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 Dec 2014 serendipity
Searching your mind,   
Revealing your soul.   
A piece of my mind,   
Making you whole.   
The depths of your feelings,   
Defines the depths I will go.   
I know what I know,   
Time for me to show,   
How well though. 
Like never before, 
Here I go.   
Persuading your body,   
In so many ways,   
You're powerless to evade,   
The prowess of my ways.   
Caressing your tenderness.   
These moments your memory will replay;   
Haunting parts of your body in a special way.   
Reminiscent of this very day,   
Our parts bonding as we lay.   
Still influenced in ways you can't see,   
Rather feel, so its as real as can be.   
These unique pleasures bestowed upon you,   
Impaling your reality with my point of view.   
This abundance of energy; this vitality.   
A reflection of you and me.   
Enticing you mentally,   
controlling you physically,   
releasing you and me chemically.
Doing it intelligently.
Getting deep inside of you
So you can better understand me.
I am the man leading your hand
follow my lead and you'll supercede
peaks and ****** in ways never seen.
Now that I'm on the scene
driving you crazy,  taking the scenic route in between throws of passion while Kinging my Queen
You are a rose and I am a simple leaf
People adore you while I watch from the trees
You handle yourself with dignity and pride
While I'm easily swept by the wind's blowing tide

You are a rose the most confident of them all
And I am a leaf that can easily fall
You have this beauty that radiates love
That beauty you have I could sense from above

You are a rose that can only stay in the grass
And I am a leaf that wishes to be with you at last
But you are a rose and I am a simple leaf
People will adore you, while I can only watch from the trees

Uncle Sam my hat's off to you
for ******* up the US of A,
creating debt that surely
we have no hope to repay.
The example you've set the
American people is a shameful
display of incompetence,
buy now pay later, and pay
you will, to me it makes no sense.
My job is based upon credit checks
believe me I've seen it all,
from doctor bills to college debt
watching the beacon score steadily fall.
Wake up America remember your
don't let politics
stick it to you.
For every dollar, there's something
to save,
don't be a fool sock it away.
When hard times surface, and
surely they will,
you'll have what you need to
pay your bills.
Excuses mean nothing
and the message they send,
we watch every day on CNN.
Promises broken
as we're led to believe,
casting our votes
to those who deceive.
Remember and trust what made this
great nation,
wasn't about debt,
but invention and creation.
When American's worked for Americans
and made in the USA,
meant billions of people united
paid their bills that day.
Why can't we just go back to that
give credit where credit is due,
if you can't afford it today
then debt will surely catch you

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 08/14/2014
"I'm yours now. You can do whatever you want to me."
I didn't even know what to say,
I never did,
I was still shocked you could want anything to do with me

You said you had hopes for us,
But what hope was there?
We had no direction, no plans,
We just plodded forward hoping this foundation we built could brave the trials of winter

I've read that soulmates can come together and apart just as easily,
A tragic scenario to be certain,
And if that's the case,
What is a soulmate but a reminder that love is eternal agony?

I do still love you,
Love is,
It's become like breathing,

I can't even remember life before this,
What it was like to be absentminded,
The loveliness of ignorance,
Oh how I would gorge on its sweetbreads

But this is simply life now,
I live in flashbacks and moments,
I love ghosts and candied words,
And I drink the liquor of empty hopes
I'm not perfect truth be told, like the bond that lovers hold, and even though I'm not alone, lonesomeness I've come to know, I find myself longing for, something else something more, momentarily in need, of a quiet place to be, where all those pretty flowers grow, I will decide to let you go, in the midst of mix emotions, I find  myself beneath the ocean, sunken like my heart again, regretting every word I said, what we had was worth it all, every single trip and fall, I hope one day you'll understand, I gave it everything I had, then flawlessly forgot to care, about the past in which I stare,
If I'd written
My love poetry
Years ago,
When our passion
Covered college sheets,
When we were sleek
And bared our bodies
When we wore our hair,
Your ******* unbarred,
When we rolled
In your backyard,
Wetter than the dew;
That's one verse
I'd write for you.
Scratch out lines
On your legs,
See Venus rise
From the nubile shell,
Type stanzas
To compare your eyes,
Your neck,
Your lips,
Vis a vis;
The tender terror
Of our first kiss.
 Nov 2014 serendipity
Shaking, tossing, turning,
Stomach knotted; churning,
Light of day I'm yearning,
Darkness fades for you.

Raging, pulsing, chasing
Heart is pounding; racing.
Creaking boards I’m pacing.
Make haste morning dew.

Stirring, calming, slowing,
Curtains lightened; glowing
Misty solace growing,
My mind returns, renewed.
 Nov 2014 serendipity
Get out of my head, telephone ears
I'm not even trying to call you
But you're answering every line
Don't believe in god, but you're giving me signs

There's little cities in frames plastered throughout every hall
No corner of this house makes me feel alone, when I talk to myself the sounds just bounce of the walls
Little people in my head are grinding gears, making worlds in the back of my eyes
Everything on the other side slurs my words because I visit myself so often I'm going blind
It's the only place to hide here

Are you going to push me around when I'm king?
Feed me grapes as I roll around in my golden wheelchair?
Come to ease my every whim at the ring of a bell?
Are you going to ****** me with your perfume and let me run my fingers through your hair?

Will you pick me up and teach me how to dance?
Kick the wheelchair from underneath me and take me out to see the stars?
Pluck some funny shrooms from that log and open up my mind?

I know one day I will die
And every part of me will be pulled apart until I am rot and bones or a pile of ashes on top of a will the size of a tome
But I hope that it is in someone's home
And not just my own
But how can I ever trust that you'll never prefer to be alone?
 Nov 2014 serendipity
And quite frankly
I don't need God
Two wires to my ears, and a glass of whisky
Is plenty enough to guide me through the fog.

Yet.. Sometimes..
Sir Jameson won't drown out..
The tingle of lavender that still tickles my nose
Or the scent of the sheets, or the rain on the streets.

And sometimes..
Mr. Daniels won't blind me from..
The traps
It no longer soothe..
How her lips refused to move.
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