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Make m e  beli ev e
I'm b e a u t i f u l beca use I b elie ve I' m n o t
Regretting you g et in side my h e a d wit h eve rythi ng you e v er sa id
Regretting the th ings I di d to cha nge m yself
Ove rt hin kin g; A nd
Reme m ber ing eve ryt hing I we nt th rou gh
He made into a monster
And there are cracks
Because the many times
I've looked at myself
Mitch Nihilist Aug 2015
at 16 they taught u
s about shakespea
re, how? but now I
realize there was m
ore learned than bl
ank stares at teache
rs waiting for bells
to slide departures
under the doors of
blank minds. balco
ny preachings in fr
ont of loveless tang
ents foreshadowing
the curvature of the
then mindless. 5 ye
ars gone i still find m
yself wandering aim
lessly to the next cla
ss with the thought o
f the useless priors a
nd the books are get
ting heavier
Nina McNally Mar 2011
Down in the valley,
I* scream out to you.
And in an instant I ask
Myself why.                        *Why do I do this to myself?

Our time is long gone..Will I ever be able to "say goodbye to my weakness"? As
Now, I can say "so long to the regrets" I have had.                      And as I go
Down to this Wonderland; a place I found, a while back, where

Everything is simply and beautiful.                                    My place.
Yesterday's problems are long gone.                 When
Each new day comes, I greet the sun with a
Smile. And remember to keep a positive mind, and everything will be fine.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Stay Positive.
title and quotes from
Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay, Boom-Lay, BOOM!) by Shinedown
Sphoorthy Soma Jun 2010
Let me steal 'You' from 'You'
in the hope that as time passes you'll love me
so deeply does your smile my heart move
that merely talking to you is ecstacy
\Normally such crimes are not my style
nor i could stop yself comitting it
but i love you so much i can't revile
anything that some slight hope bestows
\Give me a chance..
i'll show *** best one can love you
how good it feels to have me at your side
how spring eternal i'll ever make new
that every want or passing whim provide
\Try me out...
i promise 'you wil be mine'
once u see how i care
i wait, hugging the thought
that you wil love me one day.
Àŧùl Sep 2017
True love has knocked my door at last,
How sweetly and how elegantly,
Exactly the love I have always desired.

When I have started putting my effort,
Always precarious is my future,
Yes it is always brutally challenging.

Your smile is not just brilliant,
Of course, it is also very sweet,
Until a long time it'll assure me.

Love was always a complex thing,
Obviating my life off its loneliness,
Violins here play very melodiously,
Ending not before we get old really.

Myself the Adam in our story,
E**ve is yourself in this saga.
Even Mountains Will Make Way For Me Seeing The Way You Love Me
It will be so gorgeous.

Acrostic Continuum.

You are my strength.
I will be strong with you.
Still you are not liable.

My HP Poem #1660
©Atul Kaushal
softcomponent  Sep 2014
echo dead
softcomponent Sep 2014
that's what it
is, I keep mo
ving my toes
to convince m
yself i feel hap

— The End —