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Inspiration "The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life,” - Muhammad Ali

I've done some things in my past I'm not particularly fond of. I was just a lost soul trapped in the underworld. Surrounded by some demons I would say they were possessed. I grew up around drugs, gangs and seen all sorts of mess.

I was born a ******* brought into this world out of wedlock. With no father figure I feel I was doomed from the start. My thirst for knowledge made me come off as kind of odd cause in a den of thieves I only wanted to serve God.

Yet I was young, I was naiive and so I fell to temptations, that's what happens when you're green in a world controlled by Satan. I put myself in situations where I had to make a choice one would build me up and the other would destroy.

I knew I was doing wrong when I thought cops were my enemies but failed to see the ones who pulled my strings were fallen entities.

I traveled far into the underworld
but some how made it out and when I did there was God who said my child I never doubt.

So yea I've done some things in my past I'm not particularly fond of but now I am free and if you only know the old me you no longer know me... Peace be unto you.

Copyright. Sean Antonio Tyson

1 Peter 1:14: "So you must live as God's obedient children. Don't slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires".
My hope is to inspire others who may be in similar situations to turn back to God and encourage others to keep the faith and stay strong.
Jul 2014 · 843
Don’t you worry I’ll be fine,
You know I’ve heard the strong survive,
millions die everyday yet
we're blessed to be alive.
Yes, Some have lost their way,
and others take their path in stride,
While The rest don’t give a ****
and go along just for the ride.
I say we gonna live and learn
or We gonna live and die,
They can take away your freedom
but can't take away your pride.
Close your eyes, go deep inside
now come alive Gods on your side.
Those who’ll take a bullet for them
come on down you’ve won prize,
They’re meeting in the mountains
when their bombs fall they all hide.
While I'll be with you guys,
on the ground looking at the skies.
Everything isn’t just said
its often right in front our eyes,
Open your eyes.
© 2013
Jul 2014 · 632
The devil will give you what you want faster than God will...
Think about it.
Jul 2014 · 809
Peace, War and Propaganda
One too many times we've been shortchanged
My Feelings are beginning to wither with Novocaine...
We no longer feel pain, you see our skin repels water like a feather when it rains
Poisonous toxins are flowing through your veins...
Somewhere right now a black man has a barrel to their brain

Rockets propelling through the skies, those shooting stars are grenades
Leaders of the free world watching should be ashamed.

War is not a game, but its orchestrated like a play. While they're bombing overseas, we're killing each other daily.

Bloodstains in the streets bodies mangled to the beat...And the beat goes on and survivors dancing in the streets....

Peace is yet again delayed

You could die before you wake so don't forget to pray, it may not get you into heaven but it will clean your slate...

Slavery changes with time, slave break free from your chains
Only ourselves can free our mind, Spare the homeless some change

It's not about what we lose but about what we gain...
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
No Breaks
Its some things in life that we never see coming
Blinded by all of the lights they are stunning
The police is chasing the outlaw is running
Its one thing we know its the devil is cunning...
People younger than me are dying
Politicians still trying
to ease our minds
With scripted lies
This song is for all those who see the ties
We gone smoke marijuana till its legalized and
I'm so high you can barely see my eyes
I left the club with two girls and they both were bi
You left the club with three *******
and they all were guys
Why look back now the planes taking off
If your girl in the room she gone take it off
Cause I paid the cost to be the boss
Three, two, one gonna blast off!
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Caterpillar to a Monarch
My tongue is alive
I do this for all those that died
I could careless bout the money and rides
I'm intertwined with a spiritual guide

You probably know him better as God
I stay connected through prayer and silence
Why do we  stare at the lights and the sirens?
The master is talking the puppet is silent.

I can feel change is coming like the climate
As I'm writing my eyes roll and I shake
Like the earths crust does under our feet
The next Noah's flood will come from melted ice sheets

And you'll never meet another poet like me
I'm half prophet and I'm half emcee
People that I've never met appearing in my dreams
It seems we're all connected can you feel me through the screen?

Most of our emotions are controlled by TV
I guess somebody know our minds inner workings
Studying new methods in a laboratory
this is what a butterfly once told me...
Dec 2013 · 720
Once Lovers
It's been 2 months 5 days 22 hours 47 minutes and 17 seconds and counting since you pushed me away and
The more and more that time
the more and more you
fade away..
Vegas White
A status update from my close friend Vegas White. His words jumped off the screen and touched my soul I had to share with you all.
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Neptunes Moons
Neptune has many moons
In his cold desolate spot in space
Each one to be with forever
until death do them part
And be there... close to his side day n night...
Inspired by My tattoo artist Neptune.
Neptune has 14 moons Triton being the biggest.
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
We Interrupt Your Broadcast
Terror, Fear
Chemical Weapons
The world will end tomorrow.
Go back to sleep America
We have everything under control
Including You.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program
of shutting the **** up and
being happy with the little freedoms you have left.
While we devise new ways to make you surrender them
through Coercion.
MK ULTRA "The greatest lie the Devil ever told was convincing humanity that he didn't exist."
If I cried.* Perhaps my tears could fill the Ocean
instead my fingers peck at this keyboard and forms a Poem
I guess they've never had someone whose love was so *****
How did we find each other in a world full of Commotion...
© ST 2013
The Frustration Is driving me insane
I thought you was Abel turned out to be Cain.
Sometimes I want to push you in front of a train but
that would be to easy these days seem so much the same
Patience is a virtue yes I'm frustrated and may hurt you
only to feel bad because the human in me hurts too
My quest for happiness is like a trek to find the end of a rainbow
I've lost my light and my path I don't know which way to go.
Seems a lot of people would like to see me fail and
well I've done just that and somehow avoided jail
It's a wonder I'm still alive seems it's not my time to die
I bottle up emotions and at random moments I cry.
Used, abandoned, No one came to pay my ransom
Now damaged, unrepairable, but still somewhat handsome
Life threw me a fastball and I struck out a few times
my days are filled with lust No wonder I learned to rhyme
trying to climb my way out of my hole hoping this may be my gold
I haven't accomplished much of anything at 23 years old
Yes, I've wrote a bunch of non sense
but it has brought me not one cents and
I'm actually in debt for sharing my two cents.
My life is like a comedy I, myself laugh maniacally
at one point someone thought I was inspiring.
I try and stay optimistic hoping to ease this stress
as I feel the rope tightening around my neck.
The lightning bolts my only hope the reason I log on
if you didn't give me strength there's no way I could write on...
Thank you to everyone for your support and love
it goes along way.
Dec 2013 · 3.1k
Figment of Imagination
Everywhere you go I am right behind you
that thing you look at when you day dream and stare
I'm the director behind all of your nightmares.
I keep you company when you're all alone
I watch over your house when no one is home
I'm the person that calls you and immediately hangs up
that stranger in the halls that never looks up
I'm the voice in your head you try to deny exist the exhilirating moment when their face meets your fist
I'm the choice you never made when you second guess
I'm the right answer you didn't circle on the test
I look over your shoulder as you gaze at your screens
the person you've never seen that appears in your dreams
I'm all of your evil thoughts and deeds that no one knows about
you think are safe inside your mind until I help them come out
Now, We have more in common than one may think
Welcome to Hell! Let's have a drink!
Dec 2013 · 2.5k
Ignorance is Oblivion
Take heed and watch closely. You'll see these to be true.
If you don't know, now you know.
“We Shall: 1) ****** and demoralize the youth with false doctrines. 2) Destroy the family life. 3) Dominate humanity by Preying upon their lower instincts and vices. 4) Debase and vulgarize Art, and introduce filth in Literature. 5) Destroy respect for religions; undermine the reputation of the clergy through scandalous stories and back up the so called "Higher Criticism" so that the old fundamental faith is shattered and quarrels and controversies become permanent in the churches. 6) Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and spend thrift ideas so that the ality for enjoying clean and plain pleasures is lost. 7) Divert the attention of the people by public amusements, sports, games, prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for thinking. 8) Confuse and bewilder the minds of the people by false theories and shatter the nerves and health by continuously introducing new poisons. 9) Instigate class hatred and class war among the different classes of people. 10) Dispossess the old Aristocracy, which still keeps up high traditions by excessive taxes and replace it with the "Knights of the Golden Calf." 11) Poison the relations between the employees and employers through strikes and lockouts so as to ruin the possibility of productive co-operation. 12) Demoralize by all means the higher classes of society and by adverse publicity raise the hate of the people toward them. 13) Use industry to ruin agriculture and then in its turn destroy industry by wild speculation. 14) Spread all possible utopian theories so as to bring the people into a labyrinth of impractical ideas. 15) Raise the rate of wages, which however will not bring any advantage to the workers for at the same time we shall produce a rise in the price of the first necessities of life. 16) Cause diplomatic friction and misunderstanding between States which will increase international suspicions and hate thereby greatly augmenting armaments. 17) Introduce in all states, general suffrage so that the destiny of nations depend upon ignorant people. 18) Overthrow all monarchies and substitute republics for them; in so far as possible fill important state offices with persons who are involved in some unlawful affair and who will, from fear of being exposed, remain our obedient servants. 19) Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare the soil for absolute despotism and Bolshevism. 20) Establish huge monopolies upon which even the great fortunes of the Gentiles will depend to such an extent that they will be swallowed up at the "hour" when the industrial crisis will start. 21) Destroy all financial stability; increase economic depressions to the extent of bringing a general world bankruptcy; stop the wheels of industry; make bonds, stocks and paper money worthless; accumulate all the gold of the world in the hands of a certain few people thus withdrawing tremendous capital from circulation; at a given hour close all the exchanges, withdraw all credits and cause general panic. 22) Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity through suffering, fear and shortage of food - hunger creates slaves!”
"Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College" last stanza - Thomas Gray
"To each his sufferings: all are men,
Condemned alike to groan;
The tender for another's pain,
The unfeeling for his own.
Yet ah! why should they know their fate?
Since sorrow never comes too late,
And happiness too swiftly flies.
Thought would destroy their paradise.
No more; where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise."
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Stay Alive: The Teaser
What would you do to stay alive?
(Johnny get's the early warning, and rushes home to his family.)
Jenny wake up! Wake up! Ok! Ok! I'm up! It's midnight. I have to be at work in the morning honey, this better be good. What is it? There's a wa... ( Johnny's interrupted by gunshots and sirens out the window.) Come on, we don't have much time to Stay Alive. (John loading their guns)
What are you talking about John, why are you loading the guns? Whose shooting outside? (He looks her with conviction.) There is no law, it's total anarchy. We gotta go now, If we want to live Jenny, I'll explain later! Folks said it wouldn't happen in our time and it's happening honey. Grab the bags prepped for us and wake Jacie! Remember the three C's John. Cool, calm collected, Breathe baby. Now's not the time to argue Jenny. This is not a drill! The trucks loaded and the rest of our guns and supplies are packed. Ok everything's gonna be fine John I'll go wake Jacie, we've practiced this scenario before. (Jenny goes across the hall) Ok hurry Jenny, My Sister Jesse and her family are heading up north to the Kuuyi Mountains, where her husband Jimmy has a cabin he's converted into a fortress. We should be able to make it there around sunrise. Now Jenny, he says he has food and a water supply for all us. I told him we'd bring the ammo and what we have to defend from anyone trying to harm us. Your nursing will come in handy if anyone of happens to be injured. (Jenny's enters the room.) Don't worry we'll be fine Jenny. Is Jacie up and ready to go? Yes, she's just tying her shoes. Ok, we don't have much time to spare before the roads are clogged. It wont be easy but we will make it. Here take these guns Jenny we're going to need them once we get there and if we want to make it out the city. I know you don't like them because your family was taken by them but Jenny they are going to keep you, I and our baby girl Jacie alive. (Jacie walks in the room and drops her duffel bag.) Dad I'm ready. I guess all your drills really did come in handy. Are you sure you can ready Jacie, I want you to carry the automatic? Yes dad, I am 16 now, I can handle the automatic. (John smiles) Really Dad, You've been teaching me how to shoot since I was 6 years old. I know sweetheart, remember just what I told you, (Jacie in unison with her dad John) "only put your finger on the trigger when you ready to shoot" "Butterfly". (Jacie smiles) How can I forget dad. (They exchange a family hug before leaving.) OK, let's go I want everybody locked and loaded off safety with one in the chamber. (car doors shut) Dad, where are we going?
(Johnny turns the key, and the engine Roars!)
To hell if we don't pray.
Rough draft
Nov 2013 · 863
I wrote my first play
when I had a dream
Now I unscramble all the scenes.
                                                    What started off as a hobby
                                                     Made me a legend
                                                       Yet none shall bring me heaven.
From the day we are born
we cry for attention
vulnerable, inexperienced, defenseless.
Random thoughts jotted down.
Education — how the population of the future will behave,
Money — the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods.
Law — the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state,
Politics — the direction of the State,
Economy — the creation of wealth,
History — what people believe happened in the past,
Psychology — the means of controlling how people think,
Philanthropy — so that people think well of the controllers,
Medicine — the power over health, life and death,
Religion — people’s spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many.
Media — what people know and learn about current events,
Continuity — the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps.
Nov 2013 · 594
Shattered Glass
I take a look in the mirror
take a look at the Past
All the times that I fell
the times I had a Relapse

People never told me
exposed me to the Truth
My foe got what he wanted
had my neck in a Noose

The streets of Georgia
can be ******* a Brother
I had to run from that rain
and find a way out the Gutter

How far will I make it
my soles got holes in Them
they claim to be your friends
but their souls hold Venom

How long can I last
when the lies we Inherit
Keep my mind in a daze
and my thoughts Incoherent
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
Martin's Nightmare
Instead of going to cop those new pair of shoes, a fly cut or a nice hair do,
maybe you should apply for your gun license and buy lots of ammo
cause soon soldiers on your block coming dressed in camo,
I'm talking crazy muhfuckers think they badder than Rambo.

They're in control of our water, money and food
and they make all these kind of shows to play with our moods.
So indecisive, we don't know lies from truth,
Millions think they have it, just look at you tube,
I don't trust them more then I do reporters on the news.

Have they ever told you about my boy E.B.E ?
See It all comes down to what you'll live and die for
and remember
when you die it won't matter if you rich or poor,
as we continue to chase this money, mula, dinero,
mark my words it won't be long until they
introduce Ameros

It's time to plant our own seeds,
and harvest our own crops,
cause when the **** hits the fan
don't counting on Romney or Barack.
God bless us all.
Nov 2013 · 3.2k
Ay Momma! (Losing Control)
"This for the Moms out there, you know
what I'm saying who done told their kid shit but
they don't wanna listen and have to go through the
hard way of finding s
hit out Know what I'm saying,
cause I Was one of them kids..."

"Tell me who knows a peaceful place that I can go
to clear my head I'm feeling low"
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control

Ay Momma!

"Tell me who knows a peaceful place that I can go
to clear my head I'm feeling low
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control...

Ay Momma!

Wish I could turn my **** around and did it how you told me
don't **** with everybody every smile aint your homie
I had to learn the hard way most people is phonies
played that tough guy role then they snitching on me
and member when you said the truth rule everything
never believe everything a person telling me
and jealousy is always close than you ever think
that was some real **** Mama you the best to me
and the way you raised me giving you applaud for that
my mother my father my friend girl you're all of that
a hard head started opening loud packs
involved with gats
soldier known for
walking off with sacks
I like that then I thought I need to try that
the right stack I guarantee you I could buy that
and notice just how you leave and come right back
they say you going down the wrong hit the right track..."

Tell me who knows a peaceful place that I can go
to clear my head I'm feeling low
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control
   Losing control...

Ay Momma!

Tell me who knows a peaceful place that I can go
to clear my head I'm feeling low
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control
    Losing control...

Ay Momma!

If you could look in my eyes you'll see all the pain that I felt
another victim to the streets moving that cain for the wealth
my pops never gave a fuck at night I anger myself
puffing **** till my eyes bleed they say that danger my health
but f
uck it my mind corrupt from all the **** that done happen
and rest in peace to my papi I love you I have you imagine
coming up where I came from it aint fun
when people die every day over the same stuff
and cops notice your game until you change up
I love my mother she claim tough she aim up
a lot of jealous muh fuckers no name for
with no fingers
it's f
uck you when I get famous
I aim to see a billion for I'm dead sir
I think about this paper so much my head hurt
Stay on the grind legit now but I did dirt
my time to shine Ima dive in this game head first

Tell me who knows a peaceful place that I can go
to clear my head I'm feeling low
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control
   Losing control...

Ay Momma!

Tell me who knows a peaceful place that I can go
to clear my head I'm feeling low
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control
Losing control...

Ay Momma!
One of the best rap songs you'll never hear on the radio
2Pac sample
"Tell me who knows a peaceful place that I can go
to clear my head I'm feeling low"
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
"I have to be a G till the day that I die.........."
Listen to the hook you didn't have to be a G
you could be a Crip, Vice Lord or a B
but don't twist it up I am here to spread unity
I was 6 and 7 when they shot Tupac and B Eye...G
So now whose on our playlist Drake or Nicki
or Do yall listen to Gucci, Wayne or Young Jeeeeezy?
But now you tuned into L A D B
Africa unite Rest In Peace Bob Marley
I'm rolling Bob Marley's waiting for that Barbie
Wait a minute scratch that rather her sister Bonnie
She down for a cause, she down for a Army
I'm a Last of A Dying Breed
What's Illuminati?
Rest In Peace Gandhi
Hold on let me explain
Because my faith is the reason that I maintain
they may not play it but my lyrics dope like *******
Last of A Dying Breed is what I'll remain...

Ele A de be
Nov 2013 · 4.4k
Heartless People
Cold hearted people are a cancer to our species
That should be wiped away and flushed like feces
They've divided our minds into little pieces
I'll greet the cold hearted boy who tries to date my nieces,
with Hot lead...
A cold hearted person was once a person who cared to much
Once a person turns cold it's hard to change back into who they used to be.
They have to let go of the past, and learn how to trust again.
Most people who act heartless have a sweet heart.
They just act heartless to protect themselves from getting hurt again.
Life is like a camera...
Focus on whats important,
Capture the good times,        
Develop from the negatives,
And if things don't work out,
Take another shot.
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
The Lonely Stoner 3
You have patients in Hospitals
We face so many obstacles
I'm only thinking logical
Mary Jane is economical
her enemies are comical,
There Wars not aimed to end
and it's aim to get us from within
everybody in the system
watch us crumble to ruin.

Inhale Love
Exhale and release, Hate.
They don't understand you
Like We do MJ.
Nov 2013 · 2.8k
The Lonely Stoner 2
The jails are filled with your possessors
sadly this is true
because Mary Jane
they can't control you.
She just wants to be free
like you and I
the fund a War on Drugs
Poverty, our
Privacy, and
It's Global
like the effects of the radiation cloud
from Chernobyl
that caused a lot of cancer
and for some you're the only answer.
Nov 2013 · 401
Think Fast
Did you think that?
Did you read that?
Did you write that?
Write a book about that?

Nov 2013 · 3.8k
The Lonely Stoner
Inhale Love
Exhale and release, Hate.
They don't understand you
Like I do MJ.
They try to demonize your seeds
while others legalize your buds
Deep down  inside we just want to be loved.

By someone who will love us
Sadly this is true
because Mary Jane
I Love You.
Nov 2013 · 2.6k
20,000 Milestone!
Thank You to everyone whose read my poetry.
I'm glad we have such a platform to share with one another.
I've been a member on Hello Poetry since 4/23/2013
reaching 20,000 All Time Reads
3 days before 7 months exactly. In All
I've released 67 poems and stories
excluding this one
which I've shared with everyone
All sides of me.
Some of my favorites in my collection are:
'The Warning before the Warning' -
I wrote this one about four years ago
and meant every word in it.
My second one:
'All Seeing Leading the Blind'
A freshly written one in 2013.
One of my more controversial poems.
'Element 115'
We, humans are not from this planet..
The last two in my top 5:
Break the Chains & Live and Learn
They define me as a writer, philosopher and human.
Share with me your top 5 of my collection.
Thank You for letting me share.
Nov 2013 · 5.8k
Talking to the Dead
at my fellow Pisces grave
I cry, I cry, We joke, I smile.
I wipe my tears and look to the
SKY and Feel the Pain in the Rain
Falling down into my eyes,
like the night you returned the Source.
As they pulled the plug I was on my back porch.
Your Storm lasted for days
weeks up ahead like a reminder from the Almighty,
from the Dead.
I Held Your Hand just the day Before you squeezed and reacted showing
Brain Activity making the Same face you did when we connected
through Telepathy.
My fellow Piscean, My fellow Savior
two of us was an anomaly in the situation.

We Knew we were different.
We Knew we were here for a reason.  
We even knew the last time I would see you Breathing.

Mentally, Spiritually, Psychologically Pisces We Believe and possess
Powerful being abilities, Intuitively using Intuition Unknowingly yet,
Surprisingly Accurate though sometimes We Wish to be Inaccurate
even the Ability of Time Traveling
couldn't stop civilization from Unraveling
as current generations continue Babbling
the world will suddenly change dramatically.
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
Poetic Unjustice
They victimize the victims and
they glorify the killers
yet don't realize what symptoms
has the youngsters pulling triggers
Little girls becoming strippers
just so they can make some figures
guess they missed the bigger picture
My knowledge helps reconsider
A country man at heart
with street smarts like city slickers
I'll leave you looking ignorant
you think that I'm a ******
The last man to **** his own people
name was ******.
I'm more mysterious then that
compare to Jack the Ripper.
Nov 2013 · 570
Little Glass Houses
Privacy is against the law,
we live in Little Glass Houses.
They ensure they'll never break,
like our new robotic spouses.

We all contend for work,
not in a tie or a blouse.
We're trapped in a maze,
after cheese like a mouse.

11/11/2013 1045PM Sean Antonio Tyson
Nov 2013 · 858
Primal Routine
I do push-ups
as I read the Bible
It's my survival
My methods tribal
It wouldn't affect me
if lightning hit the Eiffel
I have no idols
My guardian angel
Is a Rifle
I keep the clips full
and spare tools
to check my vitals
I learn survival
like building shelter,
making fires
Learn survival
know your rivals
Read your Bibles
or be stifled...
Oct 2013 · 2.5k
The Angel of Death
I once stood in a room with five people, the year was 2012.
Two of them are dead now.
True Story.
My Life.

S, V(r.i.p), C, C, R(r.i.p).*

We all witnessed LeBron win his first championship with the Heat.
We played pool, had some beers, discussed politics, and watched the game.
Two of them are dead now.
I know the victims and the accused killers
Three of us are alive still.
One of them is my best friend.
The other a friend of a friend.
They deaths were unrelated.
Both were aggravated.
One execution style.
The other worthy of a Cain and Abel reference.
What troubles me at night is the night we all were watching the game...
One was my best friend older brother.
The other I never knew but ran into them once
On the unpredictable, unforgiving
streets of my hometown 'Wartown'
and never saw them again until.

The First One happened 6/18/13
'Blood splattered the walls
of a large room that served as the kitchen,
dining and living room-area of the three-story house.
Bullets pierced an adjoining wall.
Blood soaked a cushion of the living room couch.
The odor of bleach permeated the air.'
said John Doe on his arrival to the local Sheriff's office.
Authorities called the killing
a planned “execution-style slaying”
and labeled it drug related.
Authorities also recovered a .45-caliber Glock
handgun believed to have been used in the slayings
as well as a yellow Ford 2004 pickup truck
believed to have been used to transport the bodies
to a secluded wooded area.

The End

The Second one 7/6/13
The story of my best friend and kindred spirit.
I remember the morning my friend C
from up the road
ran down to my house and woke me out of my sleep
saying come quick there's been an accident V hurt.
I'm remember rushing up to the regional Hospital
early in the AM with my pajamas still on.
I  remember getting and first being denied access to see my dear friend
who was hanging on by a thread of life
because it was "on the blacklist"
We finally gained access to the proper codes
to visit him.
I entered the room slowly and braced myself.
Instantly breaking down as I witnessed my dear friend
unable to breathe on his own
the look in his eyes
pierced through my soul and water
released from my tear-ducks.
All the memories raced though my head
All the plans we had ran through my mind.
I remember holding my friends hand and whispering in his ear
as he lay on his unknowing deathbed unconscious and on life support.
"Vonnie it's Sean, I'm here man, I came as fast as I could, you can make it. I love you bro"
I once stood in a room with five people.
Two of them are dead now.

Moral of these stories:
Tomorrow's not promised.
*Names are abbreviated.
Oct 2013 · 815
Mental Capacity
I've been having thoughts on my mind
I aint wasting time pay attention to my rhymes
you'll see the signs I've been writing line after line
I was Malcolm X and Martin Luther King in 2009
I will step up to the plate if nobody's trying
I'm not afraid of dying
sick of politicians lying
babies crying
not worried about the Mayans
Just Surviving.
One life to live
Heaven bound.
© 2010
Oct 2013 · 569
My physicality
my mentality
my spirituality

consist of dualities
balancing Supreme Being

Using them to the best of my
I'm Twenty-three
it's deeper then the
the roots of a tree
awakening for me
I buried
my best friend in
the year
Notice now above you
You read the number
23 Now go
right, left
right, left
Dogs barking outside
my window
Oct 2013 · 2.8k
Born and Raised
Born and raised in Georgia where the A stitched in to the fitted
We let the streets be the streets but some of yall gone snitch
I'd rather be broke with the team then get swallowed into greed
I always kept it hundred living by the family creed
I'm tatted on my arm a last of a dying breed.
One Life to Live while rhyming All Eyes on Me
All these busters wanna be a G
While I'm just trying to do the right thing like Spike Lee
L A P D has their lasers pointed at my back
brothers turning police I don't believe that giant Shaq
I'm going in I'm going in cause I'm trained like that
Pistols in their holsters with a rifle on my back
I'm not a Violent person but a heart is what I don't lack
I won't be gone long if you Hindu then I'm coming back
Last of a Dying Breed look the future in my eyes
last four hundred years some of us been struggling to survive
looking at the world today I see the people tranquilized
this generations music is the reason why they're hypnotized.
Better guard your girl because my voice will have her mesmerized
I'm the Phantom of the opera can't you tell by my disguise?
Smoking on some ***** maybe one day they'll decriminalize
Smoking on the best that will have you bleeding from your eyes
Medically prescribed by a Doctor in a tie
They victimize the victims and they glorify the killers
yet don't realize these symptoms
got these youngsters pulling triggers
Little girls becoming strippers
just so they can make some figures
guess they missed the bigger picture
My knowledge helps reconsider
I'm a country boy at heart
with the style of city slickers
I leave you looking ignorant
you think that I'm a ******
The last man to **** his own people name was
I'm more mysterious then that
compare to Jack the Ripper.
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
All Seeing Lead the Blind
I pledged allegiance to a flag
when I was Five years old
Followed instructions from the scroll
and did what I was I told
The world grew colder, I grew older
watched the mystery unfold
While most sit back and relax
I'm cracking the codes...

We're set up from get up
to end up wet up, debt up
in the streets or overseas
We die for red, blue or green
I'll silence your whole crowd
while you feed the machine
creating order out of chaos
as we slipped through the seams
I pledge Allegiance.

To a flag that is corrupt and unjust
where the people have grown combatant
and they're starting to fuss
coming after a generation
that boycotted buses
when your flag no longer fly's
tell me who will you trust?
I pledge Allegiance...

Trust in GOD and save yourself
or save your money and build your wealth
work yourself to death
beware of the debt
cause debt equals slavery
like V stands Vendetta
everybody pack Beretta's
but a war wont make it better
they use HAARP to pattern weather.
I pledged Allegiance..

to A country that was built
on the backs of slaves
and they're still around today
but making minimum wage
for billionaire CEO's getting six figure raises
that lobby to politicians who hold the same standard
You're only qualified to hang if you graduate from Stanford
or any ivy league or university
cause if you haven't then to them
you just don't have the answer
like can that baby being aborted
develop a cure for Cancer?

Plug into the socket and grip like a *****
or turn on your own kind
like Adolf did the Jews
I pledged allegiance to a flag
that brought over ****'s
and votes a puppet in office
and calls it Democracy.
I pledge Allegiance!
- Sean A. Tyson
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
The Pen that Bled
Capone in a cell
Vonnie in a casket
I ripped my heart out
and I put it in a basket.

Feelings no attachments
in this cold world.
Always watch my six
Fellas protect your girls.
Always love your mother
in her womb you were curled
through her canal you were birthed,
So know a woman's worth.
Stay alert in a city
where the vices can be tempting
Fast money, drugs, ***
and evil women.
You see
It's full of snakes and villains,
plotting on the children,
bribing politicians
while claiming they are Christian.

There's always something missing
skeptics discredit religion,
I write what's on my mind
to escape this mental prison.
11/12/13 1:32AM Sean Antonio Tyson
Aug 2013 · 2.6k
Blink of the Sun
One Life, One Casket
Afterlife is everlasting.
The universe expands like elastic
while the world turns into plastic.
We observe traumatic events
like automatic guns clip after clip.
Some hit, some miss,
We die with honor, other snitch.
Traitors can tragically
bring down an empire dramatically.
I AM GOD Calvary, demons try to battle me.
I know they're snakes off in the grass
but I don't let them rattle me.
I'm psychologically
transitioning into a god state
notice the lowercase,
A Protege to my Sensei
Aug 2013 · 963
Beauties Only Skin Deep..
You mustn't fall in Love
with every pretty face you see,
cause sometimes Love
just aint meant to be.
So keep your feelings to yourselves
because you never know
the person you love might be  
******* someone else.

Use your brain before you speak
and Rehearse before you act
because once you say I Love You
It's hard to take it back and
Love is not just physical
it's deeper than that,
As is my poetry
its deeper than rap.
Poem by Sean Antonio Tyson
Jul 2013 · 438
Why are you alive?
When will you die?
The answer is somewhere
deep inside our minds.

Why are you here?
Where did we go?
Keep your backs against the wind
and go with the flow.

Who am I?
What will I become?
What will become of me?
and where I come from.

How will I get home?
On this planet all alone.
with an inferior species
who communicate by phones....
Jul 2013 · 2.1k
Our Being is merely A glitch in the Cosmos,
Our Souls yearn for the return to our
SUPREME State of Being,
As we Aimlessly Wander through the a concrete jungle,
Listening to the Hustle and Bustle of city noise,
We strive to beat out the next in line,
Trapped like ***** in a bucket clawing for the top.
We've been Lied to our whole lives,
Mislead towards Imminent DESTRUCTION.
Suffering from Corruption
Where there's NO PEACE there's NO JUSTICE.
Our Intelligence has been reduced to that of an adolescent canine
Control the Brain the Body will Follow.
You may be Free today, but be slaves Tomorrow.
We're only renting this body yet when it dies there will be sorrow
For our people will mourn over a corpse that is Hollow.

Jul 2013 · 477
Food for Thought
Love is powerful but it is often mistaken for it's opposite, Lust,
whose power lies deep within the hearts of mankind.
Love has the ability to blossom and grow without water
no matter how dry it may be Love will find away.
Where as lust will quickly wither and die without a single drop
It won't even attempt to look underneath a rock.
You see Love can be separated by miles, dimensions or walls
but like the air we breathe it is all around us, within us,
even when we are unable to see it.
For it is better to bite your tongue when it comes to lust
and to speak your mind when you love someone..
Feb 19, 1991 - July 7, 2013
My Friend, My Soul Brother, My Classmate
Joshua Louis Von Steenburgh
I Love You
I Miss You
May you Rest In Peace
I know you're still here with me Vonnie I love you bro I'll always remember you and continue you writing you always believed in me. You were one of my favorite lyricist just could flow off the top of your head and rhyme exquisite lines that captured my mind, I still hear you Vonnie.
Jun 2013 · 792
System Failure
On the brink of a breakthrough
this world will try to
break you.
Jun 2013 · 3.7k
IDGAF! (Rap Lyrics) Explicit

Kush in my swisher
***** in my cup
Drugs in my system
Now I don't give a ****
I said!
I don't give a ****!
If You don't give a ****!
We don't give a ****!
With this Kush in our swisher
***** in our cup
Drugs in our system
Turn the music up!
Cause I don't give a ****!
If You don't give a ****!
We don't give a ****!
What! What?
I said IDGAF!
If you don't give a ****
We don't give a ****

All Rights Reserved Sean Antonio Tyson 2013
Writing, recording and performing this song. L.A.D.B's second anthem off the highly anticipated mix tape. It's sure to have the whole club head banging!
Jun 2013 · 670
Have You?
You ever had that moment
you wish you were never born?
Where you could see the sunshine miles away
from inside of a perfect storm.

Have you ever been belittled
and locked yourself inside the dorm?
Afraid of a world
that shuns the deformed.

You ever made the decision
to rebel or conform?
Think outside the box
or be apart of the norm.

Have you ever thought to
bring homeless people a meal that's warm?
Instead of looking down on them
or far away with a scorn.

Have you?

All Rights Reserved.
Jun 2013 · 958
This is not a Poem
Don't ever expect people to forgive you, only that mythical, mystical, mental thought about a "GOD" does and you can Forget about forgiveness because you can't out run your past, so you just eat that negativity people say, keep flapping your wings and soar triumphantly like a prehistoric Pterodactyl.
Gravity is going to haunt you and try to pull you down no matter how high you fly, that's physics. It's our job to keep flapping.
Everyday is a new you.
Jun 2013 · 680
What is Life?
Flat Line
Arrange the first letter in each word and it will spell the word "Flesh". Strictly Coincidental.
Jun 2013 · 557
Who said Life is Fair?
I guess we can't have it all
There is no phone to call
but my love is wireless it's
Penetrating through these walls

I guess we can't have it all
and because of this I stall
Maybe if I balled
I'd get that ring inside the mall

But we can't have it all
so I never got your call
and I had to right my feelings
for you inside of this song

Tell me what have I done wrong
to be living all alone
and why my love relationships
always end in postponed

All Rights Reserved.
I do this for the ones who died to bring about the change
it's hard to stop the crying when you're standing in the rain
Our politicians lying they're just on a campaign  
I realize with three eyes on my astral plane
breaking down a swisher filling it with Mary Jane
So I won't go insane from this knowledge that I've gained
the consequence of speaking out a bullet in your brain
or a one way trip to Guantanamo Bay
Join Forces with the Killers Rest In Peace J.F.K
Man Lacking Knowledge of who killed M.L.K
Like a wolf in sheep's clothing they are not who they portray
as yall can tell I'm back with the word play I see
Brothers killing brothers over colors that they claim
While our sisters are exploited for a dollar and some change
their fathers either dead or locked up in the chain gang
cause they were labeled felons for trafficking *******
Mama drop out of school and entered the dope game
was known to pull tricks and do strange things for change
they wanna chill with the gang but when it's time to bang
you'll find out that some of these suckers just wanted to hang
Millions are locked in a cage millions make minimum wage
It's like we're trapped in a maze trying to fulfill our days
while we're wasting our nights we're slowly fading away
Do you understand the message this is trying to convey?
Tupac wanted me to tell yall something... eerie I wrote it all down... T.H.U.G Life was written June 9, 2013
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
In my mind what determines
how I write these rhymes
in little time constructing lines
that pierce through your eyes into your soul
some would say I'm in my prime
cause My words are worth gold and
I don't believe in crimes
The world is so cold you can
buy a man with dollar signs
We live in a generation
where a beautiful woman is belittled to a dime
But is more valuable to a mankind
than gold and diamonds.

Realize we're due
for Realignment, Reassignment
by our masters in hiding
while I'm typing in the silence
I hear the riots of the people
protesting and fighting
shaking the earth like
thunder and lightning.

****** sirens!

This Television programming
has numbed us to violence.
Yet won't broadcast the riots
or give us the real science.
Anyone acting defiant
blowing a whistle is swiftly silenced.
We must all stand firm like a hydrant
and face our current tyrants
take no action at all
and be fed to starving Lions.

Thoughts below please.
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