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May 2019 · 466
Maybe I'll stop
Solitary Sac May 2019
I’m not alive.

I’m not sure what to do yet.

I’m not sure what I’m in.

I.. don’t know.

What to do the next.

What I am suppose to do.

Is there something that I’m suppose to do?


I hate that I don’t.

I hate that I.

This frustration.

This.. thing. 

This confusion.

Whatever it is.


I’m so motivated.


I don’t know.

I am so unsure what to do yet.

I am not dead.
Sep 2018 · 274
Too complicated
Solitary Sac Sep 2018
I Do(n't) know how much love you felt,
to hate me so much.
Am I really the protagonist of my world?
Dec 2017 · 399
Solitary Sac Dec 2017
She was a lover of brokenness.
She liked antiques,
collecting little fragments of things.
She hated breaking them,
Therefore she finds brokenness,
fixes it up a little,
takes a few pieces and leaves.
She's already taken a bit of me,
and unless I shatter again,
She'll leave forever.
I let her leave!
Dec 2017 · 406
I'd wish for...(9w)
Solitary Sac Dec 2017
If I had one wish,

You would stay forever!
If only I had one wish, that could come true

If I really had one wish, to rewrite our story
Only one wish, to hold on to you for ever.
Dec 2017 · 606
Dear older me
Solitary Sac Dec 2017
No. You’re doing it all wrong. This is not how it’s done.

Why would you even… forget it, I’ll just have to show you.

Listen. When you look up into the sky, those aren’t clouds that you see. Who told you that? See that one, the one that’s a little puffy in the center and has a long end. Yes. That’s a whale. And the one next to it that looks like there’s a hole in the middle, that one is a doorway. That’s where lost things are sent to.

And no, those aren’t just shades. They are spy glasses. So when you wear them at night and look out the window, you get night vision. Go. Take a peek over into the neighbor’s yard. I’m sure I saw a gnome there just last night.

Now, what have I told you about our bed sheet? You need to stack some pillows underneath and get a torch. It’s our tent. And don’t peek outside. I think I just heard a bear scrunching around out there.

Oh and you must, I repeat you must get onto a higher surface when someone screams ‘the floor is lava’. I’m not kidding, lava is red hot, and it will burn you. Jump onto the very next thing you find that’s higher. I really don’t want to get burnt.

Also, I saw what you did last night. You didn’t wish on that shooting star. And I know you think you’re too old for this, and that wishing on a meteor, as you like to call it, is absurd, but I would like to remind you, mister, wishes do come true.

So don’t let the magic inside you die.
Wish on that star and let your imagination run wild.
You will only get to be this old, once in your life.
With Love, From the younger me, of the past.
Dec 2017 · 1.0k
Solitary Sac Dec 2017
Take me back
To the time
When toys were made
Out of plastic

Not people.
I have been played with..I am being played with.. Is there any escape?
Solitary Sac May 2017
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”
            Quoth the Raven “pet me *****."
Aug 2016 · 424
Solitary Sac Aug 2016
Babies are ugly, smelly and noisy.
When they grow up, if male, stay smelly.
if female, stay noisy.
Ugly varies.
Just my opinion (no offence (only pun)intended)
Aug 2016 · 1.9k
It was my turn for revenge
Solitary Sac Aug 2016
Last chapati left.
"I am not hungry."
She lied.
30 years later.
"Don't spend all money on my meds."
"Maa, i have enough in my savings."
I lied.
It was my turn for revenge.
Jun 2016 · 546
Solitary Sac Jun 2016
Your first love burns hot and bright, like a fire made from paper, and when over, only ashes remain.
Your true love is like a well built woodfire. Slow burning, lasts for ages, and even when you sweep the ashes of initial passion, you are left with steady burning coals.
Coals aren't bright, but stay alight the longest and are much steadier. So hang in there, chum.
For everyone going through this :)
Jun 2016 · 352
What is death?
Solitary Sac Jun 2016
Storm of cries
Lamented in grief
Dry twigs scattered
Amidst yellow leaves
The corpse lay lifeless
Her eyelids closed
Her senses out
And hearings’ dozed
But the soul inside
The lifeless dead
Still toiling around
Beside the corpse’s bed
trying to re-enter
Back within
But fails indeed
Efforts in vain
Death is supreme
I can only smile at the thought…At times you just dont want to let go of some people.yet life is transient and death has a scary finality to it.
As Thomas Gray says,”The paths of glory lead but to the grave!”
Jun 2015 · 552
Here at the crossroads
Solitary Sac Jun 2015
A good three years down the lane
The same place, the same day
But gripped with uncertainties..

Dusky clouds linger above
That familiar touch no more..

The joy, the zeal,
the scrumptious squeal
Lost somewhere in the darkness
That envelopes this place
The crossroads once so clear
Now lie in oblivion-blurred
Obscure, reflecting the grey of the sky
And here I am at the crossroad again,  
A hope a desire
A last wish-against all that pain.
Jan 2013 · 484
… Why exactly?
Solitary Sac Jan 2013
Don't judge me the way you do
Coz I never gave you the right to
I don't exist on my own
Its for all of you, I have grown
The way I am

Treat me with love and care
And you do deserve the biggest share
Try to hurt me, *Oh don't you dare!

You're in for your worst nightmare
I didn't pop out a ready made sample
Friends foe n all are responsible
For the way I am*

None of my efforts are mine alone
Its a response to the treatment you've shown
I'm a reflection of YOUR thoughts and action
Just a mere mirror with my own perfection
That's the way I am
why does this make me feel this way?
Dec 2012 · 780
If it is to live :'(
Solitary Sac Dec 2012
Why is it so lonely without you?
Why after trying million times
To be normal, i find it so cold
So lost n blank, without any clue?
Where is that love gone?
The innocent stares, like twirls of air
Which got me so out of place
Where's that warmth of the dawn?
Why do we fight irrelevantly?
Why can’t it be like before
Just the both of us, without the world
To interfere n treat us unjustly?
Is it wrong to love? to find happiness?
Coz if it is then i admit, I'm guilty
But can’t the punishment be reconsidered
And made a little less?
Why do we suffer this gap?
We don’t need this anyway
Why can’t we start afresh, kick the society
Live forever happily in nature's lap?....
Answer me.......i need you :'( ...n need u just d way u r.......forever..till infinity and beyond
i dnt hav the courage to  bear it anymore.
Dec 2012 · 477
Solitary Sac Dec 2012
All numbers are imaginary numbers.
Its just that square roots of
NEGATIVE numbers
Are more imaginary than the rest.
Dec 2012 · 471
Why (10w)
Solitary Sac Dec 2012
Life has become just a play on
Then an injury.
Solitary Sac Dec 2012
My song is a cry of your heart
That is where I love you,
My Heart Your Blog
Just come and take a look ...

I am not a secret dream, am I?
I'm a painful voice
Do not have time to get drunk

Killer supposed to call you, know of - a - call dedication
I was taken by surprise, and I tell you what?
'The world is yours', whether to take his life
If I say if you do not play the game
From the mischief of yours, whose death will not come
Just out of sight ...

You look so innocent
You say cruel
"He is a liar"
The innocence of yours, the mischief and wantonness
Do you need a knife with a blade of arrows
Take a look around you will see that he himself dies
Just out of sight ...

Why do we pay to the somewhat worse
You teaser
And also
Add to angry, confused the eyes
Winds up anger, which collided with care
Least any, to take your heart
Just out of sight ...

Thousands enemies of life here
Just look to meet identified
As there are many killer
Just come and take a look ...
made this up in my sleep last i dont know what i wrote..sry for errors ^_^
Dec 2012 · 740
Am I supposed to Die?
Solitary Sac Dec 2012
A wave crashed on me this morning...
And without thinking i allowed
It to take me with it, for reasons i got
None to protest, surrendering myself, getting drowned
Nevertheless it was a phase, a time i regret
Rationality didn't find place beyond the tears
Clouding in my eyes, forcing me to accept
That what couldn't be, all that my heart fears
Drowning, deep down, world whirled past
Eyes blurred, hands going numb
Darkness surrounded me, great shadows it did cast
No i didn't see the sun peeking from behind
Shut myself up in the world i was
Who knew nature would be that kind
Offering a hand to pull me back
A picture of what i did then came to me
A form of nightmare, that took my wits
I know was the stupidest thing to do
And with open eyes i did see
The bitter truth of life...Its not I
Who decides what i am to be....
So all that i got, is a meek sorry :/ :(
Nov 2012 · 640
She Loves Me
Solitary Sac Nov 2012
Does it need telling?
Haven't I been able to express it well?
I know not whats creeping there,
In those crevices of your mind
I never lied to you I swear
Yeah I need you and really care.
Heart sinks deep in when you think I've been cheating on you
Striving to make you understand,
Yeah, you mean the world to me
Words don't find a way, throat choked, eyes watery
Miss those peaceful walks, the cold ice-creams
The laughs together, and crazy dreams
A life without you would just flutter by
Existence not defined, long lost somewhere
Searching for that one hand i could hold on to
That smile which got everything I could lose
The face day and night I desire to see
The soul that just completes me...

— The End —