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  Oct 2015 Yashri
Sumina Thapaliya
You cant save my life
I am drawn
drawn in my own pain

You cant make me happy
I am covered
Covered with my own grief

You cant read me
I am written in the paper
damped by my own tears
  Oct 2015 Yashri
Indrani Chatterjee
The man in apartment seven
misspells his own last name
he eats onion bread with olive oil
and he doesn't mind the rain

The man in apartment seven
hears music constantly
he hums during conversations
and sings when his time is free

The man in apartment seven
is the truest man I know
his brown eyes tell a story
that few would ever show

The man in apartment seven
and I live with the same curse
where mania and sadness
both act as our traverse

But he has found a way, somehow
to love life, not just cope
his smile and understanding
daily, give me hope

When we walk home together
I wish we lived miles away
because there's no one else
who can make me feel this way

The man in apartment seven
is not just the boy next door
without a doubt, he is the one
I would do anything for.
Yashri Oct 2015
Dragging your feet,
Cursing at life,
Sighing continuously,
Dreading goodbyes.

Sulk and frown,
Cry and drown.
Concealing and hiding,
To never be found

Skies seem grey
Oceans seem rough
Life seems hard
Breathing seems tough

Snap out of it
This is no way
To go
Be proud of it
Be proud of the life you have yet to explore

See things with light
Look out for the silver lining
Right over there!
Can you see it?
It's glowing
It's brightly lit
It seems concealed and not out there
But like the moon
while the sun is shining,
It is present
It will go nowhere

View things through rose tinted glass

Now lets start again
From start to end

Stars twinkling
Flowers blooming
Spirits lifting
Sun is shining

Cooling breeze
Fresh and Free
Stunning seas
Life can be easy

Look hard
Look at it
If you can see the light
You're doing life right

Look at life like it's spring
not bitter cold November
Giggle and sing!
Positivity is the key
To being alive
To being happy.

A little refreshing uplifter to keep reminding myself that life is not so bad. It's how you look at it.

Positivity is the key
To being

Smile Guys.
Yashri Oct 2015
Why won’t he stay?
Walk, talk, hold each other and be glad
Why do you pass,
Why can’t you stay this way?
Be a replay
Of the best moments we’ve ever had

Why can’t you redeem yourself?
It just isn’t fair
You shoot away when I’m smiling
And crawl when I’m in despair

Why can’t you be controlled?
Why aren’t you bound by law?
Bound in chains
and kept on hold
You’re nothing but a system of flaws.

You, a beautiful flashback
Glimpses of bliss like a moonlit kiss
You slam me back
To a cold, harsh reality
Which bites, stings
And drives me to insanity

As if i deserve this,
As if you’re that cruel

***** ,back off,
You’re great and all,
But I’m sure you hate this job,

*****, just go,
Just leave me in peace
Just leave me alone

This poem is just a huge metaphorical representation of Time. This is just me expressing my frustrations and hatred towards time. I'm so insanely mad that I've started nagging and scolding Time. I'm ****** that it cannot allow my fantasies and that it cannot consist of only the sweet memories. I'm furious that it cannot be controlled and passes only when I'm having fun.

— The End —