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That's what was written
on head stone
but even though they put me in in ground
saying never dead just forgotten
man I am still around
even now just a mound
or as girls say
just a small hill
first on my list
when I shake my hunting fist
and maybe who knows
late at night a vampire bite
❤️       P@ul   :-);
If I could go there
the place I see
in my own eyes
mirror do tell me
is this real life
or just inside my head
what is that
I see
is it real life
seams real to me
or is this a picture
you paint for me of my soul
and imaginary
pictures in my head
and mirror
how on earth do you know
so mirror, mirror
on the wall
please do tell me all
reflect on
your own thoughts
of that
think I will
turn to wall today.
Ooo deep    P@ul.
I would happily suffer
   because of how much I love you
I will put myself through misery
    just so you feel no pain
I would walk on flames
     and put them out
         so you can walk through
I will drive myself insane
     so you can have no part of the blame
I just wanna believe
        that you love me
               that much too
All to soon
in a land of dreams
we grow like a tree
running through street
to a city edge
fine a path to walk through
come to a canals edge
pick up the winds of time
move to a distant shore
of sand of gold
lay on a beach
get a sore head
feel dizzy for the rest of the day
and at night rub on cream
as our skins give off
a strange green glow
feel hot
even thought we are not
if you dream this tonight
write me
on a postcard
state'in wish
you where here
instead of me
no I don't.

drifting to places of the heart
echo like you remember in your past
of love and all the softer things
but just behind the shadows fall into dust
and at
you wake up.
a soft little voice
rises out of the dark oblivion

do I listen to this voice,
break open my shell?
Written to all those who struggle with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. You are not alone.
 Sep 2015 Scarlett Tropical
0:00               beginning
1:30               i met you
2:40               "i love you"
3:50               you left me
4:61               come back
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