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A little bit of Emile Zola.
“They dared not peer down into their own natures, down into the feverish confusion that filled their minds with a kind of dense, acrid mist.”

They thought he was pithed that man with the lithp but
he fooled them all.

He bathed in the midnight of madness and dried on the reason of hope,he sang with a voice forced with gladness and feasted on cakes made from soap.

A name that he knew he once carried was the same as the woman he married but he mumbled in metaphor and I wondered,
what the hell for
as he crumbled away into
the end of each day.
CH Gorrie  Sep 2012
CH Gorrie Sep 2012
In the form of transparent, bundled tumbleweed
it allows us to breathe, the continuation
of carbon dioxide creation, the movement
of clouds and mists and birds, certain natural disasters,
being able to skim bays at a full sail
or the next step a plane takes after taxiing.

It includes us in the endless repudiation of itself
that it can't seem to –  no matter how it may try –
reverse or cure, bringing earlier
peoples to know it as a supernatural force
(there was simply no other reasonable choice available).

And for some reason
it keeps engaging in pyromania as it aids and abets
whatever impulsive firework-lighting-thrill-seekers
or placid cigarette-****-litterers did or did not
purposefully do.
Àŧùl Jun 2013
It Was A New Delhi To Bangalore Flight In 1994
I Was Aged Three Years & 7 Months At The Time
We Did Start From Karnal For New Delhi At 1400
Mom Feared It That We Might Miss Our Flight
I Did Not Say Anything As I Knew Not Why So...

Anyways, We Reached IGI Airport In New Delhi
Here We Checked-In At The Domestic Terminus
Remember The Security Folks Tickling My Body
Maa Disappeared Into A Screen - Wooden Frame
I Looked Silently At The Smiling Security Man...

Then We Had To Cross Over In The Boarding Area
I Was Not Allowing My Young Eyes To Rest At All
Closely Following My Mum As Dad Was Not Here
Then Just As We Mounted The Taxiing Bus, I Said Aloud,
"I Am Not Here For The Bus!!!
Where's The Flight?"

Such was my childhood.
Everyone around us started laughing happily on listening to this young & innocent comment and the young - very young me was unable to understand why I was not on the flight right away - young age innocence!

My HP Poem #293
©Atul Kaushal
Francie Lynch Jan 2016
I'm on the runway,
Taxiing as they say;
But I can't remember
If I'm coming or going;
Deporting or boarding;
Lifting off or landing.
All runways look alike,
All security checks the same;
I'll know where I'm going
When I reach the baggage claim.
Waverly  Feb 2012
Waverly Feb 2012
Do you like flying?

I like flying.

I like the angle
of wings,
how they shiver
on the runway
as an artery of redemption.

The murmur of the engines
and the wheels
hopping like babies,
that is freedom.

The sifting through clouds
by the wings,
like dragging a stick
through a puddle of oil,
that is like love.

The belly of the plane
skimming over the clouds,
basking naked in the sun,
that is like life.

Descending through the fog
bumping in your seat,
watching the porthole
for the brown grasses of geese
and jewelry of the sun on other jets
that is like the birth
of the world.

Taxiing to a stop
and unconsciously
taking the sweet, lovely woman's hand,
in whichever way she is beautiful,
the one who snored through the descent
and it sounded like the piano play
of rain and concrete,
that is like grace
in innumerable measures.
Third Mate Third Feb 2015
bitter month,
bitters in the mouth,
bitters all over the world
snow is Campari red

burning alive,
dying while flying
or just train-commuting home,
or even but taxiing home,
this month racks up ruin,
like keeping score at bowling,
spare no one anywhere
this month is more cruel,
for its nearness to spring,
but offering no hope, no buds,
just random mayhem

slipped on the ice in the dessert
burning ice,
I hate this month
red, black snow
and no summer visions
only cold bitters
Coming round now,
hearing sound and how it sounds
pounding in my heart begins
the room spins twice.
I am the dice
a double six picks the ***.

Coming round now
cleared for lift off, taxiing,
stuttering like a gattling gun
on the run and running on,
turn the card
I am the one of hearts.

It's all a game of make believe or make a wish upon a starry night,
in spite of this
I make believe and I believe it's right.

I am the jacks
the twisted flax
the potato man,
I can and do with hope get through each day, and each day with you is one more new start for this one of hearts, this potato man.

The die is cast
the stage is set
place your bet,
I'm on a roll.
Paul Horne Apr 2020
At the base of a hill, a grass bank
unripe daffodils poking through
beckoning spring, while curious crows
hop around unkempt, a corridor
with a kind face, lights overhead
taxiing towards departure?
the raindrop running down
window overhead, like a tear
images you can’t place,
flit through your mind
skip, pause at random, while
the clock, relentless, counts down
hours, minutes, to an unknown time...

The waiting room, unawake
rows on rows of beds, sheets
unsettled disarray
save the few, clean, pristine
and in the shadows, collared,
for more without a clue

The end? a new beginning?
, some kind of vague middle? thoughts
muddle through the semi-conscious
chains of command to a general,
lounging back, cigar in mouth,
whiskey in hand, triple distilled,
“You’ll be fine, just count to ten,
a soft laugh, echoes
and, as I close the door
peace at last.
Yes, another poem about death! When I first started writing poetry practically every poem I wrote was about popping off in one form or another, but this has the dubious honour of being my favourite. The first stanza is about coming into the hospital, the daffodils still waiting to bloom outside the hospital indicating the time of year, just before spring (new birth), then being wheeled along the corridor, looking up at the lights overhead 'taxiing towards departure' a bit like an airplane about to take off. The single raindrop running down the window over the top of the operating table, I always think it's funny how we can focus on the completely irrelevant details at really important times of our lives. Stanza 2, 'The waiting room' is the post op recovery room, following the general anaesthetic, and I've used a little bit of artistic licence by putting a priest ('shadows, collared') in the corner of the room. The last stanza deals with that fine line between life and death, memories going through the mind like flicking through photos on your phone, remembering at the end the words of the ('general') anaesthetist as he counts down from ten, to make sure the patient is asleep, a sleep they may never wake up from.
Estrangement swiftly harries stylishly tailors
mine psyche courtesy family of origin, plus
eldest daughter, whose doth rage against this
human machine, albeit yours truly, beatle
browed, black crows, foo fighter (biological
daughter), a presumption aye surmise fille

to the scab barred hilt with lifetime channel
of unrepentant loathing attested snub with
absolute zero APR, asper this jejune bumpkin
(compared/contrasted with her globe trotting)
ouch, yes rejection did hurt, nee painfully sting
analogous to poisonous scorpion acceptance

axe hid dentally baring mine soul for forgiveness
exceeds emotional, mental, physical punishment
imagined, believers suffer when subjected to Hell,
which hath no fury like a woman scorned
(particularly if said female linkedin genetically),
thus lashed, whipsawed, zapped, especially cuz

unnamed lass emphatically underscores_those
untenable crisis overlooking the positive attempts
her papa made in core poor rating approximately
baker's dozen years, especially after "star
student" acquires drivers license, which permit
head thine offspring to dismiss me as private

chauffeur de jure, (I felt relief taxiing fair
grown child here and there on a whim without
guilt), and she cited paternal shortcomings as
though das dada deliberately doled out criminal
activity carried out with express purpose to induce

maximum harm, but no more emails proffered
to progeny formerly referred as "munchkin" -
and rather petite standing about five feet three
inches comprised entirely of muscle gained
thru dedication as long distance runner.

Sentimental reminiscences during those fleet
of foot tender apprenticed as father material
obviously a failure in eyes of alluded now young
lady, whose sadness (mine) doth smart at such
horrendous hardship.

Visualsualize living among memorabilia Zison's
collected generations one after another since...
the beginning of time, foul smelling septic tank,
Lower Merion township regulation demanding
flourishing poison ivy eradicated – with RoundUp,
the housekeeping...deplorable, and two adults

this mister and thee missus unemployed courtesy
mental health challenges, and dead of winter evicted
with lamb bass sting, and bear rush scolding
within hoity toity MainLine, surrounded by rabidly
hostile neighbors, who considered us worse
than plague of locusts!

— The End —