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Judy Ponceby Jul 2014
To think and wish what ifs...

To look to the past for what might have beens...

To gaze upon what once was and what could have come to past.....

Leaves one's heart tender and aching

Until you realize, what is

Is good and true and joyous

In its own right.
A rose that only knows sunlight
Can never understand rain;
A heart that's only known gladness
Can never understand pain.
Eyes that have never seen darkness
Cannot comprehend hope;
Passions that have never felt torment
Are fires that can not be stoked.
But wisdom that hearkens to anger
Will someday turn its cheek;
A bold king of cruelty
Will someday join the meek.
Though the good and the bad
Writhe in confliction
Inside us all
Is a whole conviction.
Two parts to a whole,
Two sides in the glass,
The push and the pull,
The future and past.
We stumble about
Our hearts divided in twain
Eking out answers
In our fight to remain.
We ask ourselves
Whatis wrong?
What is right?
Too scared of the dark
To embrace the light.
We cannot be happy
Without having been sad
We cannot have good
Without the bad.
Sethnicity Nov 2016
Whatis it about US?
Where do We go from Hear?
There's nothing left to sever
cause you just ate your ears
Their is no 1 willing to deliver
the Kind-Ness-sities of Life,
of Love,
No 1 can stand to give It ^.

We can race to the Moon and find Nothing there
Yet We litter our flags like worn underwear.
Though, My words are Frost Bitten Lakes of Reality
Stricken by Tundra and Tobacco leaf
Hidden by the Blister of Blizzard Breeze
Like locos voting on police seas
policies to put them on the streets

These words May never reach beyond,
My **** n Brain
this Cold War We Never win
10 Adam Bombs to Send
US and Them
a swifty end
A ****** Post card to God
that says " HA HA Amen"
The End
What I hate most about election years is this presumed idea that there is some real cataclysmic difference between us and the other human who inhabit this planet... Please get over yourselves and be apart of the solution.
Michelle Apr 2020
Your eyes are distant from mine.
I stare in the expanse of Whatwas,
and the Whatwas changed into the
and the Whatis created a distance.

Michael John  Mar 15
Michael John Mar 15

hello-are you there?
you look
you find-

like gold in
the red desert
or love-

in your mind

or a butterfly minding
it´s own
do we choose..


what is mineis
mine and whatis

civilization has been
in place for 2000 years
but as tennyson said

let ten thousand years pass
and then we wil talk of progress..!
possession will not last..


shall we share
some universal tune
a magical aire

like the air
or will we have to
say we are through-

die away-
greed wins
live on the moon..

— The End —