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I could bathe in your words, let them soak into my skin as I luxuriate in every lust filled line, every plea for passion floating around me in scented steam as I lay back and dream of how I would taste upon your tongue, how my breathless voice would sound in your ear.
I travel through countless worlds created by a million words but none touch me where touch is so sorely needed, none set my skin aflame and leave my breath caught in my throat, marking your absence there.
Oh won't you journey into my depths to rest awhile within the folds of my passion as I drip, honey slick from your eager mouth, my trembling hands knotted at your crown, my every wish granted as I fall to my knees in worship of your mighty pen
 Sep 2014 Ryan Jakes
So there's a new kid in the classroom
and the other kids all stare
as he comes and sits right next to me
"Why's he sitting there?"
He's not your average schoolboy
he has the darkest stare
that threatens all who see it
thundering through his messed up hair.
He glares at all the others
as his choice they mock with glee
the pretty ones all clucking
as to why he would choose me.
But here he sits, unmoving
solid stone with stormy eyes
while I control my longing
for his hand upon my thigh.
He really is quite dreamy
in his own peculiar way
so I'm scribbling in my notebook
trying to find words to say.
Now he's staring at my notebook
I'm exposed, I want to die
as he reads these words I'm writing
and puts his hand upon my thigh!!!
I dance.
I point my toes till they hurt.
I stretch every muscle in my body,
Even the ones that I shouldn’t.

I move across the room,
To every dusty corner,
Using all the space I have,
In this tiny room.

I smile,
As I lift a leg,
Turn it into the right position,
Try and ignore the pain,

I place myself for a pirouette,
Turn out my feet,
Widen my arms,
And let go.

My leg stays under my knee,
My arms come closer,
As my weight leans backwards,
I fall.

I regain my stamina,
And try again.
Doing the same as last time,
I fall.

I change my position,
I bring my weight forward,
And when I thought I did it,
I fall.

I got back up in anger,
The smile vanished from my lips,
I turn again and again,
Wanting to be perfect.

My last twirl,
I kept going on,
Turning with no end,
Until I collided into a wall.

I fell, once again,
But did not get up,
The white light was burning my eyes,
And like that,

I was gone
Who knew Ballet could lead to this?
When I say you're the love of my life, I mean it. My literal soul mate. I'll do anything and sacrifice everything for your happiness. There's nothing I want more than to make you my wife and live the rest of our days happily. I can't wait to explain to our kids how we found each other and tell them the perfect love story about high school sweet hearts. I want them to believe in what we have.
I sent this to my girlfriend earlier, and pured my soul out. This is absolutely real, and the biggest display of emotion you'll probably ever see out of me. This is a real glimpse into my heart.
Hide underneath the stars with me
and peel back my skin layer by layer,
starting at the cold fingertips
missing the tenderness his touch caused,
twisting up damaged limbs and wounds of my woe,
past scars from childhood stories
- the ones not meant for campfires -
and around hairs that used to stand
when your breath danced like two ghosts
- you and I -
down my neck and into my bloodstream.

Peel me back until I am nothing,
but that little boy cowering on the bathroom floor,
with flickering lights, bruised elbows,
a lump in his throat and pain in his chest,
crying for something that no longer
 Sep 2014 Ryan Jakes
 Sep 2014 Ryan Jakes
you take your morning coffee black,
and i cannot see the appeal in the bitter taste.
you start the day with nicotine, whether that be
cigarettes or cherry-flavored vapor.
you are a bad influence on me, you made me
addicted to the stuff. your eyes are
an ocean. they have seen so, so much.
your face, your body, your mind, all sharp angles -
i have learned how to safety proof myself
from your jagged edges. you, my love, are
a rose. your thorns make my limbs bleed,
and your beauty works as a band aid.
i have learned which places our bodies can
interlock comfortably. the crook of your neck,
my head against your chest, i wish i could melt
our bones together, into one perfect structure.
you were sculpted from dystopian stories, yet
you are alive, you are a tangible utopia.
tangled in the darkness, we mumble sweet promises
and careful secrets. these bed sheets safe keep
us from a world where i love yous can
never last. dear God, let this last.
 Sep 2014 Ryan Jakes
Niles Heron
Have you ever
looked at a cliff,
or a ledge, or
a box-cutter, or a
car crash; a
set of lips getting ready to smile,
or a set of hands getting
ready to hold you,
and said…

I have to?
There are not enough hours for reading, your wonderful Poetry
It seems that there are not enough hours in the day to read all the wonderful poems on here, my friends. I am sorry that I get behind at times.
For Jack**

Lost in a tide of a million emotions,
pulled down by the weight of my unsteady heart
left to drown in an ocean of my own creation
as saltwater depths from mine eyes did depart.

I looked to the heavens for signs of my passing
then swallowed my pride with my last gasp of air
hoping for silence and peace everlasting,
no more would I cherish, no more would I care.

Then through the darkness a soft voice did beckon,
sweet cleansing comfort in it's knowing tone
a hand it was offered to aid my protection
and to help hold together my world weary bones.

As the ocean receded my heart broke the surface
I reclaimed my soul then rejected the tide
Your heart was a beacon of light in the darkness.
Sweet unending friend, in my heart you reside
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