You are unforgiving with yourself first before anyone is.
I just read this Brainpickings article about Virgina Woolf and what it means for her to do art. Such powerful and inspiring words. She was sexually and emotionally abused by her brothers when she was young but to see such a gentle soul get defiled and turn around her pain into inner light is just amazing. She said that art happens when the person finds a go between in despair and satisfaction. Seeing pain is a catalyst to see a greater whole and art is a way of reconciling the differences. It was so beautiful that I cried while reading it. In my defense, I am battling mood swings right now and the passage was too hopeful, too moving (at least for me) that I just couldn't help myself. Her life story reminded me of a ****** abuse victim I personally know and still remember though I don't quite see as often. I recall her story as something that shook my innocence to its grounds—I was just 12 or 13 when I knew about that. Looking back, she's probably a very strong woman to have survived everything.
Also, I seem to know people who are battling very persistent and life shattering demons but went on to keep their lives. I don't look like I know such discouraging things but the fact is I do. I have been exposed to such pains ever since I was very young. Maybe that is why I have all these insights that have me awake on some nights. But I truly look up to them because they made it despite being stripped weak at their core. I genuinely hope that all those people who opened my eyes to the scars of life are really doing well and I wish to see them someday just to know how they're holding. Experiences and stories are definitely the best pieces of art. Thank you brave souls—I owe you a big one.