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 Aug 2023 ryn
Snow Selmon
Me and I
We don't always agree
But there's one thing
We collectively know
We are lucky
To have met you ❤️
Ishmael was thirsty
a well appeared when
God spoke

thirst is everything

Jesus asked for water
the thirsting woman at the well
was blessed to serve Him

thirst is everything

faith is the well
we dip into daily
to ease our parched souls
to fill our empty

faith is thirst

thirst is everything

c.2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
 Aug 2023 ryn
Mike Hauser
I gaze upon the stars at night
And I have to think
They're the very same ones Abraham saw
Along his God journey
As he stood strong on his faith
In man's river of doubt
Making his steady way
As these very same stars came out

Or King David on the roof top
With his vulnerable gaze
The same stars held his wonder
Till he foolishly looked away
Diving headfirst in his sinful plunge
Which many a man has done
Taking his sight off the stars that night
And off of his first love

Or the same stars the shepherds saw
While out tending their flock
Blessed are you who see the truth
This miracle of God
The very same stars I see at night
The angels parted in praise
As God's master plan to save fallen man
Came to fruition that day
 Aug 2023 ryn
Snow Selmon
 Aug 2023 ryn
Snow Selmon
You taught me to look
To open my eyes
You taught me to hope
To cope with the past
You taught me to be happy
To believe in myself
You taught me to love
To love myself, to love others
You showed me love
And love showed me, you
 Aug 2023 ryn
Shofi Ahmed
Just the least
      just a pinch
               is magic
stirs the seven seas!

Your pretty little
          beauty spot
            is big indeed!
Piques the waxing moon
            revealing new skin.
Ah therein the day
           at the end of the day
dips into the depth of the blue
            never sleeps
roams in starry dreams!

Neither Earth or sky
               is deep or high.
The first light drops
                upon the rose.
The secret is secret no more
              sings the nightingale
interpreting the dream
          down the whole lit up sky
yet a twilight comes on the way.

Just a glance of you
wraps the entire show away,
towards depths so profound
and heights so high
yet unseen by any eye!
 Aug 2023 ryn
Druzzayne Rika
I don't have sympathies
I feel fine if you fall
I trust that in time you will march back
Throw the dust off
And get back
In the life race
It is a place
Where no one is leading
And every track is dirt filled.
 Aug 2023 ryn
Salmabanu Hatim
I looked for you in the universe,
On earth,
Under the depth of the ocean,
Until I found you,
In the abode of my heart.
I will wait for you
Always in my heart.
 Aug 2023 ryn
Jamie King
Throat slit life pouring through pale hands.
The songs of shinigamis perpetually melancholy.
Ever shallow breaths, no escape. Rumba with death the floor a canvas for the evening's Mural.
This is dark poem don't lose hope though. When you're at a loss there's always hope remember that and you can walk any path.
 Aug 2023 ryn
Jamie King
Down a path where arteries will meet the scythe.
Deceased silhouettes suffocating in defeat.

A spark struggles to illuminate the way before the feet.
cloaked in disbelief, conversing with grief.

Climbing an empty ladder,
dreams clustered beyond reach.
With worn bones aiming to reach beyond the known peak.
 Aug 2023 ryn
Jamie King
 Aug 2023 ryn
Jamie King
The last light fading
Breaths incapsulated
Blood red eyes
The last struggle
Kicking and boxing towards the sky
Hoping to see the light
In murky dwellings of whales and sharks
Afraid, dazed and crushed
The grip on life fades like dusks, while praying for the sunrise
When we struggle we find ourselves feeling alone. I hope you have someone to support you don't drown from your tears. Live
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