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In the tiny hours of morning
When the moon is going down
And the stars have finished shining
I never hear a sound
Except your breath across my pillow
And the beating of your heart
And I lie awake and wonder
Why we spend
So much time
Somebody please explain this
About this feeling that has me dream about your sweet lips kiss
I don't what to say, I don't what to do
But I always think of you

I don't what the turn in my stomach means
When I see your big green eyes look at me
Somebody please tell me why when you come close I feel hazy
Before I go crazy
I cherish my freedom
Hard earned though it was
Through the abolitionist railway
And those who supported the cause

An African slave,
though free upon birth
I was sold as a slave
And was now bound to the earth

Run for the caves boy
Run for the caves
Run for your freedom
Or die here a slave
Run for the caves boy
Run for the caves
Run for your freedom
Or die here a slave

Late in the dark
I heard of the routes
To the new land of freedom
I was resolute

I would run for my life
Leave my family behind
I would run for the caves
And the new life I'd find

Bound to plantation
I was just something to trade
I would run for my freedom
The decision was made

From South Carolina
I'd head to the coast
I'd run for my freedom
I'd then be a ghost

Follow the signs
That was all that I heard
They know you are coming
Just remember the word

Stray from the darkness
A dead slave you will be
With the last thought you'll have
That you'll never die free

Boats on the seacoast
Up to Salem they sail
Look for the sign
And remember the trail

Make for the caves
They'll find you where
The water is highest
They'll come get you there

From there up to Salem
And one more step to go
Stick with the railroad
The way that they know

Make way when the moon
Is down low in the sky
If you're found in the meantime
It's a fact you will die

Freedom is costly
But, it is within reach
Make for the caves
At the north end of the beach

From New England go on
to the north or the west
Both spell out freedom
The end of your quest

Don't look over your shoulder
just follow the signs
They know you are coming
stay deep in the pines

Remember all those
Who have made Freeman Cave
Follow their symbols
And don't die a slave

There are people who will
Help you free from the strife
But, for now find the caves
And son, run for your life....

Run for the caves boy
Run for the caves
Run for your freedom
Or die here a slave
Run for the caves boy
Run for the caves
Run for your freedom
Or die here a slave
things seem to lose their meaning after a while
but not you
i guess i lied
in the letter i wrote you
maybe i can't
push my feelings aside
it's easier when you're absent
because then i forget
but when you come back
the progress i had made
gets thrown away
the rewind button gets pressed
and i can tell you're not impressed
because who am i anyways?
 Feb 2014 Sean Antonio Tyson
The side effect
Down fall
Of us all

Can never tell
Personal hell
And you in this room
Think it might as well be our tomb

Stuck in this cycle
Heart beats out of my chest
And my and I never know what's best
Can't tell you the truth
Mind doesn't know the difference
If you earnestly want
to improve your skills,
you have to make sacrifices;
you must take Time and Energy
and dedicate it to practice,
you're just talking a good game,
and mere talk
is getting e'er cheaper;
you're just honing your
******* artistry,
some have had much practice.
**** it up, buttercup
Be a man and grow some
Next time go and say hello
And you won't be so lonesome

She's outa my league
She won't talk to me
Start talking to her
And maybe you'll see

Don't be afraid of your own shadow
Don't be afraid to fall
If you see someone you want to know better
Then peel your self off the wall
Perish the thought that they will not like you
You won't know 'till you try
The question to ask is not if they'll like you
the question to ask is why

Get in the game
Don't sit there debating
They're waiting for you to ask
Remember, young man
It takes two to tango
Get moving, that is your task

People need courage
That is a given
Esteem is a tricky dame
But, if you see someone
you want to know better
Get up and get in the game

Don't be afraid of your own shadow
Don't be afraid to fall
If you see someone you want to know better
Then peel your self off the wall
Perish the thought that they will not like you
You won't know 'till you try
The question to ask is not if they'll like you
the question to ask is why

Breaking the ice
Puts you one step closer
To becoming more than a friend
Just sitting in silence
And not being bolder
Leaves you lonely until the end

**** it up baby
Now make the first move
Did you think that they're shy as well
The two of you staring
In silence forever
If you don't never will tell

Don't be afraid of your own shadow
Don't be afraid to fall
If you see someone you want to know better
Then peel your self off the wall
Perish the thought that they will not like you
You won't know 'till you try
The question to ask is not if they'll like you
the question to ask is why
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