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801 · Jun 2014
Roux Jun 2014
he looked at her,
like how a poor person looks at $100
like how a cancer patient feels when they know they'll live
like how an artist paints a beauty

only you can crave a love that deep
so deep even the ocean would be jealous

only you can crave a love that high
so high even the stars would be jealous
542 · May 2014
Roux May 2014
he told her he had nothing to cut for.
he trie to tell her she had stunning eyes.
he told her she was beautiful, yet he had never
seen the scars
everyday they would talk. endlessly
all day for hours
she was in love with him
she thought he would never love her back
she knew there was someone else
he told her she should love herself more
he told her to compliment herself in the mirror
but she couldn't
everyday she grew more in love with him
doubted herself even more so
when he smiled she swore it was like putting
down the knife
his eyes gleamed like the stars in the night sky
she thought she could stop
for him
but he didn't know how it felt to be
second best
but he didn't know how it felt to be
379 · May 2014
Roux May 2014
he told her she mattered.
he told her he loved her.
she thought she had blew it,
and chance
she ever had.
that night she cut
her wrists
her legs
her arms
in pain she cried
then she kissed him goodbye
he went to her funeral and
screamed out
251 · May 2014
4:49 pm
Roux May 2014
it was the way you drank your tea?
or how you smiled when you spoke
of the stars at night?
or why you cried every night at 10pm?

it was when you left?
or when you came back to me?
or was it when this was over?
and we lay on the fresh cut grass
spilled into each other?

it was when your granddad died?
or was it when you laughed and
told me you were happy?
or was it when you smoke?

it was when you told me you
loved me?
or when you told me you
hate me?
was it then?

it was all of these?
because they made you,
but I don't want to be pushed away

So perhaps we can't go on,
it's for the best,
i promise you

So perhaps I'm sorry for the
late notice
but you didn't seem too
attached to me anyway

— The End —