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At goodwill Buy the Pound
every day is black friday
Hundreds of soccer moms line up their
white sneakers on a black and yellow caution tape line
zombie over it streching for yu-gi-oh cards
wait for hazmat suits to wheel out eight bins full of trash gone treasure.
When the bins are locked in place the hazmat suits go back to pack another load

The air horn sounds.
You do not want to be anywhere near that caution tape line when this happens.
At goodwill buy the pound
If you're not part of the fight,
you're part of the floor.
They need to find their
puzzle peices lost in cat liter
Johnny really needs
every single nerf dart
Johnnys grandma is not the only elder throwing elbows
varacose veins are curb stomping dads hauling consoles to make a quick buck
Skinny College aged video game collectors swim through the mom-pocalypse
raid the stashes for disguarded NES cartridges
Jo-ann grabs a twinky boy by the black graphic hoodie.
Tosses him back into the horde
lunges for a barbie doll hidden under some wires.
This is not a place for nice children.
If you aren't willing to push around some nanas
you will leave covered in nike prints.
This place turns people.
Ever look at someones mom and think
She looks like she's always wearing a mask.
She is!
Buy the pound is her natural habitat.
One grandma keeps so many cats, her living room is a Petrie dish
I think she just wants to be in charge of a small third world countrey.
Granny needs to go rally up the soccer moms at buy the pound.
To lead those cats into a mother thirfting revolution
These woman leave feeling like they saved their family a fortune
Dumpster diving for sport.
Every tossed or trampled stranger
One flip flop closer to
feeding their children
clawing through poverty

When that airhorn sounds again.
They scurry back to their carts.
Tell their children
"Make sure nobody steals this"
as they line back up in haste.
Touch their all white nikes to the caution tape line.
Hold their family close like brass knuckles.
when that airhorn sounds.
It's time to fight.
Senor Negativo  Sep 2012
Senor Negativo Sep 2012
Someone must stop for a girl who has lost hope.
Someone must care when everyone else flees.
Someone should administer soothing remedies.
Full restoration of euphoric laughter.
This world owes you joy whether you accept it or not.


Someone care for those swept aside, like yesterdays chaff.
Someone may reach down into the bleak, and oull you free.
With restoration in his eyes.
Someone aches for every tear shed, each child's cry.
Someone wonders what must be done
to put a lasting smile on your face.
For very specific reasons
Pain can be transmuted to rest.

We are the effects.

Take a piece of my soul's slow rebirth.
Delivered by your actions.
I ponder the unknowable
Yet they will not ask me
Why I smile so.
I would gift to you the secret,
but its stapled to a tombstone
that burned up in the fire.
I can see the true goodness in your eyes.
Yes. I am not blind or stupid!
Ignore all the fools who define beauty as skin
I see the haunted majesty within
Heroes come and go
Healers lie
But you must believe these words.
Your dreams are intact, they have only been shredded in make believe.
Learn from the world how to live.
Nightmares like that must be disguarded, and turned into fulfillment
Someone cares for you
Do not lose faith
Run not from this world.
This world is the only one we have got.
Cee  Jun 2016
The Perfect Gift
Cee Jun 2016
God gave me a gift
& I took it for granted.
He gave me the most
Perfect woman, on this whole entire planet.
I was in awe of her
She was one of a kind.
It was hard to believe
That she was mine.
She had beauty, brains
& is a wonderful mother.
Once I laid eyes on her
I could never love another.
She was my strength
When I was weak.
She was my voice
When I couldn't speak.
She was my sight
When couldn't see
My Leesah, My Leesah
Was everything to me.
I took her for granted
I stomped on her heart.
I refused her love
Now we are apart.
I never listened to her
When she had something to say.
I'd say, "Tell me later"
& be on my way.
She wanted attention
But I was too much into myself.
Because of my selfish ways
She's now with someone else.
I never hugged her
Rarely told her I love her.
We stayed in the same house
But rarely thought of her.
I had my on issues
So I ignored her attempts at love.
Because it was all about me
Me is all I thought of.
She talked about God
& how he keeps her in his grace
I'd say
"I'm watching the game, let me have my space"
She was always going to be here
That's what I believed.
Imagine my shock
When she told me to leave.
I left & then looked up to the sky
With tears in my eyes I screamed, "Why God Why"
I heard a voice that was deep
that answered my cries
It sounded quite angry, to my surprise

He said:
You squandered the gift
That I gave you
Now you have the nerve
To ask me to save you.
You are just mad
Because you'll be by yourself.
You did this take the blame
It's not on anyone else
I gave you a woman
Who was my pride & joy
But you treated her like
An old disguarded toy.
You ignored her
When she wanted to talk about me.
Now you want her back
But I'll refuse you plea.
You were so selfish & mean
So I let her go.
I'm sorry to tell you
My answer is no.

Now I'm without My Leesah
The love of my life.
The perfect woman
The perfect wife.
I lost her forever
Now I'm on my own.
I think of her quite often
When I'm alone.
I wonder how she's doing
Does she miss me too?
I doubt that she does
After all I put her through.
I'll live with this failure
& I hope I'll recover.
Forever & Ever
I Love You Leesah!
LKavanaugh  Jul 2020
Tan Skin
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
Tanned Skin
I lost my tongue
Probably somewhere in your bedroom where we explored every last inch of each other
For the final time.
You see in my memory
Our bodys were maps
Indiana Jones couldn’t measure our wanderlust.
I forgot my integrity
I think I dropped in between the seat of your car
When you first picked me up last spring.
Like all of those lighters
It slipped gently and quietly between the leather
I misplaced my independence.
It might be in a disguarded box
Maybe it happened when I helped you pack moved from that apartment you loved so much on Queen.
I imagine it somewhere forgotten
Behind the patio furniture in your moms garage.
I let go of my muse
Reaching into my stomach I tore out the last remaining butterflies
Opened my palms
And watched them fly away
Just as mesmerizing and bright as I recall when they arrived.
I remember now that I lost my tongue.
You did always adore the silence.
It was not body's we explored that day.
We discovered the end.
The unfair truth.
Every last inch of you.
Into shallow waters we shall wade ,
side by side our serenade ,
two lovers hand in hand ,
Kicking out sandels off in the sand .

Oh turtle love won’t you come to ?
and the shell fish two by two ,
follow us to deeper waters splashing our hips and upper quarters.

Where is the crab ,
the star fish too ,
Caught in plastic oh are you ?
Another can of Coca Cola ,
Seaweed drowning not in salty water ,
but what man throws disguarded by day ,
what the winds just blew away ,
what the rain clouds will claim some day ,
our ever dying sands .

— The End —