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Jun 2016 · 1.7k
(((..Pen & Paper..)))
shaffu shafiq Jun 2016
You're a sheet of white paper
So light,polite,soft and humble
And I'm a fountain pen
I slit my blood ink arm vein
With a sharp knife
And colours your life
And writes my love story
In your life's paper sheet
I love you so much
I promise,never you cheat
And My name's title
On your white skin
Reading your eyes
They tell me secrets
My nib always kisses you
& writes a note on your lips
You're my notebook
With pretty look
My red ink flows
make your face skin glow
I save you,not as locked
Coz you're in my heart's pocket

By shaffu
Shaffu 19/6/2016
Jun 2016 · 1.6k
(((..if I die..)))
shaffu shafiq Jun 2016
If i die
Don't feel shy
Touch & hold
My shroud
I feel proud
Look at my face
Don't sit in a daze
Look into my eyes
I open my eyes
For a short while
I give you my last smile
And stare at you till my last breath
If i die
Talk to me
Read my poems
Enjoy my rhymes
If you miss me
Tear pages & wipe your tears
And caress my hair
Let me hear
I love you,whisper softly in my ear
If I die
Hold me in your arms
And Kiss my forehead
Stop ,wipe your tears shed
Don't worry''my lovely dear''
Please do remember me
In your daily prayer
Please don't scare
I will come back,I swear
Carry me off in coffin or hearse
But in my poetry
I'm always alive in verse

By shaffu
Jun 2016 · 972
(((My Love)))
shaffu shafiq Jun 2016
Oh my dear love
You are in my thoughts
You are in my heart
You fulfill my fantasy
I can see you today
You,looking so sweet
Just like a star on the sky
In the middle of the night
Your eyes twinkling
And staring at moon
I will be there soon
I swear I'm not a loon
For me you are a boon
Your silent lips
& Murmuring heart
Saying 'I love you'
Your face shines
And decorates the sky
Your soft hand in my hand
And make a galaxy of love
Your presence in the sky
And your brightness shy
Follow the path of love
Your voice is attractive
That enchanting me
Your beautiful smile
Make me feel so happy
You are my star
Far away from me
To see you
To meet you
I want wings to fly
To Soar in the sky
To talk with you
Walk with you
And love you.

By shaffu
shaffu shafiq May 2016
In my life,the garden of flowers something speak
Sun rays through my window wake me up
Rising of the sun so nicely treats & greets
Dew drops shines in sun beams
I want to live in my dreams
In my garden of love
Flowers are fluttering & dancing
Beneath the tress and before me
Enjoying fresh breeze
Playing each other
Listening to the music of birds delightful song
Tossing head and calling me
Daffodils,lily, sunflower and jasmine
Every beauty of the garden praises divine
Daisy, tulip and marigold
A few were faded and too old
In my garden of love
I have seen so many sweet flowers
I picked and chose only one
That is my lovely red rose
It's bright eyes sparkle like the stars
Staring at me &  fall in deep love
I touched my red rose
And pulled too close
Smelling it's smell for a love dose
It's fragrance whispers "I love you"
With a smiling & glowing face
And touched my nose
It's soft red petal gleefully kissed my lips
And it's green leaf hugged me
Your presence makes me happy
Gives strength to my body & soul
Oh my lovely red rose
Coz of you My garden of love always blossoms
Your attractive beauty really entices me
Without you no nightingale sings a song
Oh my lovely red rose
Don't ever feel blue
Coz I really love you

By shaffu.
May 2016 · 7.8k
(((My Sun)))
shaffu shafiq May 2016
If i'm a sunflower
You are my sun
Your warmth & light enlightens me
& Bestows energy to my soul
When you rise up
I always turn to see your face
When you come to me in the morning
I really start growing,my darling
When you come to me in the noon
Floating,tossing & dancing in front of you
When your rays kiss me
I bow down my head and shy
When your brightness hugs me
I happily move and bloom
When your light shades
By God my face fades
When you hide behind the clouds
My crying voice louds
When you become sad
I also feel so bad
When in the evening you show red light
Me turn pale,old & lose my sight
When you go away to home
My loneliness starts killing me
When you say good bye
I finally wither,fall & die

By shaffu ....
Shaffu@ 9/5/2016
May 2016 · 1.7k
(((Where Is My Love)))
shaffu shafiq May 2016
I asked mountains where my love was
they replied find in the hill rocks
I asked forests where my love was
they replied go and find on the trees
I asked trees where my love was
they replied find in the bushes
I requested rivers where my love was
Its gurgling sound echoed and scared me
I looked upon a sky and heave a sigh of grief
It concealed it's face behind the puffy clouds
And being shedding it's tears and soaked me
I politely said astrologers where my love was
They said explore your love in the galaxy of stars
I humbly requested the stars where my love was
they replied your love was on the moon
its brightness predicted your love would meet soon
I asked the night where my love was
darkness of the night silently whispered me
Your love will be in the radiant light
I asked the sun where my love was
Sunshine slowly indicated your love would be your world
I asked the world where my love was
The world delightfully and gladly replied, follow me
My eyes brimming with full of tears
Wandering for my true & real love
I asked the nature where my love was
Nature welcomed me in a good mood
Your love was in the sunset and sunrise,the song of birds, their evening gatherings, the breeze that sways trees and the winds that blow your mind away
Nature Hold my hand and helped me walking on meadows,seashore of sea
Eventually i beseech to my GOD where my love was
GOD replied close your eyes,listen heart beats,Your True love was in your heart.

by shaffu.....
Love ....
May 2016 · 820
i miss you
shaffu shafiq May 2016
I miss you my love
I miss you at night as i gaze upon the stars
I miss you in the morning when sun rises
I miss you whole day when i look over the sky
I miss you when mid night moon shy
I miss you when earth becomes sad
I miss you when weather feels so bad
I miss you where wind is blowing
I miss you where river is flowing
I miss you when it starts snowing
I miss you when i walk lonely in raining
I miss you and want to hold you in my arms
i miss the day when by chance we both met
& Now lonely dark nights make me dead
i miss you so much it hurts, my love
I miss you like there is no tomorrow, my dove
I miss your smile, your joy, your lips
I wish you would be here, my loneliness grips.
You are my dear love, my life, my everything
I wish i would be with you only & i need nothing
I miss you with my entire heart
I wish we were no longer apart.

By shaffu
Apr 2016 · 664
.......I am here.......
shaffu shafiq Apr 2016
Don't be sad
Don't feel bad
Your pains I can't bear
Everything you can share
coz I'm here I'm here
Where ever you are
Near or so far
I miss you
Pray for your move
Without you I fear
Oh my dear
I'm here I'm here
I'm finding you
In my dreams
I will always take your care
I love you so much,I swear
Plz come here instead of being there
Coz I'm here I'm here
Feb 2016 · 371
shaffu shafiq Feb 2016
I don't remember
How much time has gone
I couldn't see my face
I even forgot how I was
And how I'm looking now
Cuz I lost my mirror
That is you.......

By shaffu
Feb 2016 · 902
Do you know?
shaffu shafiq Feb 2016
Do you know?
For you
I was wandering
i still remember those days
When I was wandering
When  I travelled by barefooted miles away
When I was lost in the world of selfishness
People i faced hardly had kindness.
Do you know?
For you.
I was wandering to & fro to find you
With out food and without boots
Torned cloths and a stiched blanket
Being Wrapped to hide my face
In cloudy weather or sunny days
Seemed everyday to be same
Do you know?
For you
I was wandering
Just like streets were mine.
But Strange places & strange people
cause of staggering while walking was tiredness not wine.
People started staring at me
& scared by me.
They fled distance away from me.
I stumbled 'fell down & scraped my knee.
Do you know?
for you
I was wandering
I was too much hungry
I leaned to touch a muddy loaf
That threw somebody from roof
Eventually I visted close to your house
I tried to knock your door
Instead of welcome
You pushed me and yelled to go
I concealed my face & hid my tears
Likewise I was unknown to you for many years.
Do u know?
For you
I was wandering
Cuz I was too much gloomy & sad
I didn't care people spit upon me or kicked me out
But was not expecting this
You failed to know me & my love
My insanity condition
My rambling as wayfarer
Behind my crazyness
Reason was you
Cuz I love you.
Do you know?
For you
I was wandering
In the sands
Wonderful lands
Now I always pray to GOD
Give me patience & save me
Never lead me astray
I returned back to home
Caring me my dad & mom
& now I am normal
Thank you
Do you know
Reason is only you....

By Shaffu...
Feb 2016 · 465
shaffu shafiq Feb 2016
People often used to taunt me
Cuz I was illiterate
I learned everything
When I looked into your eyes
And osculated your eyes.
Feb 2016 · 3.1k
shaffu shafiq Feb 2016
I Opened my window and peeped through.
Heard the loud panicked voice of screams.
Just I saw the world of dreams.
People were shouting'crying'runing here and there.
Destructions and dreadful scenes seemed everywhere.
Streets were covered with huge blood.
Just like I lost in terrific flood.
Dark smoke raised over the sky.
War jets and gaints were so high.
When i glanced all the round.
And didn't believe what I found.
Street lights were broken and dim.
Everywhere laid down the corpses of muslim.
Muslim children and muslim babies.
Their white shrouds turned into red.
War jets bombed,killed,left crippled & then briskly fled.
Only innocent people were on their list.
People were wraping them and taking away by cist.
My eyes burst into tears.
By the thought of terrorism whom everybody fears.
The thousands of people are now lifeless.
And remained so helpless.
Taken away the poor children's future brightness.
with War,conflicts,disputes and violent fray.
Unjustly killed so many people also by slaughter and slay.
Everything for them is just like a game to play.
By the war demons everywhere,everybody is sad & depressed.
Why Only innocent people are being harassed & oppressed?
Violences and wars only left miseries and sorrow.
Nobody can imagin what will happen tomarrow.
that's such a big shame.
blaming only muslims and giving them terrorist name.
Why the Muslims are only labeled of terrorism and extremism?
Come and recognise the real face of terrorism.
In the name of religion why people usually fight?
open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light .
Terrorism has no place in Islamic religion.
It teaches the supreme wisdom with real vision.
I pray when will come in this world that day.
One person will unite the world and bring peace oneday..
((((By shaffu))))
Alhamdulillah I am a muslim but not a terrorist.
Feb 2016 · 1.0k
shaffu shafiq Feb 2016

        I am sorry
If the way I talk you don't seem to like
Likewise my voice in bad mike
That causes you to get a headache
Forgive me please for God's sake.
I swear I am not a fake.

        I am sorry
What I say always that made you mad
And you look gloomy and sad
See you like this
Actually I also feel so bad
Cuz I am also a simple lad

        I am sorry
I never meant to hurt you
I know, you are awfully busy
In workin' cookin' washing
I beg your pardon
But please I want you to make time for me too

        I am sorry
For causing you more stress
I know you need time to rest
Words I say don't come out right
They always seem to start a fight
But take it easy and light

        I am sorry
My sincere apology comes with tears from deep inside
So I hope,
You will admit my apology
When you will listen and see it in my eyes

        I am sorry
For causing you pain
And for often disturbing you
I never wanted to do
I am so sorry for that too
Forgive me and say "I love you"

By Shaffu.
Feb 2016 · 710
..the lost life..
shaffu shafiq Feb 2016
Oh my life give me a way
Wander for gratification in sun's ray
Waddle adrift,but never thought
My seclusion and silence be got fray
Completely deluded by the world
Pleasure,luxury,leisure all nod nay
hurriedly come,my final day!
How propitiate GOD by timeless pray.
Inculcate goodness & need wickedness to slay .
Reverence mentor,patents,elders & must to obey
With their emotions neither delay nor play.
Submission to GOD & mould life right from today
By shaffu@
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
............Miss you my love....
In the midnight I wish you were here.
My love 'Instead of being there.
Come,talk to me & everything you share.
Couldn't imagin how much i love you my dear.
I miss you awfully every time here.
One day you will feel my warm embrace.
No more tears will fall down from your face.
In my life to get you is toughest life race.
Surely one day i will catch you it is my craze.
Wherever you will go alone in some other place.
I will find you everywhere with my fast pace.
I pray to GOD please turn my fate.
Don't go anywhere otherwise it will be too late.
I will try my best for you to wait.
Distance,barriers,compulsions I really hate...
Just like you are my childhood mate.
Laughing,joking,feelings with you open my mind's gate.
I wish when will come that day and date.
We Will marry and feel happy and so great..........
By shaffu....
Jan 2016 · 893
...Thank you...
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
Thank you dear
Thank you.
I spent an unforgettable moments with you.
When we were together.
In the lovely weather.
Our perfect match.
Likewise GOD made us for eachother.
Forgot promise that you made.
With out you.
I am feeling so bad.
Thank you dear
thank you.
For giving me such a blurr dream.
In your eyes now ruthless gleam.
With out you.
I am restless.
And now voiceless.
Thank you dear
thank you
For leaving me alone.
Your love I couldn't won.
This was my failure.
Or my destiny.
With you I was so Happy.
With out you.
Now I am so sad.
Thank you dear.
Thank you.
For being my friend for a while.
Taught me how to love.
And Shined my life.
But why u didn't teach how to forget you.
Especially in your absence.
With out you.
Now i can't live.
Thank you dear.
Thank you.
For showing me goal without destination.
Played with me a false game.
My heart is too weak.
Why you forgot to teach me.
How to be Strong.
May be I was wrong.
But I often sing your song.
I always pray for you..
May you live long.
I know you are lost.
So I miss you here.
With out you.
Now i cry a lot..
Thank you dear.
Thank you.
For giving me so much pain.
In my eyes lot of tears.
To hide them walking in the rain.
Wandering aimlessly alone.
With out you.
I am now became insane.
Thank you dear.
Thank you.

By Shaffu.
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
....BUSY LIFE.....
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
.............busy life...........
I'm gonna write a poem that has to rhyme.
It gotta be about why people has no time
Cuz everywhere I go everybody seems to be busy
With their work devoted or maybe lazy
Ignoring their love ones and making money
But they don't got time for that loving
Some people are afraid of living
Because they're always busy in taking
And giving
Whenever I look around
I Listen people's simple walking sound
Moving here and there
But no one knows where
Forget you,
Is there somebody who is still waiting?
With whom you have to go for dating
People only want good food with delicious dish
To make you happy is not for what they wish
For they're just being selfish
Avoid ignorance and too much busyness
Give your time for someone's happiness
Being busy doesn't make you feel happy
That's why loosing focus and become dappy
I am not against that you will Everything delay
work while you work and play while  play
Come on friends let us make a time
So, that can make our future go so bright and shine
So, tell me when we will meet?
To see each other and to greet.
Jan 2016 · 598
((( friends....)))
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
My friends live so far away,
I am here and there they stay.
They are miles away at home.
I miss my friends & feel alone.
I remember our time of fun & walks
Now i have to deal with locks.
Your heed & attention need to pay
Even your thoughts are far away.
We may not see each other.
Commencing my friends charming weather.
Distance separates us that’s true.
Listen your friendship is to be prove.
My heart is still beats for your move.
And always Remains open just for you.
I have no new friends & I have no foes.
Wish i were with my friends of those..

By ($haffu)
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
.....MY WORLD....
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
When I close my eyes.
Find you nearby.
It is just like the real world.
Chilly wind and too cold.
When I open my eyes.
With full of tears.
Coming out of the world.
Where you are special to have & to hold.
Out of my fantasy world.
I miss you and die.
To see you in my life.
I have to close my eyes.
None understand it and nobody cares.
Only listening our story and big cheers.
Just like music tune in their ears.
It is you only please
Understand my imaginary world.
Where you are enfolded with gold.
Where love couldn't be sold.
When I close my eyes
I feel,I am a king.
And you my Queen.
And you fairy with wings..
Holding my hand & flying so high.
One world to another world
No barriers no boundaries..
When I close my eyes.
Sun rays salute you.
Moon kisses you.
Morning wishes you.
Evening invites you.
And night waits you..
When I close my eyes.
For a short while.
To see your smile.
Your dashing style.
Your name in my hearts file.
When I close my eyes.
I lost in my world.
It is too radiant and shine.
Because here you are mine.

By shaffu..
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
(Good Night)
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Like a bear or like a deer.
Without drink of bear.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Just to see a dream.
Floating like a sea bream.
Catching one another.
Playing together.
But it is in sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
In my mind your fancy.
Collecting thoughts in frequency.
With you I will walk.
And happily we will talk.
For that I will sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
If you will be sad.
I feel bad.
Never hit you.
Never become mad.
To your rejoice.
I will become your choice.
Becoz we are also frnds so deep.
So I have to sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Your anger mood I can study.
Oh my love and my friend buddy.
I know I will persuade you.
It is confirmed and due.
You are my life I already it knew.
For you I will bring a lamb of sheep.
Whom you will feed.
Wipe your tears which will seep.
Never give you chance to weep.
So I need to sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Need you attention and heed.
When my peoms you will read.
Come in my dream with slow speed.
Now i want to sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Preparing myself here.
Oh my lovely dear.
When will you come?
I am always stand with a big warm welcome.
It is all truth not lies.
Now I have to close my eyes.
Dizzy and so tired.
May be I slip and gets down mired.
Blow off my lamp's light.
Good bye and good night.
Feeling faint and sleepy.
Now it is my time to sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Jan 2016 · 785
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
Good morning.....
Get up and wash you face.
Tiet your shoes lace.
With me run a race.
Try to lead my pace.
In a wide space.
Feel better in maze.
Don't be daze.
I will give you chance first to reach.
But when none will be in the beach.
Only me and you.
With our smiling face.
Playing,swimming,kissing hugging is our Love's base.
You are with me it is God's praise.
Feeling pleasure together by Lord's grace.
Try to forget past and evrything erase.
Let us live'nobody will find and trace.
Where house'garden'flowing water and flowers in vase.
People will be jealous like a fire blaze.
Don't leave me in any difficult case.
I will wipe your tears and give you warm embrace ..
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
(((TELL ME WHY???)))
Why why why
Tell me why?
Why you left me?
Why you ignored me?
With out any means
Without any reasons
Disappeared you why.
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why you broke my heart?
With arrow and dart.
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why you came in my life?
To give me pains.
To bind my life in chains.
Still i miss you why?
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why showed me blurr dream?
And left me in breme.
Hurt me why
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why you loved me?
Why you promised me?
Were you a fake?
Tell me for GOD's sake.
Blocked me why?
Why why why
Tell me why?
Why you have stolen my heart?
And now broked it into parts.
Made me cry why..
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why you made me sad?
I feel now so bad.
Otherwise I was too simple lad.
Made me mad why?
Why why why
Tell me why?
Why you are angry?
Why you went off?
From my life.
With some little strife.
Hate me by you why
Why why why
Tell me why?
Why you have gone so far way?
Do you love me please say.
You will realize everything oneday.
Repent and will miss me everyday.
Lost we why
Why why why?
Tell me why?
Why you told me a lie?
We will live together.
Will enjoy our life each other.
And will play with one another.
And finally you told me good bye.
I don't know it why.
Why why why.
Just tell me why?
Why u left me in grief?
And became my heart's theif.
Having inside pain & finding no relief.
You are mine it was my belief.
Untrust me you why.
Why why why.
Tell me please why?
Why you ignored me.?
Why you left me?
Please tell me why?
Jan 2016 · 545
you and your face
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
Here is the deepest secret.
Nobody knows.
Looking into your eyes.
Some secret shows.
Turned back to see you.
By Shyness your head bows.
And just slightly blushed.
I like your black veil.
Lips so red.
It makes me dead.
with black goggle.
No words,me just boggle.
Glow Smiling face.
Shining teeth.
Dashing eyes.
Enchanting me.
Believe me or my eyes.
It is true not a lie.
Really it is you.
Dazzling girl.
I become dumb and mute.
Becoz you look so pretty and cute...

— The End —