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Roberta Day Apr 2015
Panning down hills,
coasting behind the scenes
of unfamiliar streets in
the backseat of navigation
 voice singing with elation
no nerves or trepidation
of immersion into new
Branching out on a blank canvas,
chasing the dream evading me
surroundings barking with
flying furs carried by winds drier
than my knees, with every
direction a different path
a secret passage to self-reflection
Ready to erupt, to spew the flow
of a different viewpoint--a change
in an ever-changing mind
I hope to find
I move to Austin this Friday and couldn't be more stoked.
Roberta Day Mar 2015
Been feeling myself
lately, unimpressed by those
who aren't feeling me.
Roberta Day Mar 2015
You must have laser
eyes, 'cause your stare is setting
my body ablaze
Roberta Day Mar 2015
all day on the brink
saline hinging on lashes
reading minds far away
fortune-telling actions
and overgeneralizing
filtering the nonsense
to make room for the
minimizing positivity
maximizing black and
white negatives
focusing on despair
internal anguish;
vicious cycle of
a day in the life
inside of me
I'm reading this self-help for depression book called Feeling Good.
Roberta Day Mar 2015
What matters
in this verse full of
What is substantial
not circumstantial
    of any reality
What holds all of it
all of us in place
What keeps us spinning
Perseverance? Or
What really hurts more
with each revolution
   What gets harder
with each new solution
What is contingent
on our progress
     What are we
striving towards
What is repeated
during this process
What is retained for life
     after death?
What is to blame
for the walking dead
   unable to connect
reincarnation to resurrect
what was lost in time
in between space
What do we see
when our selves
are effaced?
Roberta Day Mar 2015
I want to be over you
because it’s exhausting to keep putting in
giving in, L-I-V-I-N without your acknowledgement
Why do I need validation for the love I harbor?
I want a well-equipped sailor to stay in my tempestuous shores
but apparently I can’t see loyalty through my own turbulent seas
Consiciveness--speak with brevity, pull back the shades of transparency
I used to think you saw me
if that were so, you’d know how dispirited I’ve been
and that you’ve had a small part to play
by sending me mixed signals at some point some days
or maybe I’m insane, as are you
repeating the same actions expecting different results--
is not really the definition of insanity;
some author with a pen coined it, suggesting it were genius
but it’s because it makes sense to the mind of the unsound
when too much noise has filled sensitive ear drums
You’re a storm that’s blown over
destroyed my residency, moving on to the next
I’ve always been terrified of bad weather,
but thought obsessive rituals would quell the thunder
I wonder if it’s me--about the reasons you give
and everyone else I’ve met in this laugh of a life I live
I’ve been left to infer and draw and conclude
Perseveration is more likely the cause in our repeated flaws
but really, these are the last words I’ll write for you
and for myself about you
unless you show me I’m all you could ever want
which I know won’t happen so why daunt?
Roberta Day Mar 2015
I want to stay a
balled up cocoon in my bed
for eternity.
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