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 Feb 28 ryn
 Feb 28 ryn
Winter longer
Than any other season.
Crisp blue skies.
Wet days
To give way
To spring.
******* the old.
Who fear to never
See the promise.
Fertilize with patience.
Ready the field.
For green is waiting.
 Feb 28 ryn
Eshwara Prasad
A forgotten flower,
once adored, now left to wilt,
lonely and unseen.
When your last days are here
all you will carry is what will  carry you too.
Your conscience.

Shell ✨🐚
 Feb 28 ryn
I wish I could become best thing in your life,
You are The One in mine,
But I'd never curse it that way
I never can trust my fate
I, myself, am in a bad shape
at the other side of gate
And you, deserve the best in the world,
You stand out in a herd,
deserve someone exceptional
and the best is certainly not me,
cannot be this face I carry
You find your best thing
from the rest of the world
I'd be happy for you.
 Feb 28 ryn
My dear zombies,
being beyond contempt,
I merely pity you.
I've tried to revive you
from your slumbering grief.
Surely universal truth
would give you relief.
How bothersome the factors on which we depend.
I shall not hide my contentment
nor bridle my intent.

I no longer give my consent
nor do I agree,
to this world that we've created
in the hunger of our greed.
Traveler Tim
 Feb 28 ryn
Salmabanu Hatim
my gaze on rose trees
as the buds burst with colours
scissors hesitate.
 Feb 28 ryn
Anais Vionet
You can only spend so many hours in labs, study groups and classrooms - under relentless, fluorescent lighting - before you start feeling life withdrawal.

When I hit that stresshold, I need to rebalance myself.

I could go to the New Haven harbor - I find the ocean endlessly relaxing - or for a quick fix, I can always rely on the warmth of multicolored product packaging.

For the last one, a grocery store will do. I’ll walk the bright, prismatic cereal aisle, and run my finger gently along the gratuitous, rainbowed variety of selections.

It’s a soothing gesture that I repeat several times. A reminder that there are still beautiful, shiny things out there, on demand, in the uncomplicated, non-academic world.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Gratuitous: unnecessary and over the top
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