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 Apr 2015 saranade
Jonny Angel
I knew a biker chick once.
She was as tough as nails.
Her name was Jenny,
but she went
by the moniker
"Brass ***** Lady."
She had tracks up and down each arm
from a past life.
A broken heart tattoo
was etched on both hands.
She carried a switchblade,
had a set of initialed knuckles.
She wore a tie dye bandana.
Her vocabulary was not elegant.
**** and *******'
were her two favorite
She had a chained
snakeskin wallet
attached to her
black leather belt.
You could see a faint
lovelight in her hazy-eyes...
but like I said,
it was faint.
It was the brotherhood,
those crazy
******* Mongols
who took her under their wings
and brought her back
to the land of the living.
I'm glad she was my friend,
'cause those guys
were nasty enemies to have.
And anybody
who was an amigo of Jenny's
was in like Flynn.
I loved Brass ***** Lady,
she gave me their colors
& nobody ever ****** with me either.
When the moon howls
Thats when she talks
Loud, so loud
I can not think

All I do is
and Listen

Nothing more but
Follow her lead

Out of bed
On my feet
"Get the rope
and follow me"

I grab the
She gets
the blade

I slowly
Drift to my
Last breath

My final smile

Underneath the
Blood moon
 Apr 2015 saranade
Juliana Longo
More people are concerned with
why women stay in abusive relationships
why men are abusing women
 Apr 2015 saranade
A B Perales
It takes all it can like
a feral cat with a babies
breath before leaping back
out into the night.

It takes the laughter and
the loving arms that
always welcomed
you home no matter
how long you
were away.

It tears at the root
of the heart
and turns washed out
memories into
shinning treasures.

It leaves behind broken
and battered vessels,
nothing like what was

It takes what
should have been
and what used to be all in
one selfish act.

Its the promise we
all live with that so
many choose to ignore.

Its the final act
and the end of things.

Its Death and
Death takes
Kailoni  Nunez Tucker
12/2/81 - 2/6/15
Rest Easy
 Apr 2015 saranade
Leal Knowone
don't like haikus much
I tend to stick to free verse
but I do like to rhyme
This is so stupid it makes me laugh in a good way
A tranquil & serene sunny afternoon
Lying on the couch,
Watching the sun go down.
My black cat kneading,
Rhythmically pawing the
Front of my pants.
What’s going on here?
Some-sort of Animal Kingdom *** signal?
Some zoological parallel to ponder
Whenever one tries to
Make sense out of one’s own
Polymorphous perversity?
But I digress.

I listen to the M/C
Music Choice Channel
Which - Comcast®
Gives out free, from the Basic Tier on up.
Jazz, not Smooth Jazz,
And certainly not The Blues:
“I think I’ll give up livin’
I think I’ll go shopping instead.
Think I’ll give up livin’
Think I’ll go shopping instead.
Gonna buy myself a tombstone
And pronounce myself dead.”
Again, I digress.

Another sunny afternoon in Bernalillo;
Bernalillo, New Mexico:
Where Coronado bivouacked,
Prior to saddling up again
On his fabled quest, his search for
The 7 Golden Cities of Cibola.
It’s nice to be back.
Got in last Thursday evening,
After an 11-hour Honda Civic trip--
The coupe packed to the gills
With household items—
And 2 cats sharing a
1-cat cat-carrier.
(Sarcastic) Please.
Did somebody say, “Meow?”
Digress, I doodle-lee-do.

Kelly came over Friday night.
What a treat!
I cooked Italian.
Saturday night to the Tamaya Resort,
Specifically, The Corn Maiden,
Certainly new and un-starred as-yet,
By sane suave critics who decide
Such things;
Sautéed asparagus on
Sunday morning, and
Off she goes again to
Canyon de Chelly
(pronounced:  DA-SHAY)
Arizona: one of the more
Cosmopolitan cities on the
Vast high mesa that is the
Navajo Reservation.
So what’s my point?
 Apr 2015 saranade
A basic formulation,
stereotype breaking sunshine
beams into our closed blinds,
early sun rise moments,
hidden from the world,
connected by
flesh, sweat, murmuring words
in the security of this moment,

I've driven away from it all,
look into my eyes,
we both can go blind.
 Apr 2015 saranade
 Apr 2015 saranade
I'm only here,
waiting for you,
never coming through
my door again,
never looking in,
my eyes again,
never breathing near
my ear again,
never lips on
my flesh.

I'm only here,
waiting for you,
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