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Rowan Darcy Jun 2017
An announcement, dear spoons, it has come to my attention,
That knives are in fact the superior invention,
They cut and they dice, and they bring us sliced bread,
While for spoons, I'm afraid there's not much to be said,
They're good for the stirring and sipping of soup,
They can help you eat anything; well, as long as its goop,
They can't even manage to show a proper reflection,
Try gazing at one, it upends your direction,
Oh spoons, you buffoons, you round-bellied fools,
Try slicing, not scooping, you inelegant tools,
Knives dress to ****, while you spoons are such slouches,
And knives are quite charming; you lot are all grouches,
It's clear that knives are the superior race,
They'll put you dumb spoons back into your place,
At the bottom of the drawer, way down with the forks,
Alongside the can opener, and a screwer of corks,
You're the **** of the table, I despise your skullduggery,
That's why I declare knives the finest of cutlery.
Rowan Darcy Jun 2017
His name was James Clements
We called him Jimmy
I don't know why but
He drank away
His wife
His home
His children
He drove away his employees
And drove into 7 DUIs
Though that might have been
Just another lie
He cut a man's throat
Before rehab saved him
From prison
But not from death
I feared him
Worked for him
Befriended him
I drove him home when he was drunk
But did not attend his funeral
Rowan Darcy Jun 2017
Alone at a bus stop one night I stood,
And thoughts of my life soon turned to despair,
At all I had done, and all I still could,
I lit up a jack to lessen my care,

No sooner had I exhaled the first puff,
Than stood there a vision, a man entire,
He spoke in a voice both smokey and gruff,
And bade me to name my heart's true desire,

"Tell me young man, what do you wish for?"
"Release I wish from the boredom of life,
I want to be free of the struggle for more,
I'm restless in peace, but seek it in strife,"

I started to say, then paused for a drag,
Spilling the smoke I went on with a breath,
"These days at my job make me want to gag,
If that's all there is then I wish for death."

A moment of silence shared in the night,
The dark form beside me once again spake,
"I can't grant what you ask, try though I might,
But one day your life I will surely take."

The figure departed, gone in a flash,
Vanished in flesh though still his voice lingers,
Alone at a bus stop, clutching at ash,
I stood in the dark with burning fingers.
Rowan Darcy Jun 2017
A boy
Sitting on a bed
Clouds in his head
And the air
Holding a pipe
And a lighter
Dreaming of
A girl
Snorting adderall
And drinking
On the beach
Rowan Darcy May 2016
In four white walls
He gently falls
In love with Mary Jane
In other rooms
The darkness looms
And grown men share their pain
Rowan Darcy Apr 2016
Bowed head angel thinking,
Worrisome wonderer chills run down the spine as the serpent sits in back,
It's ice,
Working this lonely cold heart night,
Fire for the freed mind
Rowan Darcy Apr 2016
There was an egg who dreamed a dream,
Of life in light,
A life of flight,
Some world of sight,
The egg did shiver in delight,
And lo,
A crack was formed,
And through the rend,
The sunlight stormed,
The egg abhorred the feel,
Of air flow through the shattered seal,
It bucked and jumped,
It smashed and pumped,
Till it was no more an egg.
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