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Kim Essary Apr 2021
My heart hurts today for all that’s involved
Our community won’t stop until the cruel crimes you have committed are rightfully solved.
Our furbabies may not can tell all that they know or what you may have put them through
But rest assured for all the evil you have showed your plea of not guilty makes you look like a fool.
We all saw the terrible sick things you inflicted on a living breathing beautiful cat
So claim what you will but at the end of the day a fact is a fact.
You need so much Prayer and to put God in your heart
Givin your current situation now would be a good time to start
I Pray that that ban you from all animals and take your license away
This community of Ozark will never accept you for anything so why don’t you just pack up and go away
For our furbabies we are their voice and in case you couldn’t tell
They are wagging their tales and thanking their humans for never allowing you to again put them through hell.
We are their humans they are our family and deserve to be treated with Love
May God forgive you for all you have put them through and may He show you mercy when He hands down your punishment from the heavens above
Close his doors shut him down
Kim Essary  May 2018
Kim Essary May 2018
This family I have all began with a girl named Bella, she was more than adorable. Loyal and loving she was one of a kind. She never ran off until one day she never came home, my heart broke as I searched near and far, not only taken from me but 5 babies left behind.  I was trying to find these babies a loving home but attached from day one I kept them for my own. Oh my the destruction they caused, 3 girls and 2 boys, Heaven, Sadie, Sky, Junior and Buster along with my shitzu,  Zoey. Never a dull moment as each one special in there own way. Little did I know the place where we lived the ground they played upon made every one of them poisoned by parvo and deathly sick. My Fience and I worked round the clock administering medication and fluids to 6 very sick puppies. Our battle seemed to never end as death filled our home and we lost one. Exhausted and drained as i laid beside our remaining babies, death sunken eyes peered up at me from each and every one as if asking me "momma please save us for what have we done"  I burst into tears as I gathered them all near, laying my hands upon there tired bodies I closed my eyes and began to Pray, God please heal my babies make them better through my hands, I know you can work miracles so I'm begging of you to spare the life of my babies I pray unto you . As silence filled my home covered with doom, my body grew numb , I knew God was here. I began praying harder never lifting my hands as the heat from my hands became even hotter I couldn't remove them from their bodies. Chills ran through me like I've never felt before, releasing my hands as I looked in their eyes , the death that once consumed them appeared to go away. Within a matter of hours one by one they began to get well. I dropped to my knees and gave God his Grace for saving my babies that day. Every word I've said in this poem is 100% true, A wonderful testimony of how love , faith and God healed my furbabies that day.

This is a true story . My furrbabies are my life my family my loving and loyal companions
Kim Essary Apr 2021
Dear Humans, I’m sorry to take up your time there’s just a few things I would like to say
But as you all know I can’t speak for myself so my human will speak for me today
Have humans forgotten so many things we as furbabies do
For as long as we live our loyalty belongs to  you
We are your ears while you lay sleeping at night
We are your eyes if you lose your sight
We protect you from all harm
We rustle you’re livestock for you on the farm
We find your loved ones that  have been missing for days
We show you we love you in so many ways
All that we want is to be loved in return
So many things you can teach us cause we love to learn
If you look in our eyes then you will see
We aren’t much different than humans we each have our own personality
Please dont abuse or neglect us just because you can
Always remember there is a purpose a dog is best friend of man.
There is no excuse for animal abuse
Kim Essary  Mar 2018
Furbaby love
Kim Essary Mar 2018
Bark, bark, yap, yap,
Don't they ever stop, you bad dog you chewed my favorite shoe, lay down , get outside , chain them up, cover their mouth with a leather strap where they can't speak,.  They get left in scorching heat. It's not to cold it's a dog, he has a dog house he can take shelter from that storm. Don't stop it's just a dog you ran over. So you leave his body to lay..
You fool, can't you see, they are just babies like we use to be , they bark and yap cause they are talking to you, they need your attention so they chewed your favorite shoe. Let's see how it feels to put that chain on your neck and leave you tangled outside for days, let me forget I didn't get you freshwater it's only 100° today, crawl in that boarded up box to shelter yourself from the rain, it's normal for you to shake in the cold ,  if I strike you and leave you lay they lock me up for ******, You should be ashamed of yourself   Human you call yourself  what part of this is humane.
They love , they hate, they hurt they feel pain and joy they cry real tears , they blood runs through them to pump their heart, they are no different than you and me   wait what am I saying there is but one very big difference you see,  my furbabies are more loyal than any human standing. They protect me when I'm in danger, they comfort me in my time off need, they never leave my side , theres  the difference ,now can you see
Dedicated to the most loyal , loving companions I've ever had.  My wonderful furbabies
Vicki Cheek  Nov 2016
Vicki Cheek Nov 2016
Nov. 2, 2016


I miss you, Bandita, so much!!
It has only been a week and the pain is still at the “hard-to-breathe” stage.  I hate walking into this house.  You are not here to greet me at the door.  Your absence is so palpable.  This house is just not the same with you gone.  It feels as if the life has been ****** out of this house.  It is silent and does not even seem like a home anymore just a place where I come to sleep.  

When I drive up to the house and pull into the driveway, I sit in the car and start sobbing – dreading to go inside.  I get out of the car slowly and reluctantly.  When I get to the front porch steps, I am still crying and my pace starts getting slower and slower.  I look up at the front door just dreading to go in.  When I finally do force myself  to walk in, I start sobbing and wailing as the waves of emotion wash over me that you are gone and you are not ever coming back.  All the memories of all the times you greeted me at the door or came running when I called you come flooding back.  It feels like someone is ripping my heart from my chest.  It is so intense.  The silence is deafening.  A feeling of hopelessness settles in.  Sometimes I cannot handle it and I have to leave the house.  However, this remedy is short-lived because I have to come back eventually.  When I do stay, I try to keep my mind occupied by doing mundane chores or losing myself on the internet.  That works to a point until it is time to go to bed.  I try to stay awake long into the night to avoid that time, hoping that when I do go to bed, I am so exhausted that I will fall asleep immediately.  However, the crying starts again.  You always came to bed with me.  If you did not beat me in there, I would soon hear the pitter-patter of your paws after I was settled.  You had your own bed next to mine.  I would always, and still do to this day, tell you “goodnight Bandypants, I love you baby”.  I am crying so bad at that point that I ask my guardian angels to help me get through the pain so I can fall asleep.  That usually works along with the exhaustion and I fall asleep.  When I wake up in the morning and look over to where you are no longer sleeping - the crying starts again.  

Dear Lord, it hurts so much – down to the core of my being – down to my very soul.  I did not think it would be this bad.  It was not as if I did not know this day was coming.  I put it off as long as I could.  Everyone kept telling me that I was in denial because you would have bad days and then good days.  I wanted to give you as much time as I possibly could.  I would want someone to do the same for me.  I took you riding as much as I was able since I had to work every day without a day off.  I hold a lot of resentment because that was my last little bit of time with you and I feel that I was robbed of that time – it is not anything that I can ever get back.    

At first, we could ride for hours, only pulling over when you let me know you needed to get out.  I could see your nose sticking out the backside window when I looked in my side mirror.  I used to get the biggest kick out of that.  Then, as time went on, the rides got shorter and shorter.  Still, we had our last ride at lunchtime before you had to go that day.  I can still see you in the backseat when Larry dropped me off at work.  You were sitting up in the back seat with your ears perked up looking at me as if you were thinking, “Where are you going mom?”  That is my last memory of you and I see it every single day.  Oh God, it hurts so much.  I know you wondered why I was not going all the way down to the vet with you and that kills me.  I am so sorry but I could not go with you.  I was too upset and did not want you to sense that, which you would have instantly.  I was a coward and I am so sorry.  I will have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life.

I did not want you to get to the point where you were actually hurting.  I hope that was not the case.  The Lasix was not working anymore and the fluid had built up so much that it looked like you had swallowed two watermelons.  The vet told me that it would get to the point where you would drown in your own fluids.  When I could see that it was getting close to that time, I bought you steaks, beef tips, chicken *******, and turkey to eat.  Anything you wanted to eat that would not poison you was okay with me.

That last night, I could tell that you were miserable trying so hard to get comfortable.  When your breathing became more labored, I knew it was time.  I could tell from the look in your eyes that you were over it.

I am supposed to be thankful that I had you for as long as I did and I am thankful.  I took you for granted for a long time, which is also something that I will have to live with.  

If there is really a Heaven, which I have all my life fully believed with all my heart, then we will see each other and be together once again.  I hold on to that hope.  That is the only thing that keeps me going.  Every once in a while a thought will creep into my mind that I would be much happier in that other existence than the one I am in now.  If not, then Heaven, for me, is not real.  It would only be Heaven for me if I could see and be with all those I loved who have gone on before me – my furbabies included.  This is the only thing that keeps me going because some days, I do not even want to get up and face a new day without those I have lost.  One thing I have learned in my old age is that you cannot have anything great in life without the pain that eventually comes with it.

RIP: Bandita, my “Bandypants”
You are sorely missed.
March  2006 - October 27,  2016
Until we are together again …..

— The End —