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William Carlos Williams


Williamsji Maveli
Angamaly, Ernakulam    Williamsji (Williams George) is a freelance writer, based in Ernakulam, Kerala, India. His recent collection of lyrics is being titled as "Arramviralthumbath..." (On the tip …
Dave Williams
Johannesburg    ramblings of a guy who thinks too much
Aiden Williams
Bristol    Please give feedback, thank-you. @AidenWill


Maple Mathers May 2016
Not prison, nor killed,
But his memoir's fulfilled
He named me Ann Williams
Amidst hints he instilled.

His fact is our fiction - demurely disguised.
Bad move, Tomas Gregory
You're tied to your lies
Unwise, catalyzed

Your pathetic demise.

Gang ***** in Aspen:
The personal account of an innocent man, savaged by American injustice.*****-Aspen-personal-injustice/dp/0984940111

how bizzare; how bizzare
Levi Kips Apr 2018
I have dog senses when it comes to people's feelings. I'm very aware of people possessing pain around me. when I talk to someone resignation in pain I yield to them. because my senses can tell me the direction and the quantity of pain but never why. I never know if this person is the pain receiver or the pain sender, but sometimes pain's weight is so heavy I break to it and let my young pup heart attend to it like a vet. when identifying what pain this person posses I either prepare to fetch a solution or my number for them because maybe they just need to adopt me into their life but if they are a pain sender, I find an exit. I know how our commercials end and I'd rather choose to be Iams dog than another SPCA survivor.
Ken Pepiton Apr 2020
A day's work, for a day's wage. That's the motto,

here we do the work, a word's actual worth,

we hold a meaning, which, makes common sense,
once we've tamed the main
stream of ideas for processing,
setting course bounds,
grammar and words of aim or blame or action,
or the opposite of all of those,

we speak the same tongue and access the same data set
for definitions and wiki-matter,

we, like me, my self, I the sub, me the ob, we, the both,
and you, dear reader,
were you to agree,

we is a being greater than the sum of our two mees and iams and yous,

Double you, one from you, one from me.
A me to you and I to me and vice versa.

Like matter anti matter, only immaterial, it makes nothing happen.

I enjoy imagining we can agree to let the air out of a trial balloon, and
in so doing we increase the peace of mind
on earth, one eight billionth of the gross human worth. My part. More with you.

You would not notice, except your part is next. I'm your cue,

I have waited for this your entire life. Go.
Be your best self more oft than not and

there's experiential scientific evidence that doing it gets

easier, and easier, until waiting is not suffering, it is patient

going with the current, taking the course as it comes, no trial,
no risk of damnation,

yep, there is a net. And do overs, no trial, no test, no lie,

do until y'do right, or die, but if you do right, and you know,

common sense can say it

seems right to show a shadow has another side.

keep the shiny side up, when y'hit the road. There is a detour up ahead.
I don't care if you can't imagine it. My Prius Persona converses with the Number 2 pump at the Sinclair station with the hookah bar where the **** bays used to be.