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Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I'm struggling
to become what you always wanted me to be
to remember the way I felt
when you whispered my name

You always told me
you love the way I am
and that I should not change
but in the end
you told me I wasn't enough.

I'm struggling
to define myself
to escape the old me
to be better
and good enough.

You always told me
you will always love me
with all those flaws
little imperfections
but in the end
you pointed them out
and left.
what's the point. this is very chaotic
Angel Moore  Jul 2013
Angel Moore Jul 2013
All my numbers are aligned.
We make taco runs in the ghetto by that Elmood sign.
Drive an hour, love for three
You wouldn't believe it
if you where there with me.

Jealousy comes in like an X on an 18.
Waste of time, energy and emotional fiend.

He never stays this way long.
11 minuites at best.
Can't wait to be somewhere.
Get some ******* rest.

New day. Woken by the happy kisses of a giant rotwieller.
Something sad in me made the love pour outta her.
She wants me here.
They both do.
I want them too.
I want something new.

Saw u today.
U told me u hated me.
Told me u all do.
What do u want me to say to you?
Blame me. Didn't even say hey to me.
Someone should blame me
since I know better than to now.
Its not about me.
I just want you to HEAR me.
But how?
I'm better off how I am now
you'll see

I wish I could tell you I love you, dad
don't yell at me, dad
I've never done anything to you, dad
Stop screaming. Don't push me.
I won't push back.
Theres That struggle again.
Somewhere between agape and justice.

Neon Cathedrials guide my way from city to street.
The home is real. Find it for me.
Create it if need be.

Macklemore says the licqor store stays open later than the churches and ****
Ain't that the truth.
Someone save me, help me, anymore I've got nothing to lose.

Staying with old friends,
Some good
Some bad
All stuggling.
That struggle is sad.
All around us.
You and I.
You find that beauty. You stay #skyhigh.

And as I sit here. Tear stained, hungry and bruised...
I feel hopeful
Not used.

I can be better.
Came out of your shadow brighter.
How much more will love endure?

It was always too dark through childhood to see too clear.
Just maybe
We are all to blame.
Save me.

You know what else
Someone once said.
"Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do"
You remember that guy?
Yeah, me too.
T FAITH  Apr 2014
T FAITH Apr 2014
No matter where you are,
You can always achieve.
I've been thinking and thinking'
About where I'd be.
5 or 10 years down the road,
I don't want my heart to feel so cold.
Positive thoughts and positive energy,
A positive mind is where I wanna be.
Stay true to yourself and you will succeed
The worlds In your hands do what you need
To do in this thing we all call life.
Achieve your dreams, you can start tonight.
Feeling a little defeated?? Pick your head up. It's not over :-)  you can get through any obstacle in your way.....all you need is FAITH :-)
John Ashton Upston  Jul 2010
I wish the first moment I met you,
Would resound forever.

Never needing food or sleep,
Just content in your presence.

The feeling of love and awe,
Beauty captured in a moment.

My desire is to go back,
To that very first day…
And if I may,
I think I’d kiss you,
If just to say,
I’m yours.

To see and smell you’re autumn hair,
Matching you’re hazel glazed eyes perfectly.

How delightfully,
You kiss me.

Thy name is,
Such sweet remiss.

I will love you,
Then I will quench your thirst.

In half remembered ecstasy’s,
I will taste you when.

Your chest will rise tiredly,
Stuggling for laughter.

I will hug and cuddle you,
Showing that my love is not trivial.

I wake from the dream,
I’ll still remember that you are a godsend.

I used to believe there was something wrong with me.
And then I met you.
I used to be sick with loneliness,
But you cured it with you’re faithfulness.
Whenever I looked into the dark, I saw empty shadows,
Now it is you that fills the gallows.
Before I met you I was dead but a live.
Now I’m in love and living my life.
Whereas before depression and anger were present,
Now it is only happiness and joy, in every second.
I write these to let out my emotions,
So that you may cry tears of elation.
I want to scream out you’re name and etch it on my heart,
Because it most certainly beats with you’re mark.
I am not the smartest or fastest or tallest or strongest.
But I put in the effort and I’ll work for your content.
I promise not to you hurt you, if you’ll promise the same,
Because in the end we are opposites but one in name.

Loving You,
Is so painful,
Too cliché,
And risqué…

Too dangerous,
Too incredulous,
Too out of bounds,
Too without grounds.

A soul mate,
A friend,
A lover,
A mother.

It’s coming to a close,
And all these words, and ideas and moans,
They are my own.
But they are more yours than mine,
Because I am nothing, if not on you’re vine.
Feed me and pet met and water me too,
Show me lots of love, and like an angel sent from above,
I will radiate my light on you.

It’s not much, for sure,
But it’s what I’ve got.
It’s added to you’re presence,
Your heavenly beauty.

I’ll leave you with one last thought,
Something that shall not be forgot.
You’re only young and you’re only alive once,
So make it the best, make it loved,
That’s what I’ve done, what I did,
When I found the one.

Hawk Flight Sep 2014

Push you down onto your knees
Your hands tied tightly behind you
My manhood waiting for your lips.
Grab your short hair push you forward
Trying not to moan.

******* my hand in your hair
Pushing you back and forth.
You whimper softly taking me fully

Can't take this torture anymore
Needing to bury my love and desire
deep within you.

hands still tied
I flip you over
Your perfect small round *** in the air
waiting for me.

you are mine no one elses*
I smack your *** and kiss it better
Before I claim it as mine.

Burying my love within you

Release my love
deep inside.

spin you around
your still in need

take you in my mouth
you quiver beneath me
stuggling against your retrains.
****** your hips pushing deeper
Loving you with my mouth
Realese your love.

Both panting hard
Both still wanting more

what will this day have instore?
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Walk beside me and lets take a stroll. Lets talk about you, me, and life as a whole. Lets talk about logic, emotions, and fears. Lets talk about movies, food, and those things that bring you to tears. Lets walk for hours, so the sun can take a rest; circling this world from east to west. And lets only rest when our legs grow old and week, and when lifes path has no more steps for us to seek. Lets skip for a while and act like kids again, remembering those carefree times way back when. A time of peace, with not a care in the world. A time when lifes path seemed to come unfurled. Right before our eyes, with no struggle at all. No where to trip, stumble, or even take a bad fall. No ledges to climb and no rivers to swim, no valleys or mountains that look too grim. So lets walk through those flowery fields of sunshine. Laughing and singing with our hands intertwine. But our lovable time is met with ice breath, as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. The strains of life to real for us to miss, forgetting the time of our childish bliss. Stuggling with life and even one another, wondering if this road will continue for much farther. Holding each other with full apprehension, afraid this embrace will end from the sheer tension. Brought on to challenge everything held so true, found in moments of passion had between me and you. Holding on for dear life, with everything at stake. Holding you so tight as to feel your soul shake. And as we weather the storm and walk through the haze. We praising ourselves for getting through that pahse. In this journey of two paths that have seemed to collide; destiny putting two souls in perfect stride. Walking with hands and souls intertwined, agian like before life became unkind. This new path stretching with so much potential, a new piece in my life that has become so essential. To my very survival and way of life; without it my life defined by pure strife. And we walk on our beaten path with no moon in sight, the sun still at rest from its never ending flight. From east to west and west to east; time and direction not important in the least. For as long as im with you my love will be timeless, even when our lives our put in distress. I promise you this untill the day i die. When i must leave this world to meet my maker in the sky. And when ours souls are together and reunited once again, i will remind you of our path where love had once began.
The page laughing at me the canvas cold and blank.
Winter filled room in the middle of june.
Why had my heart run a ground on such jagged shores.

Now I scavage for remains of my soul.
ragged I wonder would anyone remember me apon my return.
Would she stand smile apon face and regret in heart.

The page stayed empty for a reason.
They were all gone the great titles along with there writers.

Me the fool brave or foolish enough to  attempt the
impossible  with little to show for it.
A broken relationship and some bad tattoos  in
some  weird places.

To be stuck down in a  hollow .
Is fine  with suplies low and the truth a sober mind brings
time was ticking the false deadline was apon me.
And like a kid trying to cram in every answer on a school test.
I was stuggling  waitting for the teacher to say times up.

Hands shaking from the need throat dry  and a headache
that would last for a week.
Why had it always come to this  isolation.

Maybe it was the roads way of calling me back.
Like a lover calling me back to bed.
To entangle untill the mornings light.

Yet just like a passionet affair the struggle for the title
kept me trapped to this place for nights on end.
You cant grasp what is never yours its
like trying to see that sweet southern breeze.

Everytime you find  one with which your heart agree's
You find the titles taken.
life and love will always  bring you to your knees.

This is taken from what will be my first book
once through many long gin soaked nights is finally at it's final stages
and thank God cause it's been hell.
as of  now the title will be The Road Begins ?
Hell my friends if you can think of a better title to describe my writting feel free  to let me know   Always your slightly crazy  friend John Patrick Robbins
Who's wondeing how to take the pain away?
Who's stuggling?
Who did waked in the dawn with a fall?
Head in a sad taking,
Who fed ?,
Through the last night's drink?
Then began to think,
"Is there any tomorrow ,or else"
Who designed the fears of the day?
Darla Cooke Oct 2011
Inside the house of darkness,
Nocturnal creatures are lurking.
Spirits from a paranormal world,
Invading our dreams each night.
Demons from the depths of Hell,
Enticing us with whispered words.

They are nowhere to be seen,
Hiding silently in the shadows,
Eagerly waiting for their prey.

Haunting their victims at night,
Out of the darkness they emerge.
unusual shapes creeping around,
Screams of terror can be heard,
Echoing from inside the house.

Outside wolves begin to howl,
Full moon is shining bright above.

Demons from the depths of Hell,
Attacking their frightened prey.
Ravishing the innocent victims,
Killing the defenseless humans.
Nighttime is filled with terror,
Escape has become impossible.
Stranded and trapped inside,
Stuggling just to stay alive.
Olivia  Jul 2013
In The End
Olivia Jul 2013
In the end,
You know I'll always be here.
Not holding you up,
But here to catch you when you fall,
when your stuggling.
I don't think you need me,
behind you,
but always with you.
In the end,
you'll understand,
that your strong enough,
you stand alone,
stronger than ever.
It's your choice,
to fall,
or to stand tall.
so just keep holding on.
you'll make it thorough.
this goes out to one of the strongest people I know, to my bestfriend. K.B

— The End —