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 May 2016 rifqi
Jack Jenkins
There are just some days when hurt and fear cut deep into your spinal cord and you are left totally paralyzed in despair and hopelessness clawing away at the door you locked yourself behind hoping someone can tear it down and rescue you
But nobody ever comes and you suffocate on the fumes of your gloom the bane of your perseverance is the nagging tempting whisper that
      ­                                                  Not
           ­                                                    Worth
       ­                                                                 ­    It
Just a sidenote; I decided to try writing without and punctuation to see how it looked. Do you guys enjoy it, hate it, or are indifferent to it?
 Apr 2016 rifqi

Say what you will
hoping people will listen
Stand up and shout
just as loud as you can
Walk in a circle
until you are dizzy
Write down the rules
now a part of your plan

Here I will wait
with my head held up higher
Knowing the truth
that lives inside of me
Holding my tongue,
you don’t need ammunition
There in your mind
you’ll find all that you need

I raise my voice
on occasion in anger
Fall to the hate
that I know you all see
When deep inside
all that truly does matter
Is I’m in love
and forever will be

So I will try,
do my best to ignore you
Say what you will
tell the world how you feel
That is your thing
for I guess you are lonely
You should find love
and your hatred conceal

Now this I write
with the hope she is reading
Sending my thoughts
in the phrases below
Sharing my dreams
that are always about us
Saying again
for I want her to know

I am a poet
who writes of affection
Sharing my thoughts
every once in a while
Wanting the words
that I'm writing to touch you
Lifting your heart
and producing a smile

Still there are times
when directions are changing
I slip and fall
just like most of us do
Then I return
for my heart knows the reason
I’m just a man
who is in love with you
We all slip and fall from time to time, get ****** into situations and react in ways that we know are childish and wrong. When it would be just as easy to ignore hurtful things that are said about happens.

Sticks and stones.  :)

I hope you enjoy my poem
 Oct 2015 rifqi
Haydn Swan
Love is like a raindrop,
delicately formed by the vapors of time,
inherently achieving its perfect shape,
before gently falling through the atmosphere of life,
dispersing into oblivion as it hits the ground,
lost forever as though it was never there.
 Oct 2015 rifqi
Mike Essig
Your Eyes
 Oct 2015 rifqi
Mike Essig
Pale green fire
that consumes me.

Your gaze
reduces me to ashes.


oh, my!
 Oct 2015 rifqi
Tamera Pierce
 Oct 2015 rifqi
Tamera Pierce
Heart’s deterioration
Soulful deprivation
Self- alienation
Mindful admiration
Pretending to be patient
Hands busy shaking
Still sorta breaking
To you in which I’m thanking
My gears are busy cranking
But yet I am silent
to be honest, this is just a bunch of my favorite words thrown together..... sorry.
 Jun 2015 rifqi
Ryan Hoysan
 Jun 2015 rifqi
Ryan Hoysan
There may be many like you, but none so curious as you. For as broken as you may be, your only focus is mending the broken hearts of those nearest you, ignoring your own pain, in hopes of healing another. This cannot possibly last forever though. Given enough time, even the strongest may fall. Allow me then, the carpenter, to attend to you. To sand away the rough edges and glue the splinters together once more. I cannot stand to see you broken, a divine angel, fallen from heaven. Allow me then to take your place. Allow my dreams to be scattered like ash, that you may live out yours. In the end though, my simplest dream has been fulfilled. You are happy. So am I.
Not sure how this one turned out. Just had a though floating in my mind and ran with it.
 Jun 2015 rifqi
Be My Needle
 Jun 2015 rifqi
My heart is a pin cushion.
Various people have stuck needles
into it; but that's its purpose.
That's the good part.

The bad part, you see,
is when the needles are taken out.
I no longer have a meaning,
and I no longer feel loved
or useful.

Because what is a pin cushion
without needles?
I've got the holes
where they once were,
but that is all I have.

My heart is a petty, scarred
little pin cushion.
And there aren't any needles in sight.

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