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A friend of old, once was so bold
as to me suggest, and i hereby quote
Women are like dogs, and our attention the bone
When the dog is still a ways, and looking for a taste
then whip the bone out, and attract her gaze

As sure as the sun will rise in the east
she will trot over, and be eager to please
Now comes the time to make her beg
Hide the bone, he said, and begin the tease

She will not budge, and give you a nudge
She will beg and plead, and whine and such
Just when it seems, that she has lost interest
whip the bone out again, and cause further unrest

This will make sure, that she stays allured
Hoping that she gets the bone after this test
Put this cycle on repeat, keep her in heat
You have my word, you have a cage and a bird

It disgusts me to know how men stoop so low
It gives me pain, to say I listened with care
But when I thought it over, cold and sober
I knew I would die alone, before I played Dog n Bone

Love is no game, and power not its aim
True love takes no prisoners, nor can it ever maim
It knows only to give, and give till there's no more
I am sorry this poem had to be like this, but I hope you appreciate the necessity to write it so.
One day, when I am a father
of at least a kid, or a couple rather
I would solemnly gather my little cubs
look 'em in the eye and so implore
O sweet ones, O young ones
dare to dream of lands unexplored
Be ever spellbound by the magic of books
pass on that knowlege to every corner and nook
Care not for other men's words
unless they speak the language of love
Pay no heed to the mongers of hate
let swift be your justice, but slow to judge
Be not swayed by men's divisive ways
let laughter and joy be your friend and such
Spread your wings and bellow a mighty roar
so the wicked may know that you can fly
That your mind brooks no dread or fear
far from the reach of their fingers sly
Above the highest clouds, above lakes clear
in the deepest troughs, and darkest caves
within your mind let rise a little haven
where wisdom for morrow you can save
Be so brave as to inspire the craven
be so kind as to give solace to the poor
Dream of stars and dappled nights
dream of plains and windswept moor
let the wise be your spiritual guides
let a kindred soul be your love, your life
love them so much that they feel truly alive
and when you both have your own child,
fill his eyes with dreams, and a love for life
Parenthood is just as magical as it is difficult.
As you lie, in a peaceful slumber,
blissfully unaware of my settled gaze
snaking over your eyes, your face
I slip in close to touch your lip
as you let out a soft sigh, I smile
and gather you close to rest your head
in the cradle of my arms

I wonder oft if love turns a man
able to feel what a woman does
when she holds her baby in her hands
as it wriggles its fingers and toes

what makes all pain, and turmoil in love
worth it at all
is the simple beauty of moments like this
that can make even Goliath fall
A sigh is the most beautiful of human sounds.
What is more beautiful, than falling in love
as each moment passes by, grazing my mind
Of your graceful splendor, I cannot get enough
day by day, I move closer to your side

Your journey till now, was entirely yours
Pockmarked, scarred, deserted all at once
Now I ask to stand in your shoes
and be your silent shadow in life's dance

Be that as it may, I cannot undo what you have seen
The pain you have felt, the terror in your dreams
So here I stand with open arms, my love
Let me in, let me close your open seams

Let me hold you, till you don't shake anymore
Let me caress you, till your breathing slows
Drift into sleep and dance with me there
For in our dreams, betwixt you and me, there isn't even air.
Each of us has our own journey, and our own dreams, but those who love us want to share it with us, no matter the cost to them.
I am where I wanna be, safe and sound
within the circle of your arms, at peace
I feel sated and calm all around
I am home, completely

If I could stay forever, I would
like an old tree in a dark glen
with your voice like the whispers of the leaves
that soothe my troubled soul no end

Our souls greet each other with glee
joyous to find such company
In a world filled with endless hate
though of happiness a mate is no guarantee
love is quite a force to reckon with
and in your arms, in your words, I feel loved
I am here, where I wanna be.
What can I say about the power of love?
As pure as a dew drop on a rose petal
though colored like a bird of paradise
as soft as the *** of a newborn
but tough as nails of another mettle
such is the charm of my new friend

As light as a fleet footed furry fox
but boy! She fights like an enraged ox
As cute as a hovering hummingbird
though wizened like wrinkled old grandpops
such a pretty picture is my new friend

As disarming as a tub full of puppy pugs
though she swears more than a grimy ****
As lovely as a lily in full bloom
Yet scarred by the world's inner gloom
Such a darling is my new friend

With her eyes riveted to the stars
armed with love, and a smile
she fights a million wars
for the minds of the world's rank and file
to set them free, let them see
the light in her eyes, what makes her come alive.
Such a treasure is my friend
I dream of endless skies of blue

blotted with clouds

that lightly flew

I dream of rippling waves of seas

streaked with sunlight

stalking the breeze

but most of all

I've dreamed of you

Your curvy lips spread in a smile

your fingertips touching mine

A lock of your hair, black as sin

across your face, grazing your chin

I've dreamed of you, whispering softly

singing me a song, dancing not so properly

I run to you, to hold u close

before you vanish, utterly to my woes

Haunting my dreams, just to make me suffer

when I jolt awake, in pain i utter

cries of despair, not finding u there

Dreams of joy, dreams of wonder

everyone dreams, they love going under

one would think, i am loathe to dream

on cold nights, waking to a scream

but most of all,

I've dreamed of you...
Why do we dream?
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