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 Mar 2015 Anonymous
When I gape into your eyes, I see no reflection
When I decipher your face, I see no expression
When I examine your body, I see no possession
When I stare into your lips, I see no confession

*When I look in front of a mirror, I see great depression
The title is a wordplay about Wasted Efforts.
It was a lonely kind of smile

that painted my face

the moment you smiled at me

I hid my melancholy


It was a lonely kind of smile

one without a trace

of any kind of glee

as you gaze at me


It was a lonely kind of smile

before I looked away

Not minding your looks

So again I won’t be fooled


It was a lonely kind of smile

and I start to think

Though I’ll never resist you

I’ll try my best to……
 Mar 2015 Anonymous
Anna Richards
The sun was shinning so bright
bouncing off the green of the leaves all around me
All i could see was the blue of your eyes
All i could hear was you breathe

Emotions swirled around us, like a mini hurricane
The world going on around us was so far away
we ignored the storm clouds gathering at the sky line
For just that moment it was just you and I

That smile took my breath away every time I saw it
Your touch gave me butterflies dancing in a circle in my belly
We were so young, so passionate, so innocent our love
we were crazy about the sunshine.  about each other .

But just like every summer flower fades and gives way to fall leaves
our love faded as we grew and changed.. matured
And winter swept in with a fury of ice and snow
and it was over as quickly as it began
My heart was broken with the intensity of that first snow fall

In my mind these days I go back to that first moment
The years that have passed can't steal it from me
You were my first love, my dream come true
That summer is a dream I live over again...
 Mar 2015 Anonymous
She's bugged my brain
When there was butterflies hanging around,
I was told not catch any.
Make it easier when they left, dig?
Well I guess the child I am won't stop touching everything.
As the wind blows the white in hair away from her face,
She can't hold eye contact and well,
I have no reason to feel trapped.
I just...
I guess...
Let me just forget why I came before I get on the train.
Peace out lame ***
 Mar 2015 Anonymous
LJ Chaplin
 Mar 2015 Anonymous
LJ Chaplin
Dust and rubble settle at my feet,
A chaotic collapse
Inside myself that I could never
Have imagined,
The foundations are shaken,
The cracks began to show,
And piece by piece
It all spectacularly fell apart,
Nothing to hold on to,
Nothing to steady myself with
As it all crashed and burned,
Leaving me surrounded by the ruins
Of an Empire that took years to build
And seconds to destroy.
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