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Hey guys! I'm just someone that likes poetry. I'm pretty chill and I like all genres of poetry. btw, if you follow me, I'll follow …
Crooked Youth
U.K    My work is my own. Not to be affiliated with a band of the same name in some other place somewhere. I just like words..
Welcome to the inside of my head.


Thee **** yout; no wisdom, no respect...                                            

               Tink they're so boombastic, wait and see...

See a raggamuffin, on da street...                                            

Hood up, knife out...

Some **** reggae fools, dis lot...                    

                                                   Tink they can slosh sum' boomba clot...

Me tink NOT!

Not my yout, not my child.
Little Jaco is ten now.
He's a real blessed dude.
He knows his manners,
And he's clean as shween too.

Can't wait a day longer.
Want me yout to be grown.
Want to fly, get high,
And ease up, once we've flown.

Me yout's like me brodda.
Has the face of his motha.

*All I want is for him to be old enough,
So that we can both smoke ****** together.
Jaco, my son; me yout <3
Butterfly  Nov 2018
I'm sorry
Butterfly Nov 2018
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I wasn't a genuine friend.
I'm sorry for always being a problem.
I'm sorry for not meeting yout expectations.
I'm sorry for never learning.
I'm sorry for causing you pain.
I'm sorry for making you feel less than you are.
I'm sorry for being selfish.
I'm sorry for coming into your life in the first place.
I'm sorry for existing.

I was supposed to be your everything.
I'm sorry I couldn't be.