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 Oct 2015 Sally Tsoutas
angry eyes flashing in the dim
light, laced with tears and alcohol,
only vaguely aware of the consequences
of a drunken attitude or slip of the
tongue. oh my, it couldn't have been
your fault that you let so many drinks
just fall down your throat, it was
accidental that you shoved her, that she
pushed back, reeling and screamed at
you. she too wasn't entirely sober but
what of it? these are meant to be the
*'best days of our lives'
drunken fools, that's what we are and were. inspired by the words which flew out of her mouth before she shouted.
the title says it all
 Oct 2015 Sally Tsoutas
 Oct 2015 Sally Tsoutas
breathing your life into me
inhale, exhale
eyes closed softy,
lips slightly
passionate and loving,
moving together,
and apart
oh, to be loved
and to be 'in love'
is a wonderful thing
 Aug 2015 Sally Tsoutas
I’m sorry that I don’t always
Find the time for exercising
And sometimes my room is cluttered
I’m not a real clean person

I’m sorry that sometimes
I leave my cereal bowl
On the table
I don’t relate, half the time
To things that are important

But I don’t smoke and
I don’t drink
I don’t do drugs
I don’t party
I’m good at school,
And I live at home
I’m doing my best, Mom.

I know sometimes
I’m not perfect
I do not practice
What I preach
But neither do you
Cause no one can
Don’t mean to burst your bubble.

I can’t read minds,
You’d like me to
I wish I could
Cause then I’d know
Exactly when you’re mad at me
And then I wouldn’t need
To have these pointless
Panic Attacks
My brain thinks are so important
I should see a doctor

But I don’t smoke and
I don’t drink
I don’t do drugs
I don’t party
I do well school,
And I live at home
I’m doing my best, Mom.

I like to think
I’m unique
I try to stand outside the crowd
But you told me
I sure blend in well
I think that’s mean
Because you’re the most
Basic ***** I’ve ever known
But maybe you’re right,
I’m just like you.

But I don’t smoke and
I don’t drink
I don’t do drugs
I don’t party
I’m good at school,
And I live at home
I’m doing my best, Mom.

You’re right, Mom:
A "B" is not an "A"
I’m a hoarder
I’m not healthy
I’m pretty lazy
Quite complacent

But I’m doing my best, Mom
May be a song one day.
 Aug 2015 Sally Tsoutas
climb higher
little one
stretch your
neck above
the clouds
and float
silently, alone
in this
quiet, new
world where
no-one can
bother you
or harm
you,  *ever
I'm dreaming of the day
when our time is not rushed by a timer or a certain number of days,
when I can place kisses when and where I want
Without watching my back

I wanna call your name loudly in the street and when you turn to me and smile I will run to you jump up and wrap myself around you and kiss you passionately

I will not care who sees or knows
I'm dreaming of loving you freely and it is the sweetest dream ever
where the night
scatters into the
leafy forests
and hides behind
the thundering rocks.
where the night dreams
of blue tides and grey skies.
petals of the wind,
like lilies unfolding
in the water.
stars, the softest
prints, the watercolours
of the night, washed
in a rich green sea,
shining like prisms,
forgetful as the shadows of the moon
bold, restful bridge of the tide.
 Aug 2015 Sally Tsoutas

Tonight I sent a poem
streaking 'cross the evening sky
Sprinkled it with stardust
so it'd glisten flying by

Wishing you would see it
when you look up where you are
To find the words "I love you"
written on a falling star
Good night beautiful
i am the moss that hides
in the crevice,
the forest dreaming of
wood-elves and
white clouds,
the ivories of
the stars.
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