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I dream of you
A stranger with your face, like a mask, in front of mine
He has your strong jaw line, your brown eyes
Walks with your confident stride
But the emptiness I feel as he kisses me goodbye brings me to reality every time
A jolt like a ligatured body cascading to a halt…
A brutal surprise

Days do not pass, uneclipsed by need for rationalization
Teeter tottering from acceptance to dissent
Memories like worn film,
Played and replayed
Longing for the ending to change

I was crying in answer to subjugation  
Unable to watch your mouth move as it formed syllables
Strung eloquently into carefully chosen words
Ultimately to assert our relationships Goodbye
I held my breath as you lingered at my doorframe
Felt the warmth of tear stained salty lips once last occupying yours
I watched you drive away
I waited knowing your headlights would soon fade

I dream of you
Infinite minutes of fantasy or fallacy
Made to blur factuality  
Reverie in which no matter of the stories distortion
You stayed
I stare at the stars through the murky skies,
like jewels shimmering at the bottom of an endless sea,
their treasures tempt me to take a dive

Their messages sail across the infinite ocean to reach their shores,
they carry the words of a forgotten lore-
the lore of gods, the lore of time,
the story which is yours and mine.

I want you to guide me to the mythical continent on the other side,
I know I can reach there on your cosmic tides.

I know that one day you will answer me and give me a call
because we know that even I am just stardust, after all.
i was just sitting in my balcony and felt a deep connect to the stars above me,because we all are just made of the same mass and energy created at the big bang,we are all the same and will ultimately dissolve into each other.The light emitted by the stars  also intrigues me because the light travels billions of years to reach us.I see them as messengers
When gaining infamy
what comes to mind,
a ***** deed or two,
self acts or other
things that revolt rather then compel.
I never saw innocence being cause to the torch,
while most women are known for giving to much,
I’m known for what I refused to share.
Perhaps infamy is the wrong word.
What makes it so difficult for them to understand.
It baffles me.
Its quite simple.
Well thats it.
Why won’t I give it up,
I wish you would be as
in the heat of the
as you are in the
chill of the
I'm not stupid. But I'm not smart either.
 Jul 2014 Sean Antonio Tyson
There are no words for this
It's not a simple emotion
Such as sadness
It is deep, complicated, manipulating
They call it depression
But that is just a name
It is
Hands hidden deep in sleeves
Dark circles accompanying dull eyes
Cold sweats
Twisted sheets
Nights haunted by vivid dreams
But mostly
It is a heavy heavy weight
Sitting on my shoulders
Making it hard to move, think, speak
When all that occupies my mind
Is the burden
And how it dulls my every sense
And instinct to keep living
Rain drops fall onto my skin and commit slow suicide.

I didn’t know getting so close to me would start to **** you.

Like rain you broke Into a trillion atoms as blood spilt onto my hands you started to blame me for causing you pain.

I reacted the way I knew best, I had to say goodbye.

I evaporated into thin air.
Thing was it wasn’t so good, but it really was a farewell.

You now fall onto someone else’s skin causing them joy, a piece of happiness that once smiled onto my lips now kisses another.

It’s easy for climate to change, now all I feel against my teeth is the sunshine.
 Mar 2014 Sean Antonio Tyson
the pain is so great
        my whole life is a beating
being a nail *****
Like a rainbow in a puddle of gasoline
She was a free spirit
But even freedom has its boundaries
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