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M Solav Dec 2019
So we may be taken — there
  without further adieu,
As the morning sun — shines
  on the morning dew.

    connecting two dots,
  In immediacy,
    what we have lost!

Among the lunatic — and
  the natural fraud,
We stand unprepared — so
  ready to applaud.

    connecting two dots,
  In immediacy,
    what we have lost!
Written in July 2017.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Catherine Queen Jul 2015
Life is like this greyish purple sky, - or is it smoke? - a strange and foreign concept, Life here in the most vivid and true sense of the word. The everlast of screen-bright polaroid collections and radio station lovesongs play up the impossibilities of any kind of breathe and let go, of give yourself kindly, irremediably and unbridled.

But no white plastic frame can tame a nose's redness, from the sun's kiss or a frosty, tender January bite. Love-in-the-making is an art, so I'll try not to lose it.
Martin Bailes Mar 2017
For a brief ...
so, so brief ...

a tiny sliver
of a moment
this early

young Gianni Rage
considered a,
how shall I put it ...
less ruthless,
less uncompromising,
less just plain truthful,
critique of our
oh so esteemed
Great Leader,

but then that
faint & distant murmur
at the far, far edge of his heart
was quickly silenced,
as he recalled
dying Syrian children,
emboldened White Supremacists,
fearful crop-workers,
deeply nervous Muslims,
irremediably insulted
black folks,

& his pen became
his sword once
more & all
was right
once again
with the world.

Gianni Rage is a wordsmith on FB, pay a visit why not.
Julian Revà Feb 2018
I would like to be able to draw a faint smile on marble; to access her secrets, corrupting his purity. But I only find stone that looks like marble (and I think it's marble).
         -respite, inaccesible, unattainable.
Because, sometimes, between my desperate attempts to make the deaf hear and to make the blind see, I go insane, crazy, alienated and abandoned to my fate. What will be of me? It does not matter anymore, I guess, because in the end we always end up talking about you, us, the ones on the other side, those you did not want, the demons you've tried to bury on the ground
         -because of you, for you, by you.
I would like to re-remedy what it was started, to rebuild each piece of our foundations and give out all the lost, but how can I deceive time? How can I tell him that what have been years for you have been lives for me? Because, if you did not know, every day was a century, every century is the calendar in which you have not been with me.
         -you have thrown naked into oblivion.
Because, sometimes, I did not need a greeting to remind myself that I have not died yet; it is that I only haven't been with you. Irremediably, in the end, we are always pathetic; even marble will die someday
         -it's a pity that my love does not.
(Spanish Translation)

Quisiera poder delinear una tenue sonrisa sobre mármol; acceder a sus secretos, corromper su pureza. Mas me encuentro sólo con piedra que parece y creo es mármol
—ríspido, inaccesible, inalcanzable.
Porque, a veces, entre mis intentos desesperados por hacer oír a los sordos y ver a los ciegos, quedo loco, demente, alienado y abandonado a mi suerte. ¿Qué será de mí? Ya no importa supongo, pues al final siempre terminamos hablando de ti, nosotros, los del otro lado, los que no quisiste, los demonios que has intentado enterrar
—por ti, por ti, por ti.
Quisiera volver a remediar lo empezado, a reconstruir cada pieza de nuestros cimientos y repartir cabal lo perdido, pero ¿cómo engaño al tiempo? ¿Cómo decirle que lo que para ti han sido años para mí han sido vidas? Porque, si no lo sabías, cada día era un siglo, cada siglo representa el calendario en el cual no has estado conmigo
—me has arrojado sin ropajes al olvido.
Porque, a veces, no hacía mayor falta un saludo para recordarme que no he muerto, sólo que no he estado contigo. Irremediablemente, al final, siempre somos patéticos; aún el mármol morirá algún día
—lástima que mi amor no.

— The End —