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 Nov 2015 Sally Tsoutas
Have you wondered that the greatest satisfaction comes from one's own deed to help needy people in the gravest situations.
Ishita|Rediscover Yourself|Satisfaction
 Nov 2015 Sally Tsoutas
I wanna
 Nov 2015 Sally Tsoutas
I wanna stop wondering what if '
I wanna start knowing what is'

-second chance
 Nov 2015 Sally Tsoutas
If you asked me before,
I'd swear that love was
not for me
that a feeling
so soft did
not exist within
and that holding a gaze
was only for show

I've read a lot of books now,
and I've had a lot of
and I've asked fortune
tellers for my
feelings I don't know,
sleeping so stilly within me

-would not wake
to the slightest or the sharpest
touch of a hand, and I've had

I've had
10,000 miles and
too much coffee.
Pursuing and

And after all this time
in the self's purgatory
I find you
and you dig into
my skin and pull
the tenderness out
of me like picking flowers
from the quietest
of meadows

I've seen a lot of things
and dreamed a lot of dreams
and finally after seeking,
you pluck and uncover me.
 Nov 2015 Sally Tsoutas
I once asked an old man,
"What happens when people open their hearts?
Do they get hurt?"

*"No,they get better," he replied.
I hope so,old man. I hope so.
 Nov 2015 Sally Tsoutas
 Nov 2015 Sally Tsoutas
my mind's gone dry
there's no supply
my sanity has said goodbye
the world turned grey
what could I say?
nothing at all
and so I fall
hopelessly, helplessly
nobody could save

co - write with my darling, Finn
(not my brother)
carnal scattering of
root and banished leaf,

merely human, the day
spreads maple leaves
like dark gusts of wind.
the thunder of
a small bird.

a poem grows shadows
and moonscapes,

the moon,
withered sapphires,
her open windows
a thread of bright
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