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 Jan 2015 Ryan Jakes
To be alone is to shed a skin
To sigh as I touch the earth again
And cease this mad

To be alone is to rest                                                                        Finally
To grow out of each day from the tight skin I wove for myself
To view it all from deep compassion
From a sudden intake of self control.

To be alone is to gamble
For each day is a die rolled
Or a bell tolled
And how my ears ring
Depends on how I was under it all all all day

To be alone is to hold my head in my hands
To pull my mind back freely
To think I will never feel that again
Until the next day.
What is being alone to you?
We are asking questions
In the ambit of falsity
Where we hear an echo
From the walls
That restricts us to venture
Into the world beyond
Leaving us with unanswered questions
Some replies from a trajectory
Not aligned to us
Creating a conflict
And warring minds
Cannot be at peace
Until we scale the challenges
Created by us
Dark branches dance against an aluminium sky
as dusk taints the edges with blue.
The last crow warns of death as it passes,
it's cry echoing along the shoeless streets
and down to the brook where once laughter played.
Storm clouds gather in furious array
shaking thunderous fists at the earth below,
their forked tongues tearing the atmosphere
as the first droplets spew forth from their ragged mouths.
This need to know is killing me
It isn't any fun
Just let me try, just once to see
How you'd taste on my tongue.
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