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You truly are special. you were created to be you by the Father.
For you were created, the same one whom created the heavens.
The Father and the Son created you to be very Special person.
They knew you before you were even thought of before you were born.
You truly are Loved, you are the Perfect one to fulfill your purpose.
You are truly an Blessing, an encouragement, you truly inspiring.
I have been very Blessed, by each and everyone of you here Friend.
I am so very thankful, for all that you do on here Hello poetry site.
As well as all of you that are on my Facebook page as well, I am so thankful.
 Feb 2016 Ronjoy Brahma
Elle Sang
Awan hitam tersenyum telak
Hujan datang menyambut
Jari jemari yang biasa menari
Terlelap dalam dingin
Membeku membiru
Sinarnya telah hilang
Dibawa oleh lamunan
Dikandaskan oleh waktu
Api yang dulu merah meradang
Kini hilang ditelan sunyi
Bercak emas itu bukanlah dia
Dibiarkanlah semua membeku
Dengan begitu ia tak perlu tertatih berjalan
Biar waktu yang membunuhnya perlahan
The ghost are everywhere.
I see them under trees.
In gardens and ice cream parlors.
Going home after all the passing years
It is a haunted place
yet it will always be home.
The small English town
Lichen covered stone everywhere.
Even the cobbled streets remain.
Shining wet in the ever present rain.
Between the faded
old fashioned shops
on either side of the street.
A church clock strikes three.
As children jump from
the village school steps.
Like a soul returning to heaven.
I see a boy with his scruffy dog.
They are happier than billionaires.
The dog reminds me of my boyhood pet.
A scruffy mongrel running happily
with an even scruffier boy.
It is only another ghost.
But I think it is me.
was born and raised in England
but has lived in Canada for many years.
whenever I visit England.
I get these emotions.
and for some silly reason.
still say I am going home.
बिसायख'थिनि बार बांरबोहांलायगौ
राज्यो राजाया ओंखार बोलायगौ
खामानि दोनथ'नोसैलाय(सिगोन)
समखौ हगारहरनोसैलाय
गामि गामि मिटिं जागायहांलायगौ।
जौ बेदरजों फोरजा बुथुमनाय
बिसायख'थिनि थाखाय दाहोना बुथुमनाय
लोंना दुम दाखाल
गामि गामि गोजोननि आंखाल
बिदा-फंबाय,बिफा-फिसा गावजों गावनो जुगुमलायनाय!
रं नाम्बाराव गोसोथोनाय सिख्ला
बुंनायाबा हले गोदै गोदैखा
सिफिया लांदां जादों
रां सोना हरनांदों
नुबाय दाखालै हटेलाव फिसायानो सानैखा।
थैलायबाय थादों जों बर'आ
खौसेथि गैया गोर्बोआव बिसोरहा
मैयाबो थैदों साथाम
दिनैबो लावदों मोनथाम
नांगौलै बिदिनो खौसेथि गैया साला।
लाव जा फानथाव जा
जोंनि मोसौआ जा गिदिर जांगिला
दाजा बर' गियानि
जोंलाइ लाजिनो रोङि
गावजों गाव थगायलाय थैलायबाय था।
सिथाब सिथाब बे सिख्ला सासेया
गोदै गोदैखा बुंनाय रावफोरा
बिमायाABWWFनि लिदार
फिसाझोआ **** आव मार
सयथिबो आंहा बदनाम जाबा गैखाला!
राज्योनि मेगनाव मोदैनि निजोरा
गामि-गामि थैलायनायनि इसारा
लिदारफोरा मिनिदों
भ'टनि रां होफ'बदों
बा माबादि राजखान्थिगिरिफो
रनि फावथिनाया!
आलु भाजाजों कापसे थुसो
अमा बेदरजों गंसे बोखो
फिसाखौ फोरोंनाङा
बिजाब बायनो रां गैया
दे बिब्दिनो लोंनानैनो राजा जाथारदो।
बर'आ डाइना बुथारग्लुंदों
गुबुनफोरा नायनानै हालाला मिनिदों
मोजांब्लाबो डाइना
गासैबो खाना
देलै बर'फोर बिदिनो गावजों गाव थैग्लुं।
नै सिरांआव थैलायबाय साथाम
क'क्राझाराव हमदोंलायनो मोनथाम
धर्ना होसोलायदों
पुलिसआ बुग्लुंदों
जाजोबबाय नामा बर'आ गासैबो मोनथाम!
i've never felt
more alone
than when
you leave
गोथां मिथिँगानि बिलाइ
सिरिदोँ दालाइ मानख्लाय दालाइ
आंनि मेगन सिगांआव।
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