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The lights dazzled their eyes
but illumined their faces
like two children drowned in surprise.

The air smelled of freshly baked food
the girls dressed in their best
giggled in utmost festive mood.

The two strangers passed through rows of light
that quickly transformed day into night
and the only beats louder than their heart
were the noise of heels quicker and smart.

One moving faster paused to find
the other had fallen behind
and soon remembering the six years between them
broke his pace to be with him.

They were dreamily moving when they reached the strand
where the river sparkling with lights
drew them to her bank for some rest.

From there they flew on wings
to extract all they could on one night
passing the musics, and the church chimes
like they were on their last flight.

When everything else fell apart
the joy still rang in their heart
and the two brothers with moistened eyes
headed towards another sunrise.
Chandernagore, Nov 19, 2023
 Feb 28 ryn
Eshwara Prasad
Born and die we are,
No one is superior or inferior.
Equal in the end.
 Feb 28 ryn
Dani Just Dani
If I had one wish,
Just one,
It would be
To be eternal,
Soaking in
Life as I play
With the water
And drink
From the fountain
Of youth
That with one
Sip pulls back
My skin and
Opens my
Arteries all
While the
Forrest inside
My lungs oxygenates
And purifies
The atmosphere,
I hope I learn to
Forgive myself,
That I will be
Reborn with
Some discipline,
An undying wouldn’t
Dare be tormented
And punished,
He would love,
The type of love
That teaches you
How to live,
oh, to feel
That type
Of love again
In between
War and plague,
And death,
That now walks
Attached to the hip,
Of someone that
Has learned to let go.
 Feb 28 ryn
Chuck Kean
The Broken

        She fell in love and she fell
At lightning speed
He gave,  he took and he was gone
The damage done, a heart left to bleed

Their parents divorced
When they were in an early age
Two shattered children
Life goes on turn the page

His father abused him, mentally, physically
For years there was nothing he could feel
He was left with so many scars
He thought would never heal

Bullied by others because she was different
She felt unloved and outcast
She lived in a cloud of darkness
Never escaping her past

There’s a still small voice
Like a whisper his words are spoken
I am that I am and I am the only way
I hear the prayers and heal The Broken

Written By:Charles Kean
 Feb 28 ryn
Carlo C Gomez
Dead channel skies
Segregation in the flat fields
A hole in the silver lining
Where the fence is low

They fell from the moon last night
Caught in a strange
Chapter of fear
The land is inhospitable
And so are we
Wipe them from your mind
We must preserve what is left

When you're cloaked in a pall of gloom
Life seems bland with colours gone
The little flower in her humble bloom
Will say she's there you aren't alone.
The flower won't ever let you feel alone.
 Feb 23 ryn
Release the knots of emotion
bound by cages,
walls that taunt the mind.
Express your frustration
bleed through the pen,
unheard & stunted feelings
leave them all behind.
My definition of poetry
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