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Ann M Johnson
Minnesota ( A Small Pop?)    All poems original Copyright of Ann M Johnson, unless otherwise noted 2013-2021. I love writing and reading poetry I also enjoying singing. I also appreciate …
Logun Alexander Johnson
18/M/Nowhere and everywhere.    Loved and in love.
Tommy Johnson
New Jersey    I'm a twenty one year old psych major living in Bergen county. I've always loved writing, it always seemed to be the only way I …
Gwen Johnson
Minnesota    I'm just a girl who writes, but that makes me a writer.
Raymond Johnson
18/F    im gay homie
Lauren Johnson
20/F    words from the heart
Aeya Jean Johnson
Sipping Cocoa in the Rain    The drizzle makes me smile. It is good to have weather that matches my mood.
Sean C Johnson
AK    "In the cold dark night of the soul, it's always Three o'clock in the morning." -F Scott Fitzgerald
Los Angeles    I am an entertainment attorney heading a 9 person firm in Beverly Hills, CA. I am also the recording artist and songwriter, Trevor McShane, and …
N N Johnson
34/RI, United States    Dancer, writer, teacher, student.
Poppy Johnson
Cassidy Claire Johnson
Bradenton, FL    in the dawn of the day I sit waiting longing to see your face once more Cassidy Claire Johnson © 2010-2016.
A lost space   
Russell William Johnson
58/M/Colorado    my favorite word is joy. I'm fortunate. My life has been marked by love, kindness and an absence of pain. But I know there is …
Randy Johnson
Tennessee    I was born in Middlesboro Kentucky in 1971. I've lived in Tennessee for most of my life. My hobbies are writing song lyrics/poetry and drawing. …
Garrett Johnson
24/M/In the woods    Just Vomiting words onto paper, like hugs in blissful chaos running for anything. Perhaps.
David Adam Johnson
Canada    I wanted a way to deal with "everything"... Then i found out "everything" really meant nothing..... I lost everyone close to me in a very …
49/M/Johannesburg    Surviving
Victoria Johnson
You want to know something about me? That may be a little difficult. For all you know, I may not exist. But. If you really …
Levi Johnson
19/M/Canton, Ohio   
Emma Johnson
Montana    I plan to live forever, so far so good.
Adam Johnson
We are an amalgamation of the words we create.
Dominique Johnson
God's Bathroom Floor    Forever cursed in love are the observant. Forever a slave to the detail.

— The End —