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Ryan Unger Jun 2015
“Life was easier when I was young.” Was what my grandma used to say,
“We didn’t have all the problems that people have today.
All of this technology, it helps clutter our mind,
Without it we’d be much less stressed I think that you would find.”

I never used to understand how she could think that’s true,
It’s obvious computers have made life easier for me and you!
Just look around at all the incredible things available to man,
The most powerful technology that can fit in the palm of your hand!

We have Email, and iPods, and TV you can record!
We have every kind of website to peruse if you’re bored!
We have Netflix, and GPS, and don’t forget Smartphones,
And we can do all our shopping with a mouse click in our homes!

Things have gotten so convenient that it’s so hard for me to know,
How somebody could think life was easier many years ago.
But as I grow older, I now slowly begin to see,
The difficulties that were also invented along with technology.

We now have cybercrime, which poses a very real threat,
Credit card information gets stolen and you can be crippled with debt.
And all your personal information sits vulnerable on your home computer,
Hackers can easily break in and take it like a cybernetic looter.

There are too many channels on TV you feel like your mind could drown,
And people in the ‘50’s never had their DVR break down.

People had only one phone at home; no cellphones at all;
Nowadays, I hate that anyone at any time can give my cellphone a call.
We have an entire of world of problems that we never had before,
And with the pace that society is moving they’re impossible to ignore.

As I get older, all this convenience slowly seems less grand,
And when I think of what my grandma said, I finally understand.
croob  Dec 2018
croob Dec 2018
you said on facebook you hate cops
so i put a pig's head in your bed.
the deputy said, before i killed him dead:
"i have a wife,
i have a wife!"
with a sigh,
i grinned, replied,
a glimmer in
impassive eyes:
"so will i,"
and then i took the *******'s life;
swung my axe until he died.

you wanna get married?
**** knows what this is
I found my soul at 300 baud
in a world the world would one day come to adore
before there were webs
we were the spiders
before there were laws
nothing could be denied to us
we were wardialling before cybercrime
we were a virus before virii became a fake news byline
but if busted I'll deny I ever tried to
break a trunk through MCI jamaica
sat on ******* station for days
raking in creds like a madmuhfuhn rap master
with nothing greater than a pair of headphones
and a cheap cassette tape deck to take me there
kids today dont respect what they play with
back in the day we had to be outlaws
to connect to todays day to day bandwidth
.:MaG:. (Lo0Ns/A((e55)
There’s always been a counter-culture.
And by counter-culture
I do not mean the CPAs or CEOs,
Or those money **’s at Goldman-Sachs,
Nor do I conjure up a ****** of Brooklynese,
Some De Niro or Pacino, or
Bobby-come-lately Cannavale--
This decade’s guinea strunz--
Standing on the back of the truck
Checking his hand full of dollar--
As in Almighty Dollar--bills.
Another hour’s pay & time to
“Count duh money.”
Nor do I mean Harvey Korman
In his greatest film role:
“Count De Monet,”
Part 1 of Mel Brooks’
History of the World:
Harvey as French fop, 1789,
And we may as well throw a
Sop to Cerberus with nary a
Bean Counter around, to be found.
And if you are with me thus far,
You may as well stick it out to the end.

What one word defines the counter-culture?
Any kneecap reflexive swim against the tide.
For Count DeMonet:  La Résistance.
When hair is short,
They grow theirs long,
Or shave their heads,
Pierce their tongues & *******,
Inka-dinka-dooing their epidermis,
Mere skin-deep commitment to Liberté,
Always the least tangible of
French tripartite banner slogans.
The French:
As always, putting up a good show,
Masters of illusion & flexibility
When it comes to ethnic integrity,
Captain Louie Renault, Vichy stooge,
Exemplar extraordinaire,
Double shocked to find gambling
Going on at Rick’s Café,
His morality to the wind,
Tacking strategically,
Playing it safe, as always, a
Fickle-finger to the weather.
The French: girlie men, bent over
Presenting bidet-puckered rectums,
For *** and Viet Cong humiliation,
Once again, declaring victory,
While slipping out the back door,
Wearing nothing but their socks.
But I digress.

The Counter-Culture,
A mile wide and a centimeter deep,
Putting up a good front,
A Potemkin still life,
In it for appearance sake,
Like Billy Crystal doing Fernando Lamas:
“It's better to look good
Than to feel good.”
Looking marvelous, of course,
All the girls want to be
The Dragon Tattoo girl,
Haunted & smart,
Solitary & suspicious,
Cybercrime wealthy.
Cashing in, raking in affluence;
The guys all with Bobbitt night sweats,
***** shriveled, shrunken ball-sacks,
Count De Monet
Counting duh money.
So I run, and hide here,
only few knows this site.
Our government is bragging us,
for this Anti-Cybercrime Law really *****!
It's like a Digital Martial Law,
it's like ******* your own...
...your own toes!
It's like a waste of money,
a waste of time, injustice!
A waste of ******* your own...
...your own tongue!
There's no more fun in the Philippines.
I hate it. I really do.
NO (1)
I am a warrior
My art is superior
I fight with words
My pen hurts than sword

I bask in the light
I chose only the path that’s right
God almighty is my guide
He remote-control my path

I am bolder
Even than the soldier
I say No to terrorism
Cybercrime and cultism

To evil-doers and corrupt government
Mismanagement of civil property
I say No to pop/rap art
Whose rhymes corrupt young mind
Safana  Jun 2021
I am U.A.R
Safana Jun 2021
We deserve some...
THINGS, which are closely
to rise up like a changes
from the brain with purely
social thoughts in the kingdom
of alkebulans...

A bit change will landed, even
The names of some acts by us
will change, like...
Nigerian Corruption
Nigerian laundering
Nigerian cybercrime
Nigerian Boko Haram
Nigerian IPOB
Nigerian Niger-Delta Militants
Nigerian Kidnapping
Nigerian Political Violence
Nigerian Armed Robbery
Nigerian ISWAP
Nigerian OPC
Nigerian Afenifere
Nigerian Thugs
Nigerian Fraud
Nigerian etc.

To Beautiful U.A.R
May be our values
core will gain again
a golden sight from
the eye of the world

For my home country
Everything as a change to...
I welcome it
Corona Warfare II
This corona war
is breeding a lot of stuff
Like increasing the figure
of those filthily poor,
breaking jaw,
degrading thoughts
and causing mental clutch
for those who can't afford
to fill their store
with necessary stuff
to survive this war

and those political guys
Who only abides
with rules that thrive
in destroying our lives
by feeding our mind
with lots of lie
from News headline
That infects our mind
with mental genocide

and other stuff
like internet curse
Cybercrime plus fraud
Cyber bullying and more
So, what are you gonna do
You've got to break through
amidst the war and lies to quarantine you
Coz even as the time goes tik-tok; they're cashing out too

— The End —