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Roberta Day Mar 2015
Laying down truths handpicked for the youths
Don't pass judgements between tooths
Stay all about the sooth-saying
We're all screaming instead of praying
That's why we lose so quickly what were steadily gaining
Don't assume I'm playing when I trip you up
With unexpected grease too slick for a slipper
Servers appreciate a big tipper
But don't break your bank to eat and pay no thanks
Don't knock a gender when you knockin boots with someone who's dead at the roots
Don't go down the wrong way on a one way street
If you're gonna shuffle gotta lift up your feet
If you're cold go out in the heat
If you're old get ready for what you're about to meet
I've stayed silent for so long
Speak up before the moment's gone
And you're reaching for something intangible
Because you felt it was intelligible
Don't suppress what makes you you
Cause there's no one else who can fill your shoes
Don't overthink your thought
You only end up killing that truth you sought
Don't detach yourself, just rewrap yourself
Around peace and harmony, it's good for your health
I'm delirious but are you hearing this?
Sleep's for the weak when all you want to do is weep
Sometimes it's all you need to treat the disease
An escape from your predetermined reality
When you're unable to comprehend what it all means
Remember, loving one another is loving You and Me
Roberta Day Mar 2015
When the bowels churn,
find a lavatory stat!
Don't let them compact.
I call it a haipoo.
Roberta Day Mar 2015
The old is rotting
my insides, my perception
I am not present.
Roberta Day Feb 2015
Sleep was an escape
just like my dreams were, but now
you are always there.
Roberta Day Feb 2015
I need to trust in love and not make a fuss
when a day or week passes without reassurance
  that what was said is still believed
when I have no reason to disbelieve
I just love too deep and when you don't exercise
you're weak and I've repressed my heart for
so long it yearns hard when it's unguarded
Ultimately, the fence falls because I've been rocking
on it too long and then I'm uncertain where to stand
I want to lean on you but worry you've had enough
of being somebody's crutch
I just want what we all desire;
an unhidden connection with someone
who loves me as much as or more than I do them
It is said patience is a virtue
but who cares about high morals anymore
when commitaphobes run abound
because everyone's at least once given their hearts
to someone on the opposite spectrum
to leave them in pieces by misdirection
But like a 10,000 piece puzzle, with time
and patience, it can be put together again
If all hearts are broken or closed off completely,
how will I ever find one to reciprocate my love so freely?
Roberta Day Feb 2015
Warm laundry gives me the
fuzzies, makes my hands grasp
   majestic purple soaps
to cleanse away the ***** wails
compacted under fingernails
A selection of smell good things
lotions accompanied by fuzzy things
to rub away and radiate the aura
of calm, balance, and tranquility
Lavender is condusive to many
different uses, inhaling the graces
of herbal essence, soothing said coolings
inducing mood peelings of layers of grime
a skin liberative—figuratively speaking
Flowers of passion brew thoughts into actions
silent buds permeating scents
   so invigoratingly innocent
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