s so fragile, crying, in bed over a man
Who left her for another woman
He barely knew and left his wife of ten years
Who shredded so many tears
And her four year old daughter watched her mother cry and didn’t understand such a thing
Cause love never made any sense to me, it all seemed like broken strings.
But the little girl who roamed the world in her front yard
Continued to be happy and I wish I could turn back time cause nothing back then was hard.
Life was just an abundance of sunshine with a touch of rain.
electra Apr 2016
Art is not defined by a brush,
Or the type of lipstick you wear,
Nor the picture through your lens.

Art is the beauty within you,
The beauty of the world you carry through your eyes
And the happiness you bring to this world.


    Is meant             to be

— The End —